Only The Strong Survive 0 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 This pisses me off more than anything. RVD hits Triple H with a hundred kicks and every single move in his arsenal, yet Triple H hits one DDT on the steel entrance ramp and he can put him out. Are we supposed to think that Triple H is a god or something? Hmm… Maybe that is the answer to my question… Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted July 1, 2003 He has already beaten everyone so now he is going through the list again. First Kane, tonight RVD, if my calculations are correct HHH should go over Booker T next week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mattdotcom Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Are you new here? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted July 1, 2003 This pisses me off more than anything. RVD hits Triple H with a hundred kicks and every single move in his arsenal, yet Triple H hits one DDT on the steel entrance ramp and he can put him out. Are we supposed to think that Triple H is a god or something? Hmm… Maybe that is the answer to my question… He is God. Weren't you watching during his feud with Shawn? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dangerous A Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Are you new here? His post count as well as the topic of this thread show this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Czech Republic Report post Posted July 1, 2003 This pisses me off more than anything. RVD hits Triple H with a hundred kicks and every single move in his arsenal, yet Triple H hits one DDT on the steel entrance ramp and he can put him out. Are we supposed to think that Triple H is a god or something? Yes. Worship the Game at the church of your choice. Hail The Game! Hail The Game! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EdwardKnoxII Report post Posted July 1, 2003 When the match was first made I thought Kane would turn on RVD during the match and chokeslam causing RVD to get pinned or win by DQ. Now I know this sounds crazy but, for a like less then a half of a second I thought RVD might win but, it quickly left my mind the true outcome became clear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Only The Strong Survive 0 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 His post count as well as the topic of this thread show this. Yeah, this probably didn't deserve a new topic, but... oh well... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 didn't HHH already say he was God anyway? guess Steph and HHH when they have a kid he'll be the wrestling's Jesus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KoR Fungus Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Heh RVD looked so bad in that match that I was glad to see him lose. I mean, we were subjected to five minutes of boring leg offense, and he just completely forgot about it as soon as it was over. Fifteen seconds after he gets out of the figure four he's flipping all over the place, and all the rest of his offense was kicks, without even so much as taking the time to grab his leg. And his offense is just unbelievably stale, he needs to get some new spots, seriously. Awful match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted July 1, 2003 He has already beaten everyone so now he is going through the list again. First Kane, tonight RVD, if my calculations are correct HHH should go over Booker T next week. What about Steiner? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Well, all things considered, at least... Jesus fucking Christ, a DDT? A FUCKING DDT? Why not pin him with a neckbreaker? I was actually expecting "RKO"-20 second stall-Pedigree--15 second stall-pin. This may be worse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 1, 2003 He has already beaten everyone so now he is going through the list again. First Kane, tonight RVD, if my calculations are correct HHH should go over Booker T next week. What about Steiner? And Bubba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 I was watching with a few friends...we were all pretty pissed off. Fucking HHH will just not job to anyone, and it's gone beyond the point of "RVD might have a chance.", cause obviously they'll never do anything with him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted July 1, 2003 He has already beaten everyone so now he is going through the list again. First Kane, tonight RVD, if my calculations are correct HHH should go over Booker T next week. What about Steiner? Too recent. They're going to turn Jericho and job him out again. Then turn him right back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pappajacks Report post Posted July 1, 2003 I'm bringing a "HHH fears Bubba Dudley" sign next time RAW is in town. Has Bubba been punished after making shoot comments on HHH last September? Remember when he said "this isn't the HHH show". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted July 1, 2003 I thought RVD actually looked pretty good in the match. Alot better than he has in recent monthes. He was fighting off Flair, HHH, and Orton for a while. And he didn't just get pinned with the DDT;there was a belt shot before hand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Rob Van Swampass wasn't going to win, don't kid yourself. Sure, he no-sold the leg, but HHH was just doing like he did all the time, and exposing him deliberately. Not that I actually give a crap about RVD anymore. Eh, whatever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JRE Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Screwjob? That was a pretty legitimate match with an ending where RVD legitimatley should have lost. He fought off Flair and Orton many times and he was often close to winning. He lost with a belt shot and a DDT on the STEEL, landing right on his damn head. I think that deserves a 3 count. Had Triple H not had the history's he's had the past couple of years, this thread wouldn't exist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 1, 2003 And he didn't just get pinned with the DDT;there was a belt shot before hand. Which was perfectly legal. He was fighting off Flair, HHH, and Orton for a while. Neither Flair nor Suckbag directly caused a pin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NYU 0 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 RVD took a crowd that was dead for at least an hour, and chanting "Boring" while