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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Freddy vs. Jason

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Guest Big_Jay101

Freddy vs Jason didnt have 1 drop of blood cut by the MPAA and is said to be one of the bloodiest of either series. ( JPS was in Scream 2)

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Guest Prototype450
Yeah, he got Creighton Duke with the bear hug, and he has a modified more vicious version of the big swing as well, what with the victim in the sleeping bag and being slammed by their feet into the tree and all.


Jason is kinda thick though, I think he should utilize the gore personally. Freddy obviously should just go luchadore and come up with 45 different variations of the arm drag, he's got the build for it.


I have no idea why I'm analyzing what wrestling moves the guys should use either, sorry.

Yea freddy could bust out a nice fraken steiner or a big elbow off of something. That would be a cool visual of Freddy jumping like 50 feet and the air and crashing down on jason



Jason should use some hossy moves like takers flying clothesline or the................................Big Boot!


I can see it now, J sticks his machete in Kelly Rowland's chest steps back, and runs in full speed and boots the damn thing through her.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Hey I can see it now..........

*Freddy goes for the hurricarana but is powerbombed through the ground by Jason*


King: JR LOOK!

*Freddy no sells the powerbomb and leaps out of the ground with a vicious spinning heel kick knocking Jason off of his feet and onto a fence*

JR: Boy that Freddy may not be big but he's got a big heart! WHO'S YOUR DADDY JASON!?

*Freddy looks at Jason slumped over the fence and then spins his hands over his head*

Freddy: 619!!!!

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Guest Prototype450

But Jason sees it coming and roles out of the way. with Freddy stunned he picks him and hits the Demon Driver (Tiger Driver '91) Freddy gets folded up like an accordian. Jason climbs ontop of a log cabin to deliever a big elbow. Voorhees goes for it but misses it Freddy roles on top to get a two count!

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

HHH pedigrees everyone, 1 2 3, roll credits.


Well someone had to make the obvious pathetic joke.

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Guest Prototype450

But as a suprise ending Jason and Freddy stand up and hit the Slash and Gash (doomsday device) on HHH. HHH gets up, pissed as ever and busts out the sledge hammer. Jason gets his machete and cuts it in half. HHH spits water in Freddy and Jason's face and runs away.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Jason makes a bad ass hoss in any wrestling game.



Beat Bradshaw with Clothesline from Hell

Squashed Hogan with big boot, and leg drop

Chokeslamed Viscera all the way to the fiery depths of Hell

Tombstoned both Taker and Kane, and pined Taker

No-sells five stunners, only to finish off Austin with a headbutt

Knocked Cactus Jack out in a no DQ match

No-sold Goldberg's spear and jackhammer

It took HHH five Pedigrees to finally put Jason down

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Guest Prototype450

Wait this your Jason CAW on Smackdown and No Mercy?! Holy shit JR would cream his pants if he saw Jason in action. "310 pounds! 6'4! 8 and 3 quater inch head. Size 14 boot. Cat like quickness."

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Guest Mattdotcom

*Freddy looks at Jason slumped over the fence and then spins his hands over his head*

Freddy: 619!!!!

Guess WHHHo: Don't call spots-uh.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Wait this your Jason CAW on Smackdown and No Mercy?! Holy shit JR would cream his pants if he saw Jason in action. "310 pounds! 6'4! 8 and 3 quater inch head. Size 14 boot. Cat like quickness."

Yes it's him. Unfotunately I created him with the gameshark, so the fucker will not job, even to the Hogan CAW.

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Guest Mattdotcom

I know its a little off-topic, but I have a question about Freddy vs. Jason. Does anyone have a report of the weigh-in they were supposed to do in Vegas this week?

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Guest Choken One

Dunno if this was spoken about...


Why is it


Freddy Vs Jason and not Jason Vs Freddy?

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Guest eiker_ir

i think Freddy vs. Jason sounds better.


and they have pics of that weigh-in thing at the official Freddy vs. Jason site.



12 more days.....so close yet so far...

