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Please prove him wrong!!!

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Me and my uncle have been arguing about Hulk/Andre matches.


Evidentally, he says that Hulk has Military pressed Andre the Giant in one of their past matches.

I strongly dissagree. Though I know that HUlk was in great shape of that era, I do not beleive that he was able to lift that 500 something pounds that was Andre the Giant and bench press him.


So could someone please clear this up between us. A picture would be even better



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If Warrior was able to do it, why not Hogan?


It would be hard to prove or disprove if you haven't seen every Hogan / Andre match ... and the two have been wrestling each other around the world since before Hogan entered the WWF in 79.

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Guest Memphis

Warrior fuckin' gorilla slammed ANDRE THE GIANT!?! Holy fuck.


When did that take place?


Even though Andre would have been helping out in the process, that is still an admirable feat for someone to perform.


Ah, the wonders of steroid abuse.



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I'm sure he did it around the circuit but a clip of it from a TV taping was featured on SuperTape 1 when the fans are debating who is better - Hogan or Warrior?


Might have shown something along those lines during the old toy commercials in 89-90.

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Guest wildpegasus

Are you guys sure on this?


Just a note: If unaided by another person and you can military press your own bodweight you're in a very strong strength bracket.

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Guest papacita

I sorta remember seeing Warrior press Andre in the old toy commercials...but I wasn't watching at the time so I can't say for sure.


Also, my bro told me that Tony Atlas once pressed Andre back in the early 80's. I've never seen it so I can't say that's true either.


I'm no help here.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

No way did anyone military press Andre when he went past the 500lb mark. Not even The Ultimate Steroid.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

A military/gorilla press involves full extension of the arms. Seeing as such a feat would be impossible for US, he didn't do it.

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Guest bravesfan

To clarify the press issue:


A military press involves multiple full-length extensions of the arm, disposing the opponent to the side or in back.


A gorilla press only involved one full-length extension, disposing the guy behind Warrior, setting up the splash.


Either way, I don't believe it happened.

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Guest DarkHollywood

I highly doubt anyone can press Andre over their heads. Mayb when he was 380-400 pounds back in the 1970s then MAYBE, but when he hit 450-500+ I doubt it.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I've seen the Warrior slam Andre, but a gorilla press would be . . . . . WOW!

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Guest JHawk

I've never seen Hogan do it, but when they started wrestling each other in the late 70s/early 80s Hogan was 320 and Andre was only about 460 or so, so I wouldn't doubt it.


Whether Warrior extended his arms or not, if he got 1989 Andre over his head that's still pretty damned impressive.

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Guest JHawk

I haven't had any complaints before now, but I'll get something out of there.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I would think that the pressing of Andre would be impossible for more than just the weight in 89. The man could barely even move and I doubt he would have agreed to a gorilla press spot, maybe a slam as thats not near as high impact, but a gorilla press? No way. I don't think his body could stand up to the force with which he would hit the mat.


However, if it did happen, let me just say: Good fucking God.

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If Warrior was able to do it, why not Hogan?

This NEVER happened.

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Guest BrokenWings

Yeah - I highly doubt Warrior/Hogan, or anyone for that matter, ever military/gorilla press slammed Andre.

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Guest J*ingus

Actually, most gorilla/military presses are done with cooperation from the other guy. Look closely, you can usually see them posting off the presser's shoulder with their hands.


But I would seriously doubt that Hogan ever pressed Andre, or that Warrior did either. Hogan did slam Andre on several occasions, as I've got several of their old matches from the US and Japan where Hogan was the heel, and Wrestlemania III was definitely not the first time it happened. But slamming and pressing are two completely different things. Warrior (who is stronger than Hogan) had trouble even getting Hogan over his head in their WM VI match, so I strongly doubt that either of them could've done it to Andre.


Harley Race claims to have a photo in which he has picked Andre up all the way over his head, but I haven't seen it.

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