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Guest Dillon Likes Bossman

JR Coming To My Town

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Guest The Czech Republic
"If you had to choose between Test and Albert..."

Albert, natch.


Hoss > Stud

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

He's called Test a Hoss before.


I remember hearing it and smarking the fuck out.

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Guest Sakura

Yeah, he called him a hoss back before Survivor Series 2001. It was awesome.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh I didn't mark out, I smarked out... Which involved high pitched laughter and calling all my friend to say "didja see it?! DIDJA! OHMAGAD HE SAID IT! HOSSSSSSSSSSSSS~! That was almost as good as the time he called Christian "Edge" and Chris Jericho "Chris Benoit" ~~~!!~~!!~~!!" (and yes, I did talk in ~ form)

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Guest CanadianChick
Oh I didn't mark out, I smarked out... Which involved high pitched laughter and calling all my friend to say "didja see it?! DIDJA! OHMAGAD HE SAID IT! HOSSSSSSSSSSSSS~! That was almost as good as the time he called Christian "Edge" and Chris Jericho "Chris Benoit" ~~~!!~~!!~~!!" (and yes, I did talk in ~ form)

If you smarked out every time JR mixed up Benoit/Jericho and Edge/Christian, there must have been a lot of smarking going on. He always mixed up those two pairs. Hell, I think he called Christian "Edge" once when Edge was on Smackdown.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Man, that's the one thing that really sucks about the brand-split, JR fucking up the names of wrestlers who look nothing alike all the time. Now he's stuck with just messing up the names of basic wrestling moves - and that doesn't have the satisfaction it once had.

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Guest CanadianChick
Man, that's the one thing that really sucks about the brand-split, JR fucking up the names of wrestlers who look nothing alike all the time. Now he's stuck with just messing up the names of basic wrestling moves - and that doesn't have the satisfaction it once had.

Or not even knowing the move name...



See: Van Dam, Rob matches.

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Guest Sakura

My posse of friends has turned "hoss" into every day slang. I always mark out when someone is like "Let's go see The Hulk" "no way, that hoss is a boring character, I bet the movie sucks".

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Guest CanadianChick
My posse of friends has turned "hoss" into every day slang. I always mark out when someone is like "Let's go see The Hulk" "no way, that hoss is a boring character, I bet the movie sucks".

I called someone a 'hoss' in my school, and all my friends just looked at me strangely. Hmm....maybe I should stop using wrestling terminology. Nah, it's too fun to confuse people.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Best inclusion of the word "hoss"


"Kick it Hoss"


- Zoolander.


Drunk? Me. NO.

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Guest subliminal_animal

How he's doing and if he's being sincere about the answer he just gave.

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Guest jester
I was curious if any of you have any ideas of things I could do to fluster the former head of talent of WWE. Also sign Ideas for SD are appreciated.

1. Say "So you were the guy who pushed for Nathan Jones" with a big smile.


2. Ask him if you look like a 12 year old with his mother's computer.


3. Explain to him that there are breeds of ape that know the phrase is "scolded dog" and not "scalded dog."


4. Kick him squarely in the nuts.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

You need to go up to him and scream about how you've waited so long to see Joe Don Baker in person.



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Guest Nater

Just ask him why anybody would pour boiling water on a dog.




Ask him if he named the move: spinaroonie ;p

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Bring a tape recorder & upload the sumbitch for us to laugh at. Call him Shrek. Say he should be ashamed for even mentioning the name Nathan Jones to Vince. Dress up as him, get drunk, show up & get all intoxicated smark on his ample ass.


As for what to say, just follow you're heart & be malicious. "You ever see TNA? Man do they beat the fuck out of you guys right now!" "Hey, some 12 year old told me you're the guy who hired Nathan Jones, any truth there?" "When Vince rubbed his ass in you're face, could you feel it on account of the palsy?" & last but not least: get him to sign something about the Joys of Anal Sex & scan it.


oh yeah & name drop Lee Marshall has the best announcers in this or any other century. I'd love a WWE Road Report on RAW someday.

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Guest The Czech Republic
You need to go up to him and scream about how you've waited so long to see Joe Don Baker in person.






Paul Heyman didn't get fired from Raw announcing, he just escaped in a box of Hamdingers.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Ask him what it's like to have a face with less support than a push for Nathan Jones.

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Guest RepoMan
You know, as a normal man (ie, Not JR the cartoon announcer) I like Jim Ross.


I hope this book goes well for him.


"I mean, did he even wrestle (a) match? That's just bad!"


He beat Bill DeMott with Hogan's big boot to the chest.

I saw him do an extended squash of Kanyon at a house show in Youngstown. Poor Kanyon.

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Guest AndrewTS
You need to go up to him and scream about how you've waited so long to see Joe Don Baker in person.






Paul Heyman didn't get fired from Raw announcing, he just escaped in a box of Hamdingers.


*Pictures Heyman riding in a box of Hamdingers like a mine cart* :lol:


Don't you mean an escape pod in a box of Hamdingers?


I think he'd referring more to the role Baker played in Final Justice. You know, without the glasses, JR does kinda look like him.


Bring back Friar Ferguson just so JR can chase him all around the arena.


Which wasn't as funny as the Mitchell ep, but didn't feature Baker having a sex scene with Linda Evans. :throwup:


Definitely hit him with a Jones question. WHAT THE FUCK was he thinking?

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