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Guest The Czech Republic

The porn industry is a cruel mistress.

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Guest The Czech Republic

I must say, it must be HARD for Sean Morley to PULL OUT of that business.


So after a successful stint in pornography, Val became a guy in white tights with right-wing leanings and a techno remix. Then it was on to Right To Censor. Then he disappeared, and came back as a porn star...again. And then it was The Big Valbowski, who was basically a porn star, but not really, so he was just a horny guy or something. Then Val found out that hormones can't control his career, and he became Chief Morley, in charge of the Raw staff. A successful job, until he got fired. And instead of searching for a new occupation, why not go back to a job where you've done well in the past? Boom. Porn star again. No matter how Val Venis gets repackaged, we all know he'll be talking about his dick within a matter of months.

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Guest LJSexay

Let's hope he starts going places this time, like it SEEMED he would back in late '99.


I like Val. :)

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Guest The Old Me

He won't get pushed anywhere, except maybe to the unemployment line. Not that I don't like Morley, but TNA would use him better.

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Guest BoboBrazil

The last thing they should have made him do was go back to the Val Venis character. He should just be Sean Morley. It would be better for him if they fired him so he could go to TNA. He is a pretty good wrestler and could be a good main eventer.

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Guest Choken One

He would fit great with Nowinski as Sean Morely...


It's easy to set up...


Nowinski gets his handed to him by an random low-carder (let's say Goldust)...Nowinski is irate in the locker room as Val Venis emerges from the shower in his Towel...


He laughs at Nowinski and Nowinski makes a "Porno is for the lower rung of soceity" type comeback...Venis grunts and shoves Nowinski outta the way...


Venis returns the next week and is still an Porn Star recluse. Nowinksi is in the back debating with an unlucky stagehand...Venis comes up to them and Nowinski shrugs him off Excuse Val...but this is an serious converstation here..something you wouldn't know about...go along and play with your infested tramps..."


Venis, whom had heard what they were talking about cuts a liberal stance promo that stuns Nowinski.


WHAMMO! Instana-Tag Team!

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Guest subliminal_animal

Chief Morley was a solid, entertaining character. He was really working wonders with the tired "heel commissioner" gimmick.


Morley and Nowinski could've just teamed up after he got fired from the chief of staff position. I liked Storm, but Nowinski would've been a step up since Regal's been absent.


There was no need for the WWE to make him Val Venis again, although the scenario you presented was something that'd be fun to see.

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Guest The Czech Republic
He would fit great with Nowinski as Sean Morely...


It's easy to set up...


Nowinski gets his handed to him by an random low-carder (let's say Goldust)...Nowinski is irate in the locker room as Val Venis emerges from the shower in his Towel...


He laughs at Nowinski and Nowinski makes a "Porno is for the lower rung of soceity" type comeback...Venis grunts and shoves Nowinski outta the way...


Venis returns the next week and is still an Porn Star recluse. Nowinksi is in the back debating with an unlucky stagehand...Venis comes up to them and Nowinski shrugs him off Excuse Val...but this is an serious converstation here..something you wouldn't know about...go along and play with your infested tramps..."


Venis, whom had heard what they were talking about cuts a liberal stance promo that stuns Nowinski.


WHAMMO! Instana-Tag Team!

You've got some good ideas, save for the fact that in real life, Sean Morley is more of a conservative, or maybe libertarian, I believe. One of the two.

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Guest Choken One

I thought he was a liberal but I guess I read LIBERTERTAIN instead...I get the two confused...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Whatever happened to the uber-team of Val and Bob - Lo Down 2002?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I heard that they travel together and work out together, so it was only logical that they'd team together.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I actually liked Val during the tighty-whities period. Dunno why, but i liked the majority of his matches with Rikishi (back when he had a moveset). Since then it's been downhill. TNA could use him perfectly, because when you think of pornstar wrestlers, you think of XPW, but then you think of Russo. I don't know how much of a moveset out of WWE style he has though. D-lo might have been a fluke

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Guest Anglesault
Whatever happened to the uber-team of Val and Bob - Lo Down 2002?

Hardcore Porn?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Some considered Chief Morley to be a heatless character but at least he wasn't strictly a Heat talent like Val Venis is today.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The biggest stumbling block Val had was with the Val Venis name - "Val Venis" isn't exactly the name of a champion - so he remained stuck in the mid-card. Then they were able to change his name with the Chief Morely gimmick - but then, only because "creative" couldn't think of something for him, he went back to the Val Venis gimmick and then proceeded to go _no where_.

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Guest JHawk

Has Morley ever cut an entertaining promo that wasn't as Val Venis though?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Val's promos are entertaining?


Morely can cut a _good_ promo, but they aren't entertaining... but then again, they don't have to be.

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Guest JHawk

Val's promos are entertaining if you like sexual innuendo. And you weren't watching in 1998-99.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Val's promos are the definition of trite these days though.

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Guest Dangerous A

Val's promo's were hardly entertaining. So what, he could recite Russo's words better than other people on the roster. Doesn't mean Val's an entertaining promo. Almost anyone could tell those double entendre jokes and do it as good or better than Mr Morley.


Morley is now viewed as a joke. Maybe one day he'll main event a kick ass indy show. Til then, he means nothing to the show.

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Guest The Czech Republic

Another problem Val has is that his moveset is awfully generic, and not just in the WWE Style way. Back before there was a mandated moveset, Val didn't have all that much distinctive going on, other than the Blue Thunder.

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I like Vals moveset. He even added that reverse figure 4 as well.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Val's an incredibly vanilla wrestler. He runs through the same spots all the time, and has a really bad habit of using too many restholds.


He's a solid athlete though, I'll give him that.

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I have to agree, Valis not that great of a wrestler. Plus, while he is in WWE, face it, the fact is he is going to go NOWHERE. Only thing that makes me not feel positive on this fact is that Kane is now a heel maineventer once again and WWE MAY do someting right finally.

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Guest JMA

I remember Morley once said in one of the WWE magazines that he thought there should be no taxes... at all. I remember this because a reader sent him a letter about it and he explained his position. I think that would make him a big L Libertarian.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Val vs. Benjamin in a dark match from the October Smackdown in Toronto was REALLY GOOD.

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