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Guest jericho585

No more Crash Holly

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Guest jericho585

I found this on a wrestling site, WWE released Crash Holly recently. One less MFer.

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Guest Downhome

I saw it on that lil' site TheSmartMarks myself, I think in the forum section.

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Guest The Amazing Rando




no seriously... just kidding.

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Guest Downhome



no seriously... just kidding.


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Guest Sushi X

It is a shame really he could of been better used in the cruiserweight division. He should of been kept to increase the division.

Considering that Vince will keep bigger wrestlers that have an increased rate of injury due to size. I wish he would reduce the heavyweight division and start to run a leaner roster of heavyweight workers.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Crash was useless and deserved to go. He's too small to be a heavyweight, too bulky to be a respectable cruiser, has never particularly been over with the crowd and has never drawn any real interest from crowds, even during his hardcore title reign. Crash, though I'm sure a great guy, was the dictionary definition of dead weight and hopefully his salary will be used to persue Elix Skipper or someone of the likes to add some real, non-generic depth to the cruiser division.

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Guest Vitamin X

I personally liked Crash and feel kinda sad to see him go, as I felt he exhibited some real talent and connected with the crowd in his matches.


But the last thing WWE needs is more new wrestlers from other promotions or OVW or whatever. They're already got enough wrestlers they can elevate and make due with, and as a matter of fact anyone can use EWR and figure out that you could cut half the roster and there would still be more than enough people than you would know what to do with.

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Fuck that...i wouldnt wanna see them pursue to many other wrestlers outside of wwe, but elix skipper is the man. primetime has some awesome moves, and could be an awesome entry in the cw division. why the hell did they release him in the first place and ended keeping fuckin Bull Buchanan and Mark Jindrak

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Guest Hass of Pain
But the last thing WWE needs is more new wrestlers from other promotions or OVW or whatever.


I disagree, especially in Elix Skipper's case. As one of the most exciting members of WCW's cruiser division and as a guy who most are calling the most improved wrestler in a long, long time, "Prime Time" would be the perfect fit for WWE's cruiser division.


The reason WCW's cruiser division didn't draw like it could have was because aside from Jericho and Dean Malenko, it was a bunch of masked foreigners who just leaped around like madmen. Characters sell. Rey Mysterio as the family man and a legend. Ultimo as a foreign phenom who has won more titles than anyone before him. Billy Kidman as the stuck up country club boy who respects no one. Jaime Noble as the now rich redneck with moves to back up his southern-drawed gum flapping. Shannon Moore as the Matt Hardy coached underacheiver. Tajiri with his crazy Japanese style and mist and Funaki as the loveable underdog.


With that said, Elix Skipper is the PERFECT fit for the division. At the risk of being blunt, WWE could use a black cruiser to add diversity to the division and almost no one in the division currently has the charisma of Skipper or the flashy moveset. Imagine what WWE's production, music and entrance team could do to truly make Elix "Prime Time". The guy works his ass off and would deserve it.


Stating the obvious, Low-Ki would also be a great aquisition for WWE. His stance, moveset, charisma and all around presence make him one of the most unique men in wrestling and an easy big time draw for WWE if they don't reduce his style to the same five spots every week like they do with everyone else.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The WCW cruiserweight division was WAY more popular than the WWE cruiserweight division.

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Guest EI Cubano
The WCW cruiserweight division was WAY more popular than the WWE cruiserweight division.


It may have been more popular in terms of crowd response (for some wrestlers) but cruiser matches simply didn't draw in WCW and I don't think that the company would have ever headlined a major show with a cruiser match, let alone drawn a number for the segment that rivaled what the current main eventers were doing.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Were they, um, put in the position to draw? And is that, er, exactly their fault given the climate in WCW?

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Guest Anglesault

I like having Jay post here semi-regularly again. I consider myself to be the cynical, jaded, angry, pissed off Jay Bower wth no patience for anything and without his writing ability.


That being said, Even from what I saw, when Scott Steiner wasn't around, WCW cruisers were treated much beter than WWF cruisers.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Crash got screwed. He was a trainer in OVW, so basically the WWE said thanks for training the young talent but your fired.....

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Guest mach7

Never was a fan of Crash's... and I'm not really sorry to see him go. He'll do better over in TNA or in Japan. BUT, I do question the logic of releasing a pretty good cruiser from an already dwindling cruiser division...

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Guest wildpegasus


"The WCW cruiserweight division was WAY more popular than the WWE cruiserweight division."


I agree with this. The cruiserweight division was over big time with the crowd. If I had a dime for every time I watched WCW and than stopped halfway through because the cruiserweights matches were over, I'd be rich.


As for the cruiserweights being a draw, they were and this was while ALL emphasis was put on Hogan, Sting, Macho Man, Nash, Piper and the like. Imagine for a moment if Sting and company were on first with no fanfare from WCW while the announcers talked about nothing except the main event cruisers later in the show. The cruisers would have completely taken over! The heavyweights would be a joke compared to them. That's why WCW put so much emphasis talking about the big name stars during the undercard matches in WCW. They had to.

One other point I'd like to make about cruisers being a draw: It's stupid to only give your fans only one option of a wrestler to choose from when you watch. You wouldn't have one selection of pie at a restaurnant or one genre of videogames for a system. You have to have options or otherwise you're not going to buy that videogame system or eat at that restaurant. I know for a fact that if the cruisers weren't there in WCW during the Nitro days my viewing would probably have gone down about 80%. There's no way I would have ever watched a PPV. Other hardcore fans are in this boat too. I would say they're the ones more likely to buy a PPV and they weren't salivating at the mouth to see the heavyweihts but instead something like Rey Mysterio vs Eddy Guerrero.

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Guest Goodear

WCW was better at letting the cruisers jump out and give them all fifteen minutes a show to get themselves over. But I think that WWE is like a hair better at allowing cruisers to move up and down the card and into other divisions if the talent warrants the elevation.

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Guest bababooey

i think that by having to work "wwe style" their highspots are not overused so that when they do do them they get a better pop

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The WWE's cruiser division isn't even a division. The _only_ cruiser they have elevated was Rey and that was mainly cause of Heyman and he's back down the card and getting slammed against ring-posts.

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