Adam 0 Report post Posted July 3, 2003 People who take a joke WAY too far. People who go out of their way to annoy someone so they will snap. Little people who throw things at my head and know full well that I wont throw them across the room because I would be the one who gets in trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted July 3, 2003 People who go out of their way to annoy someone so they will snap. Ditto. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kkktookmybabyaway Report post Posted July 3, 2003 5. Angry people in line, and those who DEMAND and TELL US HOW to do OUR JOB. Have you ever gotten the line "We pay your wages"? I have had that thrown at me 3 times. The first two times I was at my first job and scared out of my mind. The third one came a few years later. My response that time was "No you don't -- my employer does..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eagan469 Report post Posted July 3, 2003 EDIT: wrong topic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted July 3, 2003 I am a solipsistic misanthrope with a heady list of burrs in my saddle. Get ready for a long read. I hate: Completely avoidable misspellings (i.e. your/you're, there/their/their, it's/its, weird, per se, definitely, etc.) If you're on a computer, spellcheck is your friend. That or take your education seriously. People who use the excuse that "language evolves and grammar and spelling change with the times". I call lazy bullshit shenanigans on that one. Poorly written posts undermine both the intent of your post and your credibility as an intelligent poster. To quote Dr. Tom, "…in a medium where you communicate via typing, you're going to look like an idiot if you type like one." Trendy deliberate un-ironic misspellings, specifically in rap music where it propogates the stereotype that all urban minorities are ignorant and/or uneducated MTV, the music acts they support, and the idiots behind the scenes who took the original concept of music television and destroyed it with their teen-oriented game shows and needless crap. VH1 is slowly falling down the same crevasse with their unending parade of Behind the Music-type exposés. NuMetal, i.e., the 21st Century equivalent of Hair Metal, which I also hate (no offense to the people who listen to that shit -- to each his own) Boy/girl bands and the faceless svengalis who thrust their demonic creations at a slackjawed, non-discerning public with too much disposable income and no taste "Reality" TV - all of them, from Survivor to Road Rules to Joe Millionaire to American Idol to Blind Date and every shitty show in between. I'd say I hate the people who watch them, but my wife is one of them... Friends, Will and Grace, and every other sitcom that everybody swears by but in reality offer nothing but inane dialogue, repetitive premises, and hip young go-getter untalented "actors" whom I'd pummel within a second of meeting them Trendy bastards Greek life. Nothing screams "pathetic" more than having to buy your friends, either through paying fraternity dues or enduring physical/mental/emotion abuse via hazing rituals. Hollywood stars (often mistaken for real actors) who can only attribute their successes to the Hollywood Starmaker Machine™ and its relentless attempts to shove these assholes down the throat of the American public. They include but are not limited by: Adam Sandler*, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lopez, Freddie Prinze Jr, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt *He gets a slight pass from me after his performance in Punch-Drunk Love. Teen movies with no real raison d'etre other than to cash in on the fact that teens spend their minimum wage unwisely and will watch anything their friends watch. The unending cycle of stupid Hollywood schlock: Stupid moviemakers will keep making stupid movies which will always be watched by stupid people, thereby encouraging stupid moviemakers to keep making stupid movies, etc. Parents who refuse to be parents; i.e., they bear children but don't bear the responsibility of raising them properly. This most often takes the form of buying their children lots of gifts on a daily basis, but then don't spend any time with them, discipline them, or teach them manners or values, so that when Little Johnny Perfect (d)evolves into a petulant whiny brat, they can only shake their heads and blame their nannies or au pairs, and then turn around and buy him an XBox. It's an affront to all real parents everywhere (myself included) who struggle to ensure that their children grow into responsible and well-mannered adults while not always having the means to provide them with everything they need. People who ask you to do something and then feel the need to explain every detail to said procedure knowing full well that you know what the fuck you're doing. Drivers who don't communicate with other drivers; i.e., never use their turn signals, never turn their lights on in the rain or when it's dark, etc. Religious bumper stickers Grateful Dead bumper stickers All the iterations of that damn "Farvügnügen" (sp?) sticker: Farfrompuken, Fuckengruven, Farfromtoken, etc. Racists who don't own up to their racist tendencies Reverse discrimination, affirmative action and all forms of social double-standardism. This includes the notion of "hate" crimes -- aren't all violent crimes founded on some form of hatred? And if so, shouldn't they all be considered "hate" crimes? Incompetent people in positions of power Rapists and people who joke about rape (of which I have been guilty -- the joking, not the raping). Business- and Media-Speak; what the fuck does "proactive" really mean?!? 13-year-old girls who dress like 18-year-old whores and the parents who allow this to happen. Those stupid neon lights that idiots install under their cars so that it looks like they're transporting nuclear material in their mufflers. Idiots who think their style of music is so awesome that they feel the need to express that to the general public by