Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 I also haven't heard too many bad things about DDP backstage. Sure he played politics but so did everyone. He's always been known as a kind person who gives a lot of time and money to charities and to being a motivational speaker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 But really DDP's done the same if not more than RVD. DDP's beaten Randy Savage, won the WCW World title twice, etc. Actually DDP was a THREE TIME THREE TIME THREE TIME WCW champ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP is a nobody? So those Tonight Show appearances were... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted July 5, 2003 But really DDP's done the same if not more than RVD. DDP's beaten Randy Savage, won the WCW World title twice, etc. Actually DDP was a THREE TIME THREE TIME THREE TIME WCW champ def. Flair/Hogan/Sting at Spring Stampede 1999. (April 11th, 1999) def. Sting on the title switch at Nitro. (April 26th, 1999) def. Jarrett on April 24, 2000, losing the next night to Arquette. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted July 5, 2003 To compare RVD to DDP is ludicrous... You're right. RVD is not now, nor has he ever been, HALF the worker DDP was. And that's coming from an RVD fan, who believes RVD should be (or should have been) wearing the WWE title by now. My opinion is that Flair must hate DDP because of the Bischoff connection. Frankly, though, it gripes my ass that Flair is talking shit about DDP when he has to verbally blow Trips every week. I don't even CARE if it's all part of the storyline - If Flair had any self-respect, a part of him would die every time he had to scream about how much greater HHH is than he ever was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Triple H>>DDP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MideonMark Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP fucking sucked. He shouldnt have been anywhere near the World Title. He was only ever good when Benoit was carrying his worthless ass and other than those matches, the only reason he had anything resembling good matches was because he planned them out to minute details beforehand Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Who cares if he planned them out beforehand? He knew his weaknesses as a wrestler and wanted to make sure they weren't exploited. Damn DDP for planning out his matches. Wouldn't want to see him carry Goldberg and Steiner to very good matches Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cue_meanie Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP fucking sucked. He shouldnt have been anywhere near the World Title. He was only ever good when Benoit was carrying his worthless ass and other than those matches, the only reason he had anything resembling good matches was because he planned them out to minute details beforehand DING! DING DING! We Have A Winner! Truer words have never been spoken everyone talks about his match with Goldberg and it was only because they had a script, go back and see how many scripted Flair matches there are. Even the Warrior had a good match doesn't make him a good worker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Flair followed the same formula in all his matches- so in a way they were scripted. DDP dragged good matches out of everyone. Remember the classic he had on Nitro with an over the hill Sting? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Flair followed the same formula in all his matches- so in a way they were scripted. DDP dragged good matches out of everyone. Remember the classic he had on Nitro with an over the hill Sting? That wasn't a classic by any means. It was a good match, but only because Sting was carrying DDP the entire match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 I don't remember who carried who but considering Sting wasn't putting on good matches at the time and DDP was.. I think DDP was a big help there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP was another by-product of the Dusty Rhodes Machine. He wasn't anything special as the low-card jobber trading jobs with Johnny B Badd... But lucked out by being next door neighbors with Bischoff and kissed enough ass to get that Push from hell...The bastard got over mainly because of the Cool hand signal and the spiffy finisher. He was smart in knowing that he had to script the match in CONCISE detail to make it work. People give him so much love because he carried Goldberg to an ***+ Match...So Did Scott Steiner in his roid rage it's not much to add to fame. DDP was an Mid-carder for life that got lucky and nabbed a main event slot.... DDp was a good guy but he wasn't all that built up to be as some have done with him... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP was an Mid-carder for life that got lucky and nabbed a main event slot.... Well said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP fucking sucked. the only reason he had anything resembling good matches was because he planned them out to minute details beforehand Like WWE does now? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bigdunn20 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP was basically a "working mark." As previously stated, he had his matches planned out to the very minute details. That is NOT working. That does NOT make you a good worker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 5, 2003 As previously stated, he had his matches planned out to the very minute details. That is NOT working. That does NOT make you a good worker. As previously stated, like WWE does now? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted July 5, 2003 What did DDP due to some of you people? Fuck your mothers? "He planned his matches beforehand!" Okay, AND?!?!?!?! So what? It WORKED. The result was GOOD matches with diverse opponents. Half the WWE roster should be doing this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cue_meanie Report post Posted July 5, 2003 THis all started because I said that Ric Flair was completely within his rights to say that DDP was a nobody. Thats Ric Flairs opinion and because of his experience over mine and EVERYONE else on this board...and maybe the whole planet I say his opinion of a worker means more then some guy typing at his keyboard saying "don't bash DDP, WHOO COOL, SELF HIGH FIVE, BANG!" His many versions of the Diamond Cutter got him over, but besides that he was perfect example of a company getting behind the wrong guy. Holding the WCW title at that period in time wasn't exactly the greatest feat in the world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Define "a nobody". DDP got national news coverage because he was involved in the Karl Malone angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 THis all started because I said that Ric Flair was completely within his rights to say that DDP was a nobody. Thats Ric Flairs opinion and because of his experience over mine and EVERYONE else on this board...and maybe the whole planet I say his opinion of a worker means more then some guy typing at his keyboard saying "don't bash DDP, WHOO COOL, SELF HIGH FIVE, BANG!" His many versions of the Diamond Cutter got him over, but besides that he was perfect example of a company getting behind the wrong guy. Holding the WCW title at that period in time wasn't exactly the greatest feat in the world. RRR is right- He wasn't talking about DDP as a worker- he called him a nobody. And I don't think being a three time three time three time WCW champion makes you a nobody. