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The Smackdown Review

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July 6, 2000

Kurt Angle def. Chris Jericho

The Dudley Boyz def. D-Lo Brown & Chaz

Ivory & Jacqueline def. Dean Malenko in a handicap match

Val Venis def. Rikishi to win the Intercontinental Title

Steve Blackman def. The Big Bossman; HC Title Match

The Undertaker & Kane def. T&A

The Brooklyn Brawler & Kaientai (eliminated) def. Triple H in a Handicap Elimination Match

The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, & Chyna def. Chris Benoit, Edge, & Christian


July 12, 2001

Tazz def. Hardcore Holly

Chris Jericho def. Lance Storm

Rhyno def. Kane

Lita def. Trish Stratus

Jeff Hardy def. Mike Awesome to win the Hardcore Title

Kurt Angle & The Undertaker def. Diamond Dallas Page & Shane McMahon by DQ


July 11, 2002

Hulk Hogan & Edge def. Billy & Chuck; Tag Title Match

Molly Holly def. Torrie Wilson; Women’s Title Mtach

Rev. D-Von & Batista def. Mark Henry & Randy Orton

Rikishi def. Test

The Hurricane & Billy Kidman def. Jamie Noble & Tajiri

The Undertaker & John Cena def. Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho

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Guest OnlyMe

The Brooklyn Brawler & Kaientai (eliminated) def. Triple H in a Handicap Elimination Match


Three years ago. Wow. Have you got the match report from that, please?

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The Brooklyn Brawler & Kaientai (eliminated) def. Triple H in a Handicap Elimination Match


Three years ago. Wow. Have you got the match report from that, please?

Here ya go from CRZ on slashwrestling.com:


THE NEW MAN (with Stephanie Ono) v. ? in a handicap elimination match - well, who haven't we seen tonight? Perry Saturn? Is he hurt? Mean Street Posse? I know Foley likes THEM a lot...Patterson & Brisco? My, my, this is a long-ass entrance. Road Dogg & X-Pac? Wouldn't make sense, but we haven't seen them at least. Lawler mentions the Acolytes...that would work. Well, nope - it's KAI EN TAI. Triple H brightens right up seeing THEM - yeah, but Taka almost won the WWF title from him a few months back...but the men from Japan have a partner: THE BROOKLYN BRAWLER. Hmmm. Why not bring out some Los SuperAstros minis while we're at it? Anyway, Brawler directs Michinoku and Funaki to other sides of the ring - then, from three sides they swarm on Triple H - tripleteam beatdown actually works despite the fact that the three are Kai En Tai and the Brooklyn Brawler. Funaki puts H in the ropes, reversed, but Funaki manages a 'rana to take H to the mat. Swinging neckbreaker by the Brawler - for 2. Missile dropkick by Michinoku for 2. Into the ropes, two heads down, Michinoku eats a kick, Funaki's swing ducked and HE'S put outside with a right. Brawler clotheslines H to the outside (!) and Taka is onto the apron - ASAI MOONSAULT!! But unfortunately he lands on Funaki instead. H in the ring, Brawler...brawling with him. Chop! Chop! Right, into the ropes, head down, facebuster by Triple H - leg hooked - 1, Taka dropkicks him in the face. Uppercut thrust, another, karate chop, off the ropes but H sidesteps it and puts him outside. Running at Funaki, who puts the boots up - on the second rope, right, right, right, tornado DDT attempt is shrugged off. Pedigree! 1, 2, 3, Funaki is out. (2:16) Michinoku tries a top rope plancha - but H ducks it. Another Pedigree puts Taka out. (2:31) Brawler with a gutshot, chop, backhand, right, H with a gutshot, kick, kick, kick, stomp, standing on the neck despite the protestations of referee "Blind" Earl Hebner - oh oh, looks like it's shoving match time - Hebner pulls H off by the hair, H shoves him into a backwards somersault. Setting up Brawler for the Pedigree...but CHRIS THURSDAY JERICHO is out - bulldog! Lionsault! Keep in mind this is in PLAIN view of Hebner - maybe he's the fourth partner or something? Brawler covers - 1, 2, 3! (3:21) Wow, I haven't seen Brawler win since that Challenge match with Brady Boone back in '91. Anyway, Triple H goes ballistic after the match and annihilates his three opponents. Brawler actually blades for the benefit of selling. Triple H finally DOES hit that Pedigree on the Brawler...time to cue his music.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Ah yes, the famous "HHH jobbed to the BROOKLYN BRAWLER!!!!" match.


I haven't seen that argument to counter the 'HHH never jobs' thing in ages.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Ah yes, the famous "HHH jobbed to the BROOKLYN BRAWLER!!!!" match.


I haven't seen that argument to counter the 'HHH never jobs' thing in ages.

Thank God.

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