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Guest humongous2002

RAW rating rises

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Guest humongous2002

This week's edition of Raw did a 4.2 cable rating, with a 7 share. That is up from last week's 3.6 and is the show's best rating in many months. The show did hours of 4.0 and 4.5 and was buoyed by a 5.4 for the overrun, where Steve Austin brought Kane to the ring. That was, by far, the highest quarter hour of the show, with the next highest being the 4.7 that they did at 10 p.m. Other than the 3.5 that the show began with, every other quarter was a 4.0 or higher.




It's official the casual tv viewers watch WWE not for the wrestling, but the main event promos.

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Guest nikowwf

They started off the show with Booker winning the title, which I think gave people the incentive to stick around. If you make peeps happy, they will keep watching.





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Guest CronoT

Compared to last week's show, paint drying would probably get more viewership.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

I was surprised at the raw rating. Booker winning was good but just about everything after that was blah.

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Guest Hass of Pain

I bet Levesque's blood is boiling seeing the ratings increase by 2/3 of a point when he wasn't even involved.

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Guest CanadianChick

That's strange. The show wasn't really anything special.

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Guest nikowwf

Obviously all the fans refused to change the channel because if they did they might miss when HHH came out!



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Guest BoboBrazil

I thought this was the first Raw that sucked in like a month, so it figures the Raw rating would rise during it.

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Guest humongous2002

The scariest thing is that Vince sees this as a reason to give the mega push to Kane, may God save our souls.

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Guest Goodear

Seriously, Kane of all people seems to be a ratings draw... thats simply just sick. What the heck is up with that?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff



However, my fear is that the WWE will think Kane is a draw :ph34r:


EDIT: damn, 2 posts too slow on the Kane/draw thing...

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I don’t mind Kane getting this push. It beats focusing the show around HHH or Zach Gowan or Vince or Steph or Al Wilson…

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Guest BoboBrazil

Kane isn't a draw. It is the storyline that was a draw. Kane has been in segments before and lost viewers.

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Guest Anglesault

Now, as long as LESS people watch HeAt, HHH's evil plan will fall through.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
The scariest thing is that Vince sees this as a reason to give the mega push to Kane, may God save our souls.

If it brings back the no-selling freakshow Kane who flattens 4 main eventers and leaves in a pissed off mood, then I hope the rating goes through the roof.



If it brings back the shitty Kane who gets beaten up by midcarders and falls in love with a second-tier Diva ala Jackie Gayda every six months, then forget it.

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Guest redbaron51

Kane would go on a tear for about 1-2 months, then he's fighting Al Snow

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The RAW ratings have been up and down for awhile now. It doesn't have to do with anyone or anything. NO ONE IS A DRAW OR NON-DRAW! HHH doesn't draw, Austin doesn't draw, Kane, Bischoff, Jericho etc. etc. In this day and age, the word "draw" should not even come up. No one is drawing from either brand.

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Guest Caliban

They have some semblance of an original storyline with the Kane thing, and they are actually addressing it every week, rather than throwing the story away and starting anew. For me, that's why Raw's ratings are starting to hang around the high 3's on average rather than the low 3's.


Not Kane specifically - but the fact there is a storyline to follow and reason to tune in next weelk.

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Guest Choken One

Kane always gotten good ratings before so this comes to no surprise...Of couse the Casuals are digging this "fresh" angle with Kane...

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Guest wrestlingbs

I actually liked Raw. Despite The end of the HBK segment and Kane's "you think I'm funny" thing, Raw had a lot of good parts. Booker T vs. Christian, The Intergender match, Kane demolishing everything in site, and of ocurse, Jericho calling HBk a liar.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



No HHH = Ratings!!!


Booker winning = Ratings!!!


RVD in a main event (match) he can win = Ratings!!!

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Kane may suck and isn't a draw on his own, but the unmasking storyline really seems to be working. What do you know? The writers actually get someone over.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

What I found extra funny was there was that one goof in the front with that "Raw Spoiler: HHH Wins" sign, and HHH didn't even make an appearance on the show! Made the guy look like a real idiot.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Now if they can keep this rating for a month straight I'll believe there's something to it. But it'll drop back below 4 next week.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
What I found extra funny was there was that one goof in the front with that "Raw Spoiler: HHH Wins" sign, and HHH didn't even make an appearance on the show! Made the guy look like a real idiot.

I thought that was a spoiler for the next 2 months worth of RAW.

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