Guest Shanghai Kid Report post Posted June 22, 2003 Promo wise, and even possibly wrestling wise, I think Jericho was at his best in WCW. I saw wrestling wise because he wrestled a more exciting cruiserweight style back than. A few reasons I think Jericho was way better in WCW are: Arguably a better heel character ala more catchphrases, better heel promos Better feuds- Malenko feud, Huvy feud, mini Goldberg feud, they were all memorable. More creativity- Jericho did something different every week in WCW. More credibility- His heel character would actually win matches clean, he CW title for over 6 months, and than immediately got the TV title for another 4 months. More credible finisher- Does the Wall of Jericho ever win matches? Back in WCW, when he slapped on the hardcore Lion Tamer, it was over. Anyways, outside of great matches with Chris Benoit, has Jericho's stay in WWF even been more entertaining than his days in WCW? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Czech Republic Report post Posted June 22, 2003 I acknowledge Prime: Jericho's was in WCW. Of course it was. Ralphus, Gene Mean, Greenberg, The 1004 Holds, The Trophy Collection, Jerichoflow, I can go on forever detailing why 80% of Jericho's greatest moments took place in WCW. Is there a Jericho DVD out yet? Because if they make one, they need to show all the good stuff from WCW circa 1997-1999. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Oh God, there is no question at all in my mind concerning this. I loved Jericho's WCW run a lot better than anything he's done in WWE so far. He's had his high points in WWE like winning the Undsiputed Championship for the first time ever, his debut with Rocky, and then his matches with Benoit and others. Still, his work in WCW was just gold. Everything he did it was just awesome. Besides, in WWE he had that damn feud with Chyna, so that alone puts his WCW run over WWE, lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted June 23, 2003 WWE style, folks. Vince and *cough*HHH*cough* didn't like his Puro-ish style. As for promos, he was a mere midcarder in WCW and...uh... Well, I got nothing for that part of the argument. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Of course, you can't forget the Jericholic Ninja! The fact that Jericho won his matches clean back then and rubbed it in everyone's face is what added more heat therefore making him such a great heel. I also miss him using the rulebook to get the legal loopholes. Ah, good times, good times, I miss them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Czech Republic Report post Posted June 23, 2003 When he listed the 1004 holds, didn't they go to commercial midway and come back from break with him still going? When he sang "New York, New York" that was sort of a tribute to his WCW promos, in a way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 When he listed the 1004 holds, didn't they go to commercial midway and come back from break with him still going? I think so. When he sang "New York, New York" that was sort of a tribute to his WCW promos, in a way. How so? Was it that one time on RAW you're talking about? Wait a minute, wasn't he born in New York? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Czech Republic Report post Posted June 23, 2003 I don't know, maybe because that was actually entertaining it was an homage to his prime. I don't know. Yeah he was born there, his dad played for the Rangers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 23, 2003 When he sang "New York, New York" that was sort of a tribute to his WCW promos, in a way. How so? Was it that one time on RAW you're talking about? Wait a minute, wasn't he born in New York? It was a tribute because there was a commercial in the middle of the promo, like how it was in WCW, ala 1004 holds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Interesting, I miss the old Jericho damn it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Man he doesn't even mess up names anymore. Dean Malerko, Greenberg, Quasimodo, and that time he introduced the Cruiserweight battler royal? GOLD! *introducing Marty Jannetty* "He's going to rock rock rock till he drops! Marty Jannetty!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mecha Mummy 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Whoa. Czech, that sig is AWESOME. I haven't seen too much of WCW Heel Jericho (I started watching wrestling in 1999 and it was mostly WWF), but what I've seen is pretty awesome. I can't really judge, though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Stinko Malenko Larry Lane Prince Nakamaki I forgot the rest He kept the name calling in 2000, but it ended after that. 1998 was truly the year of Chris Jericho! Jericholics (Anomynous) unite! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Czech Republic Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Whoa. Czech, that sig is AWESOME. I haven't seen too much of WCW Heel Jericho (I started watching wrestling in 1999 and it was mostly WWF), but what I've seen is pretty awesome. I can't really judge, though yeah Land Shark Boy. Yeah the Cruiserweight Battle Royal was gold. "Here comes Silver King. Maybe someday he'll be upgraded to Gold King." