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Guest GameCop

Preliminary SummerSlam card

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Guest AndrewTS
SummerSlam can't be bad. Its God's gift to Smarks for the past three years.

It's been a great show since 98, actually. Shockingly it was good even in the Russo years.

The horrid '99 edition interrupts the streak though.


It was good in '97, too.

Eh, I liked 99. It had Shamrock/Blackman, D'Lo vs. Jarrett, Rock vs. Gunn in a shockingly good match, the Test/Shane Love Her or Leave Her Match, and Mankind winning the title in the Triple Threat Main Event.

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Guest Zack Malibu

The Benjamin/Hass vs. Eddy/Tajiri match should be a No-DQ match. They can build on the fact that Eddy and Tajiri have CHEATED TO WIN~! in their matches on Smackdown, and that the DQ rule is not in effect, so Eddy and Tajiri can't save the titles like they've done. Could also make for some cool hardcore spots and steal the show match-wise.

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Guest Choken One

I'd perfer a 2/3 Falls myself because They dont do Tag 2/3 falls that often and they did a classic 2/3 falls at Slam 1990 so lets have another one...


I'm not digging Dudleyz/Le Resistance tho..


I also expect these three matches


Undertaker Vs Rhyno

Gail Kim Vs Jazz

Steiner Vs Lance Storm

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Guest Choken One

GAZOOKS! Are you INSANE man? LITA? let's just hope WWE forgotten about her...



Knowing them...They'll stick her back with Matt and turn him face just for LITA.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Im guessing the Rock isn't coming back like he did for the previous 2 SummerSlams..

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Guest HHH123007

I hope that's the card....CAUSE I'M GOING!


:does a happy dance:

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Guest Choken One

never Dis-count a quickie Rock return for Summer Slam...Likely as a Face with X and putting him over...


WWE has become a Hobby for Rock...He does it when he has time and has fun but doesn't treat like it's crucial...

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Guest Polish_Rifle
GAZOOKS! Are you INSANE man? LITA? let's just hope WWE forgotten about her...



Knowing them...They'll stick her back with Matt and turn him face just for LITA.

How can they forget about her. She’s the most popular woman on the roster and has a book coming out in August. She will definitely get the major push when she comes back…I guess that’s good for me!

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Because she’s hot! Seriously, I think the company feels that it will sell and appeal to the mass public. It is available for pre-order on Amazon.


Once again, I guess I’ll be happy.

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