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 I do agree the he wasn't a nobody, but the WCW could have had somebody better to get all that publicity instead of DDP, who was somewhat of a slap to the face of "real" wrestlers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Why? He worked hard like they did. He had a passion for the business like "real" wrestlers do. He gave it his all in the ring. So I take it a "real" wrestler doesn't take a massive pay cut so they could continue to do what they love- rather then sit at home and collect a paycheque like others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted July 5, 2003 DDP was very popular as "the peoples champion" rushing through the crowds holding up the diamond cutter hand sign. And that was during WCW's peak years - so to call him a "nobody", or a "failure" is a bit off. He was pretty agile for a guy his age and his size. He did pescados and flying clotheslines and stuff. You don't see that from your everyday heavyweight. DDP was in Florida years before WCW. Horrible commentator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Why? He worked hard like they did. He had a passion for the business like "real" wrestlers do. He gave it his all in the ring. So I take it a "real" wrestler doesn't take a massive pay cut so they could continue to do what they love- rather then sit at home and collect a paycheque like others. I loved DDP back when he managed the Diamond Stable(?). I loved DDP in the WCW. He was hella over with the fans. I also would never doubt his love for the business. But in the grand sceme of things DDP has no legacy. He won't be remembered with the "great ones". And that is what really matters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mad the Swine Report post Posted July 5, 2003 A little commentary on a few things Flair's said: Flair was never the biggest fan of DDP to begin with. I don't know a particular reason, but it probably was his opinion that politics served to get Page where he was. So, he didn't book him favorably. And Page wasn't the biggest fan of Flair the booker, either (though the last interview I saw on the issue, Page seemed to have been okay with Flair's booking run). I'm a little surprised, though, that Flair said that. Herd and Bischoff (and occasionally Russo) are about the only individuals he will talk negatively about. Flair was injured when he dropped the strap to Bret. He wrestled a few more matches then took a month off with vertigo. I'm pretty sure that's the reason he's not happy with the title switch. Flair's book comes out next year, a projected date of March 1. If he's totally honest with his opinions, it could be quite interesting. From what he said on Byte This a month ago, he's willing to share some stories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Your Paragon of Virtue 0 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Forget about the whole Page thing. We should not be judging this due to his status as a worker, since the whole reason for it was because Flair hates his connection with Bischoff. If you disagree, why don't you wait until the book comes out and argue than. DDP had some mainstream success, a starring role in a movie (albeit one about WCW, but no one else had the charisma that DDP had to carry the role). Leave the guy alone, he seems genuine about his love for the business, and does good things for the community. Some of you compared him to HHH. Well I can honestly say that HHH was never a great worker himself. One Four Star match does NOT equal one of the greatest years for a worker in the wrestling business. Like DDP however, HHH has a genuine love for the business. Or at least that's what I thought. I'm beginning to wonder if he wants to be like the Rock, yet since he doesn't have the luck that the Rock has that he just clings to wrestling due to the fact that it's all he has. I guess time will tell. Flair might have been a great worker, but from almost all accounts he's a bastard backstage. Most people seemed to blame Hogan for all of the crap that happened to WCW in 1994, but after reading first-hand accounts of what happened to Foley and the like, one has to realise that Flair and Bischoff were the real ones behind it. Of course we won't know, which is why I generally don't like to discuss anything but what goes on in the ring. With that being said, Flair is easily the most OVERrated wrestler of all time. With *that* being said, overrated is the most OVERrated term of all time. Dayume. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheGame2705 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Wow if arguments couldn't get any dumber... He scripted his matches. I'm sorry but did you know wrestling's scripted too? Hate to burst your bubble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Your Paragon of Virtue 0 Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Yeah, matches are booked. I wish more guys these days would realise that they sucked and do the same thing. Sure matches would be void of any emotion, but it would be better than whatever the hell they're doing nowadays. I'd ask for them to actually learn how to work a match, but that would be too much in some cases. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 5, 2003 Yeah, matches are booked. I wish more guys these days would realise that they sucked and do the same thing. Sure matches would be void of any emotion, but it would be better than whatever the hell they're doing nowadays. I'd ask for them to actually learn how to work a match, but that would be too much in some cases. Triple H should definetley plan out his matches beforehand. That way we won't have as many debacles. I think wrestlers should also plan out their stuff beforehand. The object of wrestling is to give the fans the best show possible- and if you have to swallow your pride and plan it out beforehand- then do so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites