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It's not working for crying out loud

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I'm getting real sick and tired of WWE bringing in all of these past and big name stars to the company in hopes that ratings will go up and biz will pick up. Haven't they learned by so many failed attempts that it's just not gonna work. All the guys they've brought in: Steiner, Hogan, Nash, Piper, Goldberg, HBK, Austin and now Mick Foley.


When are they gonna realize that it's time to push the current talent they have and create their own stars like they did with HHH, Rock, and Austin. What is it gonna take for them to realize this? They must push guys like Storm, Booker, RVD, Christian, Jericho, Lesnar, Benoit, Mysterio, Edge, Cena

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Guess that makes it a good thing that NWA-TNA signed Sting.

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Guest razazteca

Out of the people you mention only Austin, HBK and Foley are the guys I care for. They still have a use for the show as they are the best at the interview and promo. They are not healthy enough to have a match every week but this is the WWE which focuses on how well of an actor you are so this is not a big issue.


They must push guys like Storm, Booker, RVD, Christian, Jericho, Lesnar, Benoit, Mysterio, Edge, Cena


At least these veterans are willing to put over the talent. And I think Lance Storm is a lost cause.

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They must push guys like Storm, Booker, RVD, Christian, Jericho, Lesnar, Benoit, Mysterio, Edge, Cena


Storm: Finished, over-rated, never was much good anyway

Booker: Absolutely crushed beyond repair

RVD: Was pushed, de-pushed, killed, re-born, dying a slow death

Christian: Not that good to begin with

Jericho: Still holds a high spot, but is just used as a company pivot

Lesnar: WWE champion, can't be pushed any further

Benoit: Was pushed, excellent wrestler, successful champion?

Mysterio: Doing well on Smackdown, will never main-event, so don't build your hopes up.

Edge: Injured, but will be crushed upon return

Cena: Was pushed, proven that he's not ready yet.


In other words, your point?

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Guest razazteca

They all need matches vs Foley to get them over or have Austin as their manager :boxing:


Storm: was good in a fed a long long long time ago

Booker T: Why must he lose in his home town everytime?

RVD: Dude relax

Christian: Is the Peeps Chump, can become the next Jericho

Jericho: 1% chance of beating HHH and that is a good thing

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Guest Choken One

They still got one ace in the hole...


An 5 millon dollar ace in the hole...



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Guest jm29195

Although you say that they should push 'their own guys', of your list of people who should be pushed, Storm, Booker, RVD, Jericho, Benoit and Mysterio are not by any means home grown wwe guys, having spent the majority of their careers outside the wwe. Mysterio especially was only brought in around this time last year, before Steiner and Goldberg.....

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Guest Retro Rob

I think we might start seeing more of Storm once a face wins the IC Title. I figure he would be used in a small TV program, maybe while the WWE is building up to a SD! PPV.

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Guest Choken One

and ummm...Maybe i'm crazy or something...



HASN'T mysterio been pushed a HUGE amount? I mean he got a major hype job coming in...Started a fued with Angle and was a pivotal part of smd for about 7 Months in tagging and he went to where he belongs in the CW...getting a huge shove for the CW title...and of course the DVD...


Sure they did the A-Train thing but they needed to do it anyways...just the wrong guy was all...

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Guest jm29195

Don't forget Lex Luger and Psycho Sid, they can form tag teams with Test and Zach Gowen respectively...

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Guest razazteca
They still got one ace in the hole...


An 5 millon dollar ace in the hole...



You are forgetting the Franchise Shane Douglas.

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Guest Choken One





Might as well bring back Chris Candido while your at it...

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They still got one ace in the hole...


An 5 millon dollar ace in the hole...



You are forgetting the Franchise Shane Douglas.

Douglas would be the LEAST likely to come back to the WWE.


Michaels, HHH, and Nash would all push against signing Douglas, since he had problems with them.


Savage I could see, though I'd rather him replace Lawler on Raw.

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Guest Choken One

Fuck That...Put SAVAGE in the MAIN PROGRAM with Jericho and let that shit fly impromptu style!

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Guest Choken One

Uh Yeah...


He cuts promos all the time and does apperences on That Damn Sports Show a lot and can still work a crowd...

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Guest jm29195

Put Savage in a rap off against Cena, but seriously can Savage even work any more, last time i saw him was in a one off appearance in a battle royale before Spring Stampede 2000, and he lokked really crap..

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Uh Yeah...


He cuts promos all the time and does apperences on That Damn Sports Show a lot and can still work a crowd...

Plus there was his work in the Spider-Man movie...

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Guest jm29195

Put him in the RAW upper card and that's a good thing, bye bye HHH, Nash, Goldberg, Steiner, Kane...

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Guest Choken One

Just let Savage do dueling Promos with Jericho and Angle...


and keep him FAR FAR FAR FAR AWAY from Hogan...


or Hogan will have something more in common with Zach Gowen then their hatred for Vince McMahon.

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Guest jm29195

I've got a feeling that Savage can't even move properly anymore, he looks nearly as roided as Steiner and he must be in his late 40's early 50's now?

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I've got a feeling that Savage can't even move properly anymore, he looks nearly as roided as Steiner and he must be in his late 40's early 50's now?

Savage is 51...1 year older than Hulk Hogan.

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