blasting their car stereos at all hours of the night as they cruise the boulevard for skanks to hoot and holler at. Bill Goldberg Scott Steiner The Kliq and what they have done to destroy North American wrestling in the modern era Fanny packs, specifically the ones in day-glo colours Intolerant assholes who won't leave me alone when I use British spellings for words like "colour" or "flavour" Olestra™ and what it did to me on that long, painful night Baseball -- the game itself, which is as boring as a HHH promo, and the business aspect that engenders immeasurable greed above all else, including the love of its dwindling fans Feminists who say that the way a woman dresses should not be held accountable for the way a man views/treats/talks to her. It's an extremely naive concept that gets too many women in too much trouble simply because guys are deviant pricks and, unfortunately, a bare midriff and exposed thong are apparently an invitation for wanton lust and chauvinism. People who let fashion dictate their lives aren't immune to the consequences of living in this bass-ackwards society. DQ-endings on a PPV. Do the job or get the fuck out of the business. People who use the newsie soundbite "9-11" instead of "September 11th" or the "World Trade Center Tragedy". 9-11 sounds like either a convenience store or a crappy rap-rock band. I was roughly 30 blocks away when the buildings were attacked, and to refer to that mass murder as a throwaway catchphrase mocks the thousands of lives that were lost. I also hate people like Hulk Hogan who refer to it as "nine-one-one". Idiot. I better stop now before that 5-day waiting period for my handgun expires… Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bababooey Report post Posted July 3, 2003 This just starting pissing me off i just got the chris daniels shirt from highspots. it has the anc on front and say your prayers on the back. suddenly people read the back and think i'm some sort of reborn christian. not that their is anything wrong with that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted July 3, 2003 I hate Christian Networks. Its not as if when you put a dollar in the box you are going to live longer, is it? *not meaning to discriminate against practicing Christians in any way* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted July 4, 2003 6. This is one of the worst ones, but when I'm in the area behind the counter (known to Blockbuster employees as the manager pit) that's closed off so that we can't be seen, and customers leaning over the damn wall and asking me questions to help them while I'm visibly on my break, not on duty (like I'm not even in unifrom sometimes), or eating. That's just fucking rude, man. I feel you, dude. That used to bother the shit out of me when I worked retail. At my last retail job, I was the electronics department manager of a large office supply store. The only restrooms we had were past the break room, so any customers using the bathrooms had to walk past us. One day, I'm clearly eating lunch (Y'know... food on the table, not in uniform, reading a book), when a chap I'd ordered something for the day before just strides on in. "Hey, when am I going to get that <thing> you ordered for me?" he asks. I still remember my response, word for word. Me: "Can I ask you something?" Him: "Sure." "Where do you work?" "<gives work location, which is the sole part I forget>" "Ok, here's what I'll do. I'm off tomorrow, so I'm going to drive to your office in the middle of the day and generally be an inconsiderate prick by asking you a bunch of questions while you're obviously eating your goddamn lunch. Would you like me to do that?" "..." "Then don't do it to me." He ended up becoming a good regular customer, and I never got in one speck of trouble for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Metal Maniac Report post Posted July 4, 2003 I strongly believe that everyone on earth should be FORCED to work in retail for a period of at least 6 months, so they can REALIZE how much of FUCKING ASSHOLES they all are. These days, I never ask anyone who works anywhere for anything, unless I *need* to know. If I want something, I go to where it is, and if it's not there, I assume they don't have it. There's NOTHING I hate more then : "Do you have item (x)?" "I dunno. Did you look right over there, where it belongs?" "Yes. It's not there." DUH. What do you want me to do, pull one out of my ass? Jesus people. I have too long of a list in the other thread as is, so I'll stop... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest godthedog Report post Posted July 4, 2003 I strongly believe that everyone on earth should be FORCED to work in retail for a period of at least 6 months, so they can REALIZE how much of FUCKING ASSHOLES they all are. i strongly believe that everyone should work as a server for at least one month, for that same reason. and because of that whole "tipping" thing. in fact, mostly because of the "tipping" thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted July 4, 2003 "Customer is always right" motto does not apply to everybody. 1. they are rude 2. they are stupid 3. they are ignorite 4. they are spoiled 5. they expect too much from employees who make less than crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted July 4, 2003 I strongly believe that everyone on earth should be FORCED to work in retail for a period of at least 6 months, so they can REALIZE how much of FUCKING ASSHOLES they all are. i strongly believe that everyone should work as a server for at least one month, for that same reason. and because of that whole "tipping" thing. in fact, mostly because of the "tipping" thing. Hell, I worked as a busser for six months, and I get pissed whenever people want to leave a shitty tip for good service. Bad service, on the other hand... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Metal Maniac Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Know what else I hate? People who complain about getting bad tips. While apparantly it's different in the states (You don't need to make minimum wage in certain jobs as the tips are supposed to cover it, no?) up here, it pisses me the FUCK off. Here's why. I can have a customer ask me (While I'm busy doing something else, even) to help them, and I will. I'll answer all of their questions to the best of my knowledge. If an item is too large for them to take themselves, I'll almost always offer to go get them a flatbed cart, load it up, take it outside for them, and put it in their car. I don't have to tell the customer I will do this, but I do, because I'm a nice guy. Now, keep in mind, I'm a small guy, so this isn't exactly easy for me either. So anyway, I'll get these TV's or whatever (TVs that are often located in precarious positions, I may add) load them up, bring them up to the cash register, and wait for them. That's right, I have fucking WORK to do, but I'll wait with you in line to be sure that you can get this item outside. Then I'll take said item outside, rain or snow, and put it in their car, even when all laws of physics say I can't. I've put 32', FLATSCREEN TV's (Capatalized to point out that they weight 175 pounds) into FIREBIRDS somehow. If something just WON'T fit in someone's car, I'll offer to get some twine to tie their trunk down, I'll ask if they have any friends who could pick it up later, I'll basically run through all of their options until we find one that works. I have spent solid HOURS with but a single customer, making sure that they get all the help that they need. Hell, if I'm in the lot pushing carts and I see people who might need help, I'll offer then, even though I'm LITERALLY in the middle of pushing carts. What do I get for it? Generally NOTHING. Tips are few and far between. I've probably only got somewhere between 10 or 15 tips since I started working there about 2 years ago. And yet, when I walk into a Tim Horton's and ask the person at the counter to reach behind them, hand me a donut, pour me a drink, press 5 buttons (All of which they HAVE to do anyway, because it's THEIR FUCKING JOB) I'm expected to leave a tip? FUCK THAT. I'm sorry, but people who serve food are hired to SERVE FOOD. It's your JOB. They're PAID to do it, by their BOSS. Not by ME. If you get tips, SHUTTHEFUCKUPABOUTIT and be happy, fer chrissakes. Don't go into a bitchfest because someone didn't give you enough extra money for doing THE JOB THAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING DOING ANYWAY. (Not that anyone here was in a bitchfest, but I have seen it happen) And no, I generally DON'T leave tips unless the server does something out of the ordinary to be nice. If you're just gonna do a passable job, don't expect cash for it. And I don't appreciate people getting on my case about it either. I think I'm done... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Unfortunately, if a server in the States doesn't get tips then they'll make about 20 bucks on an eight hour shift before taxes. But you're right, it is a rather silly practice, and I wouldn't want to serve unless I was guaranteed minimum wage for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest godthedog Report post Posted July 4, 2003 I'm sorry, but people who serve food are hired to SERVE FOOD. It's your JOB. They're PAID to do it, by their BOSS. Not by ME. If you get tips, SHUTTHEFUCKUPABOUTIT and be happy, fer chrissakes. Don't go into a bitchfest because someone didn't give you enough extra money for doing THE JOB THAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING DOING ANYWAY. your job is supposed to supply you with minimum wage, as well. there's this generally accepted equation with working: you do what you're supposed to do = you get paid what you're supposed to get paid. but since tipping has become custom now, the government lets restaurant owners get away with paying less than minimum wage: $4.25 weekday afternoons, and only two dollars and fourteen cents nights and weekends. your boss is paying you what, five dollars an hour plus for you to move TVs and shit? our bosses are paying us two dollars and fourteen cents. so we don't make our proper wage unless we get tipped. and no job on god's green earth is worth making $2.14 an hour for, ESPECIALLY a job as hard as serving. so the statement "They're PAID to do it, by their BOSS. Not by ME." isn't quite true with serving. we're basically paid by the customers to do it. wouldn't you get mad if you busted your ass for 6 hours and your boss said at the end of the day, "you know, i think i'll give you about half of what you were supposed to get today--it's not anything you did, i just don't feel like it"? hence, we get a little testy if we don't get tipped properly, since it basically means that we busted our ass for nothing because some dipshit is either just too cheap, or has some fucked up, pseudo-altruistic, woefully misinformed "well there's plenty of places where you work hard and you don't get tipped, why should THESE GUYS get tipped?" ideas. (this was not directed specifically at you, there are people i know who hold these ideas.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Metal Maniac Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Godthedog: Like I said, I do believe it's different in the States (I've never heard of anyone making less then minimum wage here (Canada), and I think I would have because I know a bunch of people who work at Tim Horton's and stuff) so I won't complain about the biz there. It's the biz HERE, where people ARE paid to do their jobs and then they bitch about not getting tipped, that bugs me. But here comes the obvious question: If the job is that bad, why don't you quit? No one on earth is getting me to do a damned thing without minimum wage behind it. Can you just not find another job? I can't imagine it'd be hard to find a better-paying one, at least. For the record though, I think that not paying people minimum wage is flat-out retarded, it shouldn't happen, and tipping shouldn't be damned-near mandatory, especially in cases where the server doesn't deserve it. Oh, and I'll be making close to 7 dollars an hour soon, but my bosses screw me over by paying me in Canadian money, so I get about two-fifty, really. