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Guest newblood03

What was the " This is your life"

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Guest newblood03

I know someone knows it. I never titled segments so can someone give me a memory check

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And you open the door and you step inside

We're inside our hearts

Now imagine your pain is a white ball of healing light

Thats right, your pain,

The pain itself

Is a white ball of healing light


I dont think so.


This is your life, good to the last drop,

Doesn't get any better than this

this is your life and its ending one minute at a time

This isn't a seminar

This isn't a weekend retreat

Where you are now you can't even imagine what the bottom will be like

Only after disaster can we be ressurected

Only after you've lost everything you are free to do anything.

Nothing is static

Everything is evolving

Everything is falling apart

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake

You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

We are all part of the same compost

We are the all singing all dancing crap of the world

You are not your bank account

You are not the clothes you wear

You are not the contents of your wallet

You are not your boul cancer

Your not the car you drive

Your not your fucking khakis!

You have to give up.

You have to give up.

You have to realize that someday you will die

And until you know that you are useless.

I say may I never me be complete

I say let me never be content

I say deliver me from swedish forniture

I say deliver me from clever arts

I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth

I say you have to give up

I say evolve. and let the chips fall and land where they may


This is your life this is your life this is your life

Doesn't get any better than this

This is your life this is your life this is your life

and it-and its ending one minute at a time

You have to give up, you have to give up.



Welcome to Fight Club

If this is your first night

You have to fight

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Guest Eagan469

Mankind calling out Rock's 3rd grade teacher, ex-girlfriend, etc. on RAW in order to amuse him.


"You wouldn't go to 2nd base with The Rock!"

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Guest Choken One

As much as I love FIGHT CLUB...I dont want Yuna to associate with the highest rated WWF non-wrestling segment which was a 21 minute segment involving rock and Mankind...Where Foley gave tribute to rock...


The highest ALL time rated segment was Austin/Taker which got a 9.3

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Guest newblood03

Ok i gotcha^^ i was watching Nitro at the time but saw it later on. In fact i remember that day.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...Nitro had Saturn/Kidman...and you watched that instead of a Funny skit with the two best face mic workers in the biz?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling
As much as I love FIGHT CLUB...I dont want Yuna to associate with the highest rated WWF non-wrestling segment which was a 21 minute segment involving rock and Mankind...Where Foley gave tribute to rock...


The highest ALL time rated segment was Austin/Taker which got a 9.3

Yeah a lot of people forget to qualify the Rock-Mankind segment as the "highest head-to-head rated segment of all time".

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Guest Adrian 3:16
Yeah...Nitro had Saturn/Kidman...and you watched that instead of a Funny skit with the two best face mic workers in the biz?

Are you sure? I could've sworn it ran against the Bret/Benoit Owen tribute match. (Although the segment went so ridculously long its very possible a few matches on Nitro could've gone down.)


In any case, one of the most over-rated segments in history. The pie thing was funny but it just went so damn long... I'm sure the reason it popped such a rating was people thought "OK, this has to building to something" (that's why I sat through it at least), but the big finish was Yurple the Clown. :(

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Are you sure? I could've sworn it ran against the Bret/Benoit Owen tribute match.

No, Bret/Benoit was on October 4, 1999 and This is Your Life was on September 27.

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Guest Jobber of the Week


Go back to your WWE Fantasies board kthxgoal

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Guest The Old Me
The highest ALL time rated segment was Austin/Taker which got a 9.3

Which Austin/Taker segment was this?

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Guest Choken One

Undertaker's Title Match against Austin was the highest of all time getting an 9.3 in the over run...


This is your Life only garnered a 8.3 in comparison...


Raw is Owen is the all time highest Rated Raw breaking an 7.3 overall rating...(or something in that neighborhood)

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Guest EdwardKnoxII
In any case, one of the most over-rated segments in history. The pie thing was funny but it just went so damn long... I'm sure the reason it popped such a rating was people thought "OK, this has to building to something" (that's why I sat through it at least), but the big finish was Yurple the Clown. 


And, I think, it was the first time in wrestling history were a birthday cake was there and didn't get all messed up and thrown in somebody's face.


And, of course, how could you forget HHH running to the ring with a sledgehammer and tripping over a balloon.

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Guest Youth N Asia

To me it was just another way too long segment. It was entertaining enough, but nothing special to me.

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What bothers me the most about the segment is that it doesn't really go anywhere. Yes, it was where the "Poontang Pie" catchphrase started for The Rock and it was entertaining to many, but ultimately, what did it accomplish?


If the goal was to make Mick Foley seem like a kiss ass to The Rock to set up their eventual breakup, it wasn't necessary.


Triple H's involvement is an afterthought at best and even I don't remember why he ran in.


It didn't advance any storylines at all.



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Guest Downhome

It was one of the most boring segments of all time as far as I'm concerned. It had no point, went nowhere, and led to f'n nothing.


I'd watch just about anything that goes on today than that horrible segment, ugh.

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Guest Anglesault

HHH ran in?


It was one of the most boring segments of all time as far as I'm concerned. It had no point, went nowhere, and led to f'n nothing.


Downhome, we are taking about "This is your life" not the Goldberg signing. ;)

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Guest Downhome
HHH ran in?


It was one of the most boring segments of all time as far as I'm concerned. It had no point, went nowhere, and led to f'n nothing.


Downhome, we are taking about "This is your life" not the Goldberg signing. ;)

That was uncalled for hurt. :(

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HHH ran in?


It was one of the most boring segments of all time as far as I'm concerned. It had no point, went nowhere, and led to f'n nothing.


Downhome, we are taking about "This is your life" not the Goldberg signing. ;)

That was uncalled for hurt. :(

That wasn't a correct sentence. :)



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Guest Kid Kablam

I think Foley said that they were building up to something big, something huge, but it got cut off. I can't quite remember, but Mick was very angry in his book about it.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

In his second book, I think, Foley mentioned that Russo's final script for a Raw, which thankfully got binned, would have seen Mankind propose to Rock. Which is where I guess the TIYL segment was meant to lead to.

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Guest jm29195

I believe that Foley mentioned in his second book that the egment was supposed to lead towards a Foley heel turn as Cactus Jack. The origian lidea of teh Rock and Sock Connection was to have Rock not caring for teming with Mankind but gradually growing to like him and then to have Foley abruptly turn on Rock and become Cactus Jack leading to a retirement match for Foley against Rock at the 2000 Rumble. This was changed because despite Foley's best efforts, Rock wouldn't show any emotion to him whatsoever, thus making Mankind look stupid and Rock superior- for a more recent example see Rock's promo on Goldberg at Backlash. This is your Life segment was supposed to be a major part of this segment but was never really follwed up on because the Rock didn't show any warmth to Foley in it and just remained his normal arrogant self.

For an example of what could have happened, see Foley's promo on the Rock after he finds out that Rock has chucked his book in the trash- it's on the Foley dvd.

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Guest Slapnuts00
It was one of the most boring segments of all time as far as I'm concerned. It had no point, went nowhere, and led to f'n nothing.

Are we talking about the Badd Blood Redneck Triathalon?


In his second book, I think, Foley mentioned that Russo's final script for a Raw, which thankfully got binned, would have seen Mankind propose to Rock. Which is where I guess the TIYL segment was meant to lead to.

Go ahead Russo apologists, defend this.

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