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Guest Eagan469

Have you ever tried marijuana?

Have you ever tried marijuana?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever tried marijuana?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Judging solely by your clown with a machine gun, I'll say yes, you have smoked pot before.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Yep, but haven't done it in about 3 years. Was kind of a semi-regular user for a few summers in college.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
Judging solely by your clown with a machine gun, I'll say yes, you have smoked pot before.

Subtlety and stealth have, unfortunately, never been among my strengths. I will invoke the great and wise Spigot and admit that I may have accidentally spilled dope smoke into my mouth and lungs.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
I'm amazed so many people haven't done it. I'm the only person I know who's never done it, and thats only because I'm straight edge. I'd rather have a bong and get stoned than get drunk.

And they're like peanut butter and chocolate together. "You got drunk in my stoned!" "No, you got stoned in my drunk!" "Holy shit, Bear in the Big Blue House is on!"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I disagree. Getting high when I'm drunk always leads to vomit and sleep, but just getting stoned takes all the good qualities, and leaves out the frequent pissing, stumbling, and other negative drunk traits.


I don't like the buzz of alcohol at all, though.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
I disagree. Getting high when I'm drunk always leads to vomit and sleep, but just getting stoned takes all the good qualities, and leaves out the frequent pissing, stumbling, and other negative drunk traits.


I don't like the buzz of alcohol at all, though.

I prefer to get stoned then drink. You're right, doing it the other way around can really give you the spins. Of course, I'm Canadian, so alcohol is like vitamin C - something my body needs a steady supply of, replenished daily, but cannot produce on its own.

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Guest cue_meanie

Yes I do. It's the greatest thing thats ever happened to me. and by judging some of the comments on this board concerning all drugs a lot of the members at this site need a good education on the topic.

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Guest mesepher
Yes I do. It's the greatest thing thats ever happened to me.  and by judging some of the comments on this board concerning all drugs a lot of the members at this site need a good education on the topic.

yes, why don't you ask someone like Jimi Hendrix how cool/ healthy drugs are.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid

Conversely, you could ask Timothy Leary. That's not a sufficient argument in and of itself.

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Guest cue_meanie

Why don't you ask any random fat person who's had a heart attack how healthy a cheeseburger is.... If you do something....ANYthing to excess its going to be a bad thing....however if you smoke a joint everyday the odds you die are way less then the aformentioned cheeseburger.....Junior! and TTL, Timothy Leary is my inspiration in life thanks for bringing him into this.

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Guest mesepher

well, like I said in the other thread: dope... you are what you use.

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Guest BigPoppaKev

I agree with the other people that smoking and drinking don't mix. Almost everytime I drink and smoke in the same period of time I get sick and it isn't fun at all. I would rather smoke than drink because I think smoking has less negative affects overall if you do it in moderation.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
I agree with the other people that smoking and drinking don't mix. Almost everytime I drink and smoke in the same period of time I get sick and it isn't fun at all. I would rather smoke than drink because I think smoking has less negative affects overall if you do it in moderation.

I agree. About the negative effects. I hope I never actually have to choose between the two. Inhaling anything burning is bad for your lungs and sinuses (although a vaporizer solves this if you know how to solder or want to spend $100-$400 on basically an electric pipe), but nothing rips up the old liver and digestive system like booze. Too bad it's sooo damn drinkable.

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Guest J*ingus

I've tangled with the wacky tobaccy in the past, and hope to do so again many times in the future.


Side note: about the whole weed vs. drink argument about which one is more dangerous. Well, having driven a car while drunk and while stoned on separate occasions, lemme tell you that driving drunk is a LOT more hazardous than driving stoned. (Although the amount of either that you've imbibed does play a role, of course.)

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I have absolutely no problems while driving high. I don't drink, though, so driving drunk isn't an issue for me. The one good thing about the midwest is its abundance of long flat country roads.

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Guest BigPoppaKev

I have driven high on numerous occassions and never once have a had a problem. I have never driven drunk but one time I was in the car with a drunk driver and never again will I do that.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus
No, but then, I've never done anything. I'm the Lance Storm of life...

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus
No, but then, I've never done anything. I'm the Lance Storm of life...

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

What type of example are you setting for your kid if you don't come home high and drunk?...

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Guest Mattdotcom
I have driven high on numerous occassions and never once have a had a problem.


Not that I endorse driving high, but a stoner friend of mine once told me this after I questioned how safe it was to drive high:


"I drove home high once. It wasn't that bad. I was so scared I was more alert than when I'm straight. I'll never do it again, but it wasn't a problem."


As for me, I just drink and occasionally smoke.

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Guest CanadianChick

I haven't. I don't have anything against it, but I haven't really gone out of my way to try it. The school I go to is pretty small and strict, so drugs don't really go around. Most the parties I go to usually have a lot of alcohol, but not so much pot. I would probably try it wiht a group of friends if the oppertunity presented itself, but I'm not going to go out of my way to try it.

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Guest Dangerous A

I've dabbled in it in high school and a couple times working at a movie theatre after school. Last time I tried was 3 or so years ago and that was a pot brownie. The brownie had much more effect than smoking, although the brownie didn't kick in for about 40 or so minutes. Since then, I've stayed away from drugs because you can't get a decent job without first passing a drug screening and my job ranks first before getting high. I don't drink much either because I don't get much from being drunk and I am a lightweight drinker. I'm more of a social drinker, if that.

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Guest What?

Just last night, I smoked my first bowl. I was with my girlfriend and her friends. We watched "Friday", which is funny even when you're not high.

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Guest T®ITEC

I tried it at school back in March, and then I ended up with enough for a bowl, as a "freebie", I guess. Both uses were pretty delightful, but I always ended up with a terrible headache as soon as it got in my system.


It's definitely not something I'd ever pay to use. Or inhale, actually. I really didn't like using a pipe and having to worry about the smell.


So, yeah, it sucked. Although, class was the greatest thing in the world that day. I felt so elated~

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