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Guest The Mighty Damaramu


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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

You know should the HHH/Kane match had the stip "if Kane doesn't win the title he has to unmask" because I know they're going to try a bullshit screwjob now. Where Evolution interferes and HHH is DQ'd thus ripping the fans off.

If they want the mask off so bad but don't want either man to job then they could just have Kane go all monster and get himself DQ'd.

But I still smell screwjob. Screwjob on the fans. Anyone else smell it coming?

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Guest Dangerous A

With this match getting the proper hype and build, they would be best advised to not screw with the fans just to keep HHH and Kane happy.



That said, they are probrably going to screw everyone since they've forgotten how to properly follow through with a payoff for a match stip.

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The screwjob was done last night, when Kane got the title shot, and RVD laid outside the ring for 15 minutes.


Besides that, I don't see much of a screwjob. Jindrak will come help Triple H win. Kane will take off his mask. It will turn out that he only had a few burns and scars on his face, but was so insecure about his looks. He'll put his mask back on. He'll go and have a cherry slushie with RVD. And the fans will respond with apathy.

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Guest D'Lo White

HHH will win by DQ when a second Kane interferes and attacks him.


The second Kane will unmask and be Kevin Nash.


The real Kane gets to keep his mask on and Nash stays in the title hunt. Everyone celebrates.

Edited by D'Lo White

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Guest Jobber of the Week

You think Vince is going to screwjob a main event at MSG?


If he pisses off that crowd, what does he have left?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Vince would never piss off his fans... never... He likes to piss ON them... there's a difference.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

If you don't think Vince McMahon will piss off a crowd at MSG then you haven't been watching WWE long enough. Vince doesn't care who he screws. Who in the WWE is from New York?


*Looks at list of "Hometown Screwjobs" *


- Booker T in Houston (twice.)

- Benoit in Edmonton

- JR in Oklahoma (twice, both times I laughed because JR sucks)

- Hardy Boyz

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Guest Space_Cowboy

The WWE giving the fans a stupid screwjob ending to something they've built and hyped up? Well, they've certainly never done THAT before...

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Guest Just call me Dan

I wouldn't be surprised if they did the old bait and switch again. It'll probably end up being Triple H vs Shawn Michaels and X-Pac returning to blow of feud # 47 with Kane still wearing the old mask he ripped off.

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If you don't think Vince McMahon will piss off a crowd at MSG then you haven't been watching WWE long enough. Vince doesn't care who he screws. Who in the WWE is from New York?


*Looks at list of "Hometown Screwjobs" *


- Booker T in Houston (twice.)

- Benoit in Edmonton

- JR in Oklahoma (twice, both times I laughed because JR sucks)

- Hardy Boyz

MSG is a little different though.


MSG is pretty much WWE's hometown.


It's the arena most used by Vince J McMahon, it's the only arena thus far that will hold WrestleMania 3 times...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I'll be shocked if there ISNT a screwjob. When Vince makes a big match on free tv, and hypes it, and gives it that "main event feel", it only means one thing, an overbooked match.


oh that reminds me, let's play "guess the run-ins" in this thread.



B. Flair

C. Orton

D. Nash

E. Foley

F. Jindrak


H. Other

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Guest The Juice
You know should the HHH/Kane match had the stip "if Kane doesn't win the title he has to unmask" because I know they're going to try a bullshit screwjob now. Where Evolution interferes and HHH is DQ'd thus ripping the fans off.

If they want the mask off so bad but don't want either man to job then they could just have Kane go all monster and get himself DQ'd.

But I still smell screwjob. Screwjob on the fans. Anyone else smell it coming?

That's not a bullshit screwjob, it's called a swerve. I know it's been a while since they have actually pulled one off correctly but that's the name for it.


Bret was a scewjob, this is a poor attempt at a swerve.

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Guest Choken One

No Chance...too risky to fade away under the lights and sweat...


Best bet is too get HOLLYWOOD makeup...


instead they will draw Magic Marker on kane...that oughta work...

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I. All of the above

Imagine? That'd be the most absurd booking to date. Total mayhem as the locker room spills out and everyone beats down Kane. Thats so crazy, I'd probably mark out like hell just to see what it would lead to. A huge push for Kane (the jobber to the stars) wouldn't be justified since he isn't that great, although I guess he has been loyal to the company.....


Although watching him chokeslam everyone would certainly make me laugh. After that over I'd then realize how sad of a state WWE is, and probably get someone to help me throw my big TV out the window onto my '95 Geo Metro as to prevent me from driving to the Providence house show coming up.


Boy, this post makes no sense. Whatev.

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Geo Metro? What a loser.

In the Metro's defense: It is very fuel efficient which means I save money on gas. It's got a 4-star safety rating and duel side airbags. And it contains about 43 empty Aquafina bottles since I am always stealing water from work. And a roomy backseat....


Eh, who am I kidding. It's top speed is like 90mph and it smells like sandwiches. But if you ever see the blue rollerskate drive, you will hear the distinct sound of the loudest, most violent metal on the planet.

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Guest CanadianChick

Have Kane lose, be insecure without his mask and join Evolution. That way I don't have to see a Kane/HHH feud or Kane and RVD being buddies anymore.

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Guest Choken One

aNyone catch on to Kane rubbing his mask before RVD showed up backstage?


and rvd going "Theres more to ya then that mask"...


If this was Shakespere or any competent writing staff for that matter...


That would be called "FORESHADOW" to a RVD heel turn...


but's it WWE and it meant nothing.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

The funny thing is, WWE's major angles include a LOT of foreshadowing.


Just none of it is on purpose.

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Guest CanadianChick

That whole 'foreshadowing' concept is out of the grasp of most the writers. Unless, it is very, very obvious. Like 'I got a bad feeling something bad is going to happen' obvious.

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Guest wwF1587

i cant wait for kane to loose his mask to see how the wwe can botch up kanes' face...piss off the MSG crowd by screwing them like everywere else, and HHH can add another accomplishment to his ego... BAH! Im working monday, thank god

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Guest Choken One

And in two weeks HHH beats Hurricane in a Mask match...


HHH will become the modern day Jericho...

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Guest razazteca

What if they pulled the old school time limit draw finish? And extended this angle for a month for a big Hair vs Mask match at SummerSlam.

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