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 There are tons of great Jericho WCW moments: - 1,004 Holds . . . The Super Blizzard being my favorite. - Jericho and his Personal Security Staff getting 'locked' outside before a match vs. Wrath. In reality, Jericho was holding the door closed with his fool while he 'tried' to open it. - Jericho giving a reason for the fans to boo him at Souled Out 1998. - His intros at Slamboree. - The Arrogant Cover. - Reading his letter from Ted Turner. - Calling JJ Dillion every name in the book one Nitro, and then immediately sucking up when he saw him. - Bringing the photo of Malenko week after week. - His promo at Starrcade 1998. Other nicknames: Dean-O Machino Ron Mysterio Skeevone (Schiavone) Mr. T (Booker T) P.S. Perry Saturn Baby Huey (Konnan) Bobby Dumbcum Jr. I'm sure there were more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Agent_Bond34 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Besides, in WWE he had that damn feud with Chyna, so that alone puts his WCW run over WWE, lol. At least back then, he wasn't feuding with nasty-looking, undeserving, man-beasts like Chyna. As for some of the Jericho WCW insults. What about the following: Ron Mysterio Hoot n Toot Guerrera Quasi Juice Edit - Damn it, beaten to the punch on the Ron Mysterio reference. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ash Ketchum Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Man, is there a website where they have a listing of all the great things Jericho did in WCW? If not, someone should make one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Bump Machine Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Can't forget about him and Ralphus getting lost backstage while imitating Goldberg's entrance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Czech Republic Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Can't forget about him and Ralphus getting lost backstage while imitating Goldberg's entrance Obviously Chris has seen Spinal Tap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Agent_Bond34 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Man, is there a website where they have a listing of all the great things Jericho did in WCW? If not, someone should make one. At one point, I had a list of Jericho-insults ranging from WCW to WWF. It was pretty funny, but I think that page was deleted ages ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DerangedHermit Report post Posted June 23, 2003 When he listed the 1004 holds, didn't they go to commercial midway and come back from break with him still going? When he sang "New York, New York" that was sort of a tribute to his WCW promos, in a way. Yeah, I was at that Raw at MSG. The fans were chanting "SHUT THE FUCK UP" during the commercial was insane how much heat he got. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted June 23, 2003 We need Prime Guys take on this subject.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Yeah, I was at that Raw at MSG. The fans were chanting "SHUT THE FUCK UP" during the commercial was insane how much heat he got. Could you hear that on TV? o_O Anyway, can't forgot Joe Joe Dillon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 One of my favorite openings to a promo was on a Thunder: "Everybody have fun tonight . . . Everybody Wang Chung tonight!" I think that's how ya spell it. It took me a bit to get it, but that made it all the better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Star Ocean 3 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Bore-us Malenko Ru Saturn Flea Marshall Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Agent_Bond34 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2003 Another funny Jericho bit. His match at SuperBrawl VIII against Juventud Guerrera, mask vs title for the WCW Cruiserweight championship. At one point, he was laying outside the ring, being counted out. Then during the count, Jericho was lifting his head up to see if the ref was looking, he did this several times. It was quite funny, IMO. And of course, his comments after the match, before, during, and after Juvi took his mask off. Again, funny stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted June 23, 2003 I liked Jericho at the Library of Congress exploiting an old rule. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheAnvil Report post Posted June 23, 2003 I think Jericho was better simply because he wrestled cruisers. He's a cruiser. He won clean because it was believable. He was bigger than most of his opponents, and his size made the submission or finish (double powerbomb) better. Now, he wrestles opponents bigger than him, and it's not as believable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted June 23, 2003 I don't really see any problem believing a smaller guy can beat a big guy. It happens ALL the time in real life. So I'm not understanding why everyone always says "Well he's it's not as believable!" Hell a guy Jericho's size could kick the shit out of a guy Nash's size. Hell I bet Jericho could kick the shit out of Nash. Size really doesn't mean as much as people make it out to be. Could I buy Jericho making Big Show tap out? Yes sir I can. And I'm sure most people in the audience would. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted June 23, 2003 I don't really see any problem believing a smaller guy can beat a big guy. It happens ALL the time in real life. Wrestling isn't real life... I agree that Jericho was better simply because he was a cruiserweight. The matches were paced better, at least for Jericho. Not to mention he didn't have to work the WWE style back then either. I believe that WCW was Chris Jericho's prime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites