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Guest wrestlingbs

Booker T wins the IC title

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Guest wrestlingbs

With all the fuss about Nash and HBK on Raw, I just wanted to start a thread about a good thing that happened tonight: Booker T finally won the IC title in a good match with Christian. Where do you think this will go? What does this mean for Booker T?

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Guest subliminal_animal

It'd be nice if he could hold it longer than he did the tag titles.

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Guest HartFan86

Not to try to start something negative on a good thing, but Booker winning the IC title was about a two months too long for me to give a shit.


Sorry, but he should of won at Judgment Day...and Bad Blood at the LATEST.

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Guest bob_barron

I didn't mark out too much since I really wasn't expecting it.


I think they FINALLY realised that Christian is just too awful to be getting that big of a push.


I hope he keeps the belt for a while- Booker T deserves it.


Also- He can main event house shows and send the crowd home happy.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I wasn't that high on the match. When Booker and Hass And Sheldon get 13 rematches you know they have to eventually win.

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Guest Goodear

It was a good opener, although I have to wonder why they don't put Booker's wins on pay-per-view. Anyway they did good job of making the title win seem extremely important postmatch as JR went into hypemode and Booker gave the post match victory speech. The match itself was pretty good despite the worker's faults and probably came in around the **1/2 - *** star mark.

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Guest Goodear

Christian despirately needs to build up the moveset before he gets another run at the belt. He does fine going back and forth with Booker when neither guy is really connecting (you know, like the scissors kick teases) but when its his turn to hit something, Christian just sort of waffles around. Add the Bret Hart five moves of doom and Christian is suddenly a whole lot more interesting as a wrestler.

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Christian despirately needs to build up the moveset before he gets another run at the belt. He does fine going back and forth with Booker when neither guy is really connecting (you know, like the scissors kick teases) but when its his turn to hit something, Christian just sort of waffles around. Add the Bret Hart five moves of doom and Christian is suddenly a whole lot more interesting as a wrestler.

He is just using the WWE style.

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Guest nl5xsk1

It pisses me off that a multiple time world champion was so excited about winning the secondary title on his show, and one that had been retired due to hhh's ego-fuck thinking he was above it.


And JR's saying that Booker "had reached the mountaintop" (or whatever the actual quote was) made it seem like the real title was too unreachable for Booker so this was as good as he could aspire to reach.


You gotta love fighting for second place. Go hhh!

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Guest Goodear

A side backbreaker, a vertical suplex, a Russian legsweep, a middle rope elbow and a DDT all fall very safetly into the WWE's list of moves they'll allow in a match.

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Guest Goodear

Better to be excited about winning a title than to be all "Oh I won the IC belt... yawn."

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With all the fuss about Nash and HBK on Raw, I just wanted to start a thread about a good thing that happened tonight: Booker T finally won the IC title in a good match with Christian. Where do you think this will go? What does this mean for Booker T?

Most likely it will lead to Booker T jobbing the belt to Randy Orton at Summerslam, what with Mick Foley being unavailable to put over Orton...

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Guest Breetai

The good - he got the IC.


The bad - he should have got the HHH memorial belt. At Wrestlemania. In a clean finish.


The ugly - He'll job it to a member of Evolution, garunteed.

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A side backbreaker, a vertical suplex, a Russian legsweep, a middle rope elbow and a DDT all fall very safetly into the WWE's list of moves they'll allow in a match.

Sadly he used to do lots of moves, but for whatever reason he no longer does. (wwe style)

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Guest Goodear

When did Christian ever have a whole lot of moves? I remember he used to do a slingshot bodypress to the apron (like Jericho's dropkick) ... but nothing else stands out in my memory. As far as I can remember, Christian has always been weak offensively and especially so as a heel.

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Guest BobbyWhioux

I liked the Booker T vs Christian match. And I thought they made a decent attempt like packaging it as a big deal. And while it was some "my big move vs your big move" approximation of counterwrestling at the end ("you dodge mine, I dodge yours, then one of us finally hits") which wasn't great per se, it was all right.


I enjoyed watching that match, and Booker T winning clean, and the continuity of Christian having a "tantrum" as he got frustrated (though that was NOT a good gimmick or period for him), points for alluding to it and bringing some semblance of continuity.


I like the fact that somebody interviewed him backstage afterwards. Though, of course, I am baffled as to why Terri Runnels is STILL the WWE interview chick, and in fact why she is employed at all. I don't see what she brings to the product that nobody else can. [Hey, she's got a kid to support, good for her she can make legitimate money doing something I presume she likes doing. I'm not angry she's still employed by WWE nor do I begrudge her her paycheck, but I do honestly wonder why Vince hasn't released her yet.]


In fact, I liked quite a bit of the first hour of Raw. I was, for lack of a better word, entertained enough to watch more of Raw last night than I have in a while.

Last night, they (the WWE "Creative" team) for once, GOT IT. Will they continue to, in regards to Booker T and the IC title? I have my doubts. But for now, things are cool on that front.

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Guest AndrewTS

I marked for the win, but in the back of my mind I expect to see Kane beat him for it and feud with HHH.


Not a unification match--probably HHH will win the IC and job it to one of his buddies, or he'll just beat Kane and not take the IC, killing any prestige it had left.

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