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest godthedog Report post Posted July 4, 2003 It's the biz HERE, where people ARE paid to do their jobs and then they bitch about not getting tipped, that bugs me. that is, indeed, wrong. dunkin donuts and coffee shops with tip jars get no sympathy from me. But here comes the obvious question: If the job is that bad, why don't you quit? because it's a great job, as long as people do tip properly. and most of them do tip properly, so by and large the system does work. doing phone surveys, i'm taking in about $125 a week making $7 an hour before taxes (which is a pretty good wage); but i have to work 6 days a week, and i STILL wish i was a server again cause i could make that much money working half those hours. but that doesn't mean a server doesn't have the right to complain when he doesn't get tipped, cause that's still work he basically didn't get paid for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Going out with my friend and having every male within a 20 mile radius break their necks to hit on her, utterly ignore me, and then have to listen to her "This has never happened to me before!" speech. Over. And over. And over. I hear you there. It is pretty annoying to hear people say "Wow, your friend is SO hot!". That's nice, go tell her yourself and stop bugging me about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2003 I'm lucky. I work out the back at a major fast food company so I dont see customers. I couldn't serve them though, I'd get too pissed off and threaten one of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Internet Warfare 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2003 When my brother talks shit about my mom When my brother acts like he runs the house When I have to help him clean his car When I stub my toe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest T®ITEC Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Valerie won't talk about anything other than two certain animés she watches. Also, she'll say things to her friends in Japanese, and she KNOWS that they don't understand what she's saying. I will not consider her superior because she can speak broken Japanese while I cannot. Every time I talk to her, the conversation goes the same way. She talks about the same few subjects repeatedly. I want to stab her in the eye. ...It angers me that I didn't notice before this point that she has an enourmous ego. It bothers me that, once I became friends with one small group of people, I stopped trying to make any other friends. Now, I feel as if I can't make any other friends and I'm stuck with these jerks. Oh, and wasted potential. I know someone that's charismatic and wonderfully intelligent, but has seemingly chosen to become a worthless hack. He won't even go out and look for a job, or follow through anything he starts. He plays games on his PS2 all day. ...At least he's going to a real high school, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Some other things that annoy the hell out of me: -Otherwise smart people acting really stupid -Hell, stupidity in general -People talking about a subject like they know what they are talking about, but are in reality very ignorant to the subject. -Friends that talk shit about other friends and about me, and don't expect my other friends and I to find out -People who treat other people like shit (I'm mostly talking about high school here, so bear with me). What's funny is that most of the time, the kids getting picked on will become more successful than the 'cool' kids, based on the fact that the 'cool' kids are usually reallly dumb and just get by on looks/athletic ability. -Stupidity -Spoiled brats who expect everything to be handed to them. -Kids who treat their parents like crap over the stupidest things. I know you have problems with her, but don't calll her a bitch because she won't buy you those pair of designer jeans, you whiney brat. -Did I mention stupidity? -Internet talk in general. My lord, is it THAT hard to type out 'your' instead of 'ur'? Or 'though' instead of 'tho'? Christ Almighty. -Whenever I'm pissed off or something, when guys (ignorantly) say that I have PMS. OMG, your creativity ASTOUNDS me! I've NEVER heard THAT one before! -WhEn PeOpLe On ThE iNtErNeT tYpE lIkE tHiS. -Finally, stupity. I'm sure there are more, but that's a fine list for the time being. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 4, 2003 People who throw a hissy fit and leave the board only to retern two months later like nothing happen. I hate those assholes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrRant Report post Posted July 4, 2003 I hate people who try to be funny by making fun of people doing the exact same thing they did because it wasn't funny the first time someone did it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 4, 2003 I hate dorks who allow themselves to get emotional enough to hate another screen name over the Internet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted July 4, 2003 ^That smiley face. It just irritates me alot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrRant Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Canadians parking their RV's in WalMarts parking lot and staying the weekend there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Canadians parking their RV's in WalMarts parking lot and staying the weekend there. Hehehe, sorry about that. It seemed as good as a place as any... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted July 4, 2003 3 Words: Politics at work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 4, 2003 Speaking of Canadians. I hate Canadians who come to the states and call cigarettes fags. "Can I get a pack of fags, eh?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites