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Guest Choken One

Vengence Card

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Guest Coffey
- The main event could be ok as long as Big Show doesn't get too much offense.

I disagree with that statement. The Big Show isn't known for his selling, so if he's not on offense, that means he has to be on defense. Because like it or not, he's in the match. So, since his defense isn't good, to make the match better as a whole, I would rather have The Big Show on offense. Besides, Brock & Angle are both great sellers, and it won't make you look weak to act hurt when you get hit by a seven foot five-hundred pound giant.


At least that's how I see it. I'm not saying that I want to Big Show to win. I'm just saying I don't want to watch Big Show roll around on the mat.

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Guest Choken One

The card really doesn't look all that bad...


It's just those *TWO* Matches that stand to suck donkey Balls...


I just don't understand why they can't have the Semis and The Finals (give the show some more mystery) and you can perhaps trick some people into thinking we can get Benoit/Eddy...


The Tag Match is merely there to do the Heel turn for Kidman...Which makes me kinda apathetic for the match since the end is clear...


Kidman and Mysterio mis-commucates...Rey goes for the Hot tag but Kidman channels Martel and leaves...


Haas and Benjamin finish Rey off...


At first I wanted Hassmin Vs Degenerated Nex since I am doubting they are going with Benoit/Eddy and do the Rhyno Heel turn there...


but it would be the same and Besides...Rey/Kidman would be a little more fresh...


They could easily do the Billy Gunn/Knoble match if they suddenly grow sense and Put Eddy Over...


APA/Spanky Vs F.B.I will be the Heat Match


The Undertaker/Cena match is going to be interesting on the political level...


The Triple Threat shouldn't be that bad...

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Guest Bad Guy

People,geez It will be Billy Gunn Vs Beniot At Vegeance

Its So Obvious.



Hardy/Beniot Match-Shannon Comes In And Interfers When

The Ref Is Down And Then Rhyno Comes Out And Gores

Both Hardy And Shannon And Then He Picks The Ref Up

And He Counts 1,2 And 3. This Will Set Up Hardy w/Shannon Vs Rhyno At Vengeance And Beniot Advances To The U.S. Final.


During Eddy/Gunn Match Tajiri Comes Down And Spits That

Green Mist In Eddys Face Or He'll Tajiri Kick Him Or Maybe Even

Both When The Ref Aint Paying Attetion And Then Billy Gunn

Connects With The Fame Asser And 1,2,3 He Picks Up The Win.

I Dont Want Him To Win But He Will. That Will Set Up Eddy

Vs Tajiri At Vengeance And Bill Gunn Advancing To The U.S.



Now This Will Set Up The Final Between Beniot Vs Gunn

Now I Know Who Will Win This,Billy Will Win 1) By

Torrie Helping 2)Rhyno Comin Down Turning HEEL(Because

Beniot Earlier Didnt Help Him In His Match With Hardy w/Shan

And He Was Getting Jumped 3)Gunn Winnin Cleanly.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

The main problem I have with Vince vs. Zach is simply this. They are obviously trying to build Gowan up, correct me if I am wrong. So why the fuck do you have him wrestle someone who #1 isn't going to sell for him and #2 who would you have him fight someone that is obviously going to expose him in the ring? I guess that prove's that McMahon honestly could give two shits about building people up correctly and would rather just get himself over as a heel.


here's to you.....fuckin vince, you idiot........


I'm not even going to touch the fact that Rockabilly is probably going to go over Benoit.

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I hate Billy Gunn with a passion.


Oh, and Choken, I'd put money on you being right about everything you said.

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