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

My cousin's roommate wen't to the screening this week in Vegas. He let me in on a few Spoilers.


I won't give them all, but i'll give you one that you'll be happy with...


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Kelly Rowland - R.I.P.


Figure it out...

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Guest Choken One
My cousin's roommate wen't to the screening this week in Vegas. He let me in on a few Spoilers.


I won't give them all, but i'll give you one that you'll be happy with...


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Kelly Rowland - R.I.P.


Figure it out...


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Thanks, Natural. I think because F comes before J in the alphabet, Choken.

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Guest Prototype450
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Kelly Rowland - R.I.P.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

how?! Bet she doesn't get a death too gory

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Dammit, all the studios need to get together and have a horror Battle Royale:




Michael Myers

Tall Man











Throw all sorts of cool stuff in there.

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Guest Prototype450
Dammit, all the studios need to get together and have a horror Battle Royale:




Michael Myers

Tall Man











Throw all sorts of cool stuff in there.

The zombies wouldn't last too long as they are the easiest to kill.


But other than that the movie would take forever with Freddy, Jason, and Micael Myers.

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Guest eiker_ir

throw a werewolf and Chucky in there and the battle royal would be complete.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Dammit, all the studios need to get together and have a horror Battle Royale:




Michael Myers

Tall Man











Throw all sorts of cool stuff in there.



Blech, just buy a Japanese tape of "Freddy", "Jason", and "Leatherface" in action. I'm sure you'll have a lot more fun with that than with this.


Don't get me wrong, I'm still seeing it opening night, and it's an important "event" in modern horror history, but unless I come home to my girlfriend sprawled out naked telling me her parents changed their mind and they do like me after all and don't mind our having a sexual relationship then proceeding to exercise our newfound freedom to fuck my brains out, I doubt I'll enjoy that evening very much.

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An interesting development here, guys.


"During a recent interview, Robert Englund talked about the removal of the alternate endings from the script and how Freddy vs Jason equals true horror. Freddy vs Jason is only ten days away!...


"Robert Englund, who plays Freddy in the upcoming horror film Freddy vs. Jason, told that the movie will only have one ending, though earlier drafts toyed with the idea of multiple ones. "The so-called Rob Bottin script, when we were trying to do this movie by summer 2000, ... had two endings," Englund said in an interview at the recent Comic-Con International. "Jason [Ken Kirzinger] wins one. Freddy wins one."


" The idea, Englund said, was to switch the last reel for different screenings. "So no matter which octoplex ... you're at, you can switch the thing, so you never know what ending it is," he said. But, he added, "that gimmick was decided against. I kind of like it, actually. I thought it was a great kind of William Castle, you know, kind of concept."


" Instead, Englund said, "We just shot one ending. But they were tweaking the final reel a lot. Building and building and building. ... We have many encounters in the movie. ... One of the sound editors ... said it reminded him of Popeye vs. Bluto. ... They're not as much scary as they are Freddy vs. Jason, as opposed to Jason vs. the kids and Freddy vs. the kids. That's the real horror." Freddy vs. Jason opens Aug. 15." "


Credit: SCI FI Wire


So its official:




One Movie


One Battle


One Winner


Although, I'm still expecting Freddy Vs. Jason II: The Rematch to come out in a couple of years...

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu
Dammit, all the studios need to get together and have a horror Battle Royale:




Michael Myers

Tall Man











Throw all sorts of cool stuff in there.

Cthultu would win out all....

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Dammit, all the studios need to get together and have a horror Battle Royale:




Michael Myers

Tall Man











Throw all sorts of cool stuff in there.

I would only mark out for that if they did it like "Battle Royale" the movie. You know, stuck on an island, only 1 can survive, neck collars and all that.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Dammit, all the studios need to get together and have a horror Battle Royale:




Michael Myers

Tall Man











Throw all sorts of cool stuff in there.

Cthulhu would eat them all.

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For some when I think of Freddy Vs. Jason, the image of Choi from KoF Vs. Casey Jones from TMNT comes out to mind...

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