Spike took a complete backbody-drop bump over the top rope, and brought them into this match. This should completely justify a pushing of Rob Van Dam. The people love him so I don't see why he can't be pushed more. He just needs to brush up on his selling a little bit. And, in addition, fuck Scott Keith. The match was way over *1/2 and frankly, I don't know what friggin match he was watching. I would have given it at least ***, and it was one of the best Raw Main Events in a while. But what the hell do I know ? I'm not eating a box of Devil Dogs and typing on a keyboard that my fingers are too fat for. You're the man, Keith ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KoR Fungus Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Eh, I disliked the match as much as SK did. Five minutes of sleep-inducing leg work not leading to anything doesn't make for a decent match. But I do agree with you that RVD is justified in getting a push because he's over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 1, 2003 And, in addition, fuck Scott Keith. The match was way over *1/2 and frankly, I don't know what friggin match he was watching. I would have given it at least ***, and it was one of the best Raw Main Events in a while. But what the hell do I know ? I'm not eating a box of Devil Dogs and typing on a keyboard that my fingers are too fat for. You're the man, Keith ! No way. That was a bad match, and I'd put about 3/4 of the blame on RVD for that. Rob just flat out refused to sell tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 And, in addition, fuck Scott Keith. The match was way over *1/2 and frankly, I don't know what friggin match he was watching. I would have given it at least ***, and it was one of the best Raw Main Events in a while. But what the hell do I know ? I'm not eating a box of Devil Dogs and typing on a keyboard that my fingers are too fat for. You're the man, Keith ! No way. That was a bad match, and I'd put about 3/4 of the blame on RVD for that. Rob just flat out refused to sell tonight. After how WWE killed almost all of his heat with the way he's been booked...can you BLAME him? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted July 1, 2003 I liked the match. I guess I should be spanked and shoved into a dark room where I could get eaten by a grue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Which was perfectly legal. So? It was still a beltshot. The beltshot is the great equalizer of WWE. It is the deadliest thing to get hit with. Doesn't matter if it was legal or not. Neither Flair nor Suckbag directly caused a pin. Actually, if it wasn't for Flair intial interference, RVD would have won with the 5 star frogsplash. This is crazy. I'm one of RVD's biggest fans, and I'm defending this finish. Insane. Oh, and for the record, I liked the match too, to whoever made that post disagreeing with SK's rating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NYU 0 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 RVD did a good job SELLING the leg punishment at the time. Screaming in pain, clutching the leg, he did a good job at it. But afterwards, there was really no reason to continue. It interferes with nearly all of RVD's moves, the Five-Star planned, the Van-Daminator planned, and the other kicks he had to do to keep taking out Evolution. The leg injury didn't even factor into the finish, and would have just gotten in the way of everything else that needed to be done. It's not the fault of RVD that such spotty selling was done. Either the bookers need to learn that RVD's leg should not be worked on, unless an alternate plan is devised. You can't take out his legs, and then expect him to continue a whole plot of offense - although his legs are his strongest point ! Sure, he could have hobbled around a little more, but by the end of the match, did it even matter ? He lost by a DDT. Not a Figure-Four or the Indian Deathlock of Doom. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted July 1, 2003 It was a fun match, but *** by no means. You can't work over legs that much and then have them no-sold. ANY match RVD is in, he doesn't sell the leg, and his opponent works on them. He has NEVER sold the leg anywhere near correctly. Even JR and King were bashing it in a sarcastic tone. Near the end of the in-ring part, RVD was doing nothing but variations of dropkicks/spinkicks for about 2 minutes. The finish was totally acceptable, and those bitching are doing so for the sake of bitching. Beltshots finish often, RVD has jobbed to Venis and others on a DDT ON THE AT, and this was on the steel DIRECTLY after the belt shot. RVD was NOT going to win, and he should not have. If ANY other wrestler on the face of the earth held the title for nearly a year and jobbed in a Raw main event with one night's build you'd shit your pants. HHH went out there and got his ass kicked and his whole stable was fended off pretty successfully by one man. Kane is still on the ropes, so he didn't make the save, and RVD just got pinned by the numbers alone. The match was a good TV Main but technically horrible, the finish was credible and justified and RVD was put over well enough for me. You let someone like Hurricane or Maven get a match like that with HHH. RVD was clearly shown as being in the upper echelon. *EDIT* He DID NOT Sell the leg. He didn't No-sell the punishment, but he no-sold the work. One kick to the knee would have justified that. No one would have complained NEARLY as much if he would have clutched his knee more often, and executed the moves while showing a wince or two or at least SOME difficulty in performing them due to 4 minutes of submissions and punishment. Either you haven't seen enough matches done correctly or you haven't seen enough of RVD's leg no-selling to care. His opponent SHOULD work the leg because that is the base of hs offense. That is the psychological advantage to obtain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted July 1, 2003 Note to WWE never put RVD in a submission as he will not sell it. And the match was sooooo sloooooow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ANKLELOCK 0 Report post Posted July 1, 2003 I thought it was a good match and HHH obviously wasnt going to lose and i thought alot of interference , belt shots,and a DDT on the steel was enough to pin RVD. And that chokeslam to Eazy E was sick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites