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rising up out of the back seat-nuh

The WWE Contract Termination Game!

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Guest Choken One

JERICH: HHH is aging and has spent his important WWE time in the gym to make up for his hair lost. Can I have a cookie mommy?

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Guest DarkHollywood

Kevin Nash

Shawn Michaels


Nathan Jones

Jamie Noble

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Guest jericho585

I never said it wasn't roids, I just said that age could be another factor as well as genetics.

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Guest jericho585

No I knew all along, I was just waiting to see how you would respond, and as I predicted, you responded with immaturity, "Can I have a cookie mommy?"

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Yep, it was funny playing you

Oh jesus..........see.....you could have just stayed quiet and left it at that,....but by saying you knew the whole time and just wanted to see our reaction, and also a comment like "it was fun playing you" completely gives away the fact that you didnt know what the hell was going on until i just about Spelled it out for you.

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Guest jericho585

Nope I knew, DUH, HHH does steroids, how the hell wouldn't I know? It was absolutely hilarious hearing your idiotic reactions in thinking I wouldn't think that HHH is on roids.

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Guest Choken One

The Problem is with your "Playin" if it were such the case...was horrible as you missed SHIT LOADS of potential material...


very weak "effort"

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Guest jericho585

I didn't have to say anything except pretend to be ignorant.

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Guest jericho585

Yep I did, you were played, next time, don't be so foolish, and I am being serious, you actually thought someone didn't know HHH was on roids, LOL, just dumb.

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Ok sir....i'm sorry. I'll try not to be so foolish next time. You played me so badly dude........oh, by the way, what was your motive to play us out like that anyway?


(This answer should be a good one for the bullshit detector)

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Guest Choken One

Maybe it's just me...


But the sick twinge of desperation was ALL over his


"IT WAS AN RUSE" post...


Poor Guy.

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Guest jericho585

Only motive is that it was funny and enjoyable, I got pleasure out of it.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Eh...this thread should be pinned for easy accessibility and tracking. Unless the Banky imitator keeps trying to kill it.

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Yep I did, you were played, next time, don't be so foolish, and I am being serious, you actually thought someone didn't know HHH was on roids, LOL, just dumb.

Wait, let me get this straight, HHH is going bald because he is on steroids? I had no clue HHH did steroids.....
































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Guest JMA

Nathan Jones

Mark Henry

Kevin Nash

Hulk Hogan/Mr. America

I got one of 'em so far.

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Guest Choken One

I want to see an HUGE upset pull outta this one...


I mean Crash? Hogan? Small beans...


If someone called An unlikely one that went unnoticed...and that said person was indeed fired/terminated or whatever... That would just be great.


At this point we're all following the Goldberg-Jones-Rosey line

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Guest jester
I'd like to re-iterate that unless Hogan buggers off perminantly, he's not counted as having left. I think he'll return by the end of the year.

How exactly would that be measured? In this business nobody is truly gone until they're dead.

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I'd like to re-iterate that unless Hogan buggers off perminantly, he's not counted as having left. I think he'll return by the end of the year.

How exactly would that be measured? In this business nobody is truly gone until they're dead.

I dunno. Hopefully it'll work out thet it doesn't matter in the long term for this competition. If it does I will make an EXECUTIVE DECISION~! depending on ho wlong he's been away and whether or not he looks like he's coming back. Like I said, I can see him coming back before the end of the year, without working for other organisations. If he DOES work other non-WWE dates, then obviously I'll count him as having left.


Would you consider Hogans last "hiatus" to count in this game? Personally I wouldn't, but if enough people disagree I'd be happy to write him off.

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Guest The Voices In Your Head

My choices:

1. Nathan Jones

2. Rosey

3. Steven Richards

4. Kevin Nash

5. Goldberg

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Guest hebtheeagle

What the hell...why not...


Goldberg, Nathan Jones, Rosey, Nash, and Bischoff.

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Guest Retro Rob

Let's see... they are starting to push Noble, so I would say he will be next to go.

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Guest Chris Jericho for World Champion

Lets see.


1) Goldberg - Get too damn pissy backstage and injured, plus he sucks ass.


2) Rosey - Doing nothing since Jamal left.


3) Nathan Jones - All that contract crap will put him close to fired.


4) Kevin Nash - Doing nothing. He jobbed to Test. Time to put this old horse out to pasture.


5) Mark Henry - Doing nothing. Has had that damn ankle injury for like a year. Noting for him to do but eat some small asians, like his relative Godzilla.

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