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Guest Dillon Likes Bossman

JR Coming To My Town

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Guest Dillon Likes Bossman

I'm going to Smackdown July 1st in Rochester. But before I go to the I'm going to a Borders book shop where Jim Ross will be signing copies of his new book. I was curious if any of you have any ideas of things I could do to fluster the former head of talent of WWE. Also sign Ideas for SD are appreciated.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ask him what happened with Nathan Jones.


"That guy was just a big failure eh?"


"Er, yeah, I guess so"


"I mean, holy shit, did that guy ever suck!"


"He has some room for improvement, yes"


"I mean, did he even wrestle (a) match? That's just bad!"


"Yes, yes. Well, Jones is a survivor, he'll get through this."


"Man, I'd HATE to be the dolt who signed him"


"Oh for crying out loud it was a mistake! Can't a man make a mistake! Jesus Christ! Bah Gawd he had a good look!"

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Guest UndertakerHart

Say the following imitating JR's expression:



Bubba Tough

Stone Cold



Also ask him why was Diesel or Isaac Yankem under Kane's mask on Raw.


Tell him A-Train is your favorite wrestler


A-Train = Undisputed Champion


Also, you're proud that the WWE supports HHH who has given so many memorable moments this year to the fans.


I love the Sooners and whatever else they play in Oklamhoma.


That should cover it.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Ask him how him and Steph rotate on the blow jobs for HHH.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Ask him to be your own personal JR. Tell him he can follow you around and shout his JR-isms at everyday occurrences.

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Guest Anglesault

You know, as a normal man (ie, Not JR the cartoon announcer) I like Jim Ross.


I hope this book goes well for him.


"I mean, did he even wrestle (a) match? That's just bad!"


He beat Bill DeMott with Hogan's big boot to the chest.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

OH, you mean that big guy who they jobbed all the cruiserweights to and did NOTHING with?


That Bill Demott?

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Guest tetsubeav

Give your finisher to an old lady in the store then, based on his reaction, determine your heel/face status.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Ask him how it feels to have become a complete joke, and to have turned into an utter parody of his former self. Ask him how it feels to verbally felate Vince McMahon in every interview he gives. Ask him how it feels to know that even dead, Gordon Solie is still a better commentator than he is.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

AAAAAHAHAH, oh that's sharp!


Ask him what it's like to be HHH's fluffer.

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Guest razazteca

Pork > Beef > Chicken BBQ

You hate BBQ sauce

Propane > Charcoal

Big 12 football sucks

What was it like to work with Tony Schiavonie

Christian is your favorite wrestler

Where is Dr. Death

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Guest Choken One

why cant he just tour with Foley and leave raw for awhile damn it?


Ask him "Where can I find a good toga?"

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Ask him if when he had to kiss Vince's ass, it was hard to suppress his natural instinct to lick the crack.

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Guest The Czech Republic

Fook_Hing_Ho, you brought back Personal JR! (Reach out, touch HHH)


Just ask about EVERY wrestler's football history. "Well what about ____" "and what about ____"you get the ddrift.

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Guest the r-train

Is there some place I can find a schedule of his book tour or whatever? I would love it if he came to the Borders I work at somewhere down the line.

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Guest CanadianChick
"If you had to choose between Test and Albert..."

Dude, he would *so* choose Albert.

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Guest the pinjockey

Do you really think Oklahoma would let you call their football games?


If Booger Red was as tough as a government mule, but ran like a scalded dog would the world implode?

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Guest CanadianChick
If Booger Red was as tough as a government mule, but ran like a scalded dog would the world implode?

Only if he were crazier than a pet coon.

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Guest the pinjockey
If Booger Red was as tough as a government mule, but ran like a scalded dog would the world implode?

Only if he were crazier than a pet coon.

And he ran around with a jezebel.

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Guest Anglesault

with one leg and a long tail in an ass kicking contest full of rocking chairs.

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Guest JMA
Ask him to be your own personal JR. Tell him he can follow you around and shout his JR-isms at everyday occurrences.

I STILL want a personal JR. Why can't they be real?! Maybe when they perfect cloning. They should also be midget sized and have a carrying case.

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Guest the pinjockey

Just run up to him and yell:



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