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Guest wrestlingbs

WWE buys expensive movie script...

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Guest wrestlingbs

According to 411mania.com, the WWE recently bought a movie script from Alan McElroy. McElroy is the man who wrote the Spawn movie.


Once again, Vince is trying to get into a biz besides wrestling. Anyone betting this too will fail?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Spoiler for next week:


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

WWE buys the worlds fattest race horse

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I got three dollars that says this movie (whatever it is) will star HHH.


He can't get the mainstream success of Rock or even Foley and Austin or Hogan.


so Daddy buys him one.

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They paid a lot of money for the script written by the guy who wrote Ballistic: Ecks versus Sever. Do they INTEND to fail every new venture they try?

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Guest Karnage
They paid a lot of money for the script written by the guy who wrote Ballistic: Ecks versus Sever. Do they INTEND to fail every new venture they try?

The guy also wrote Halloween IV.

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Guest El Satanico

Or what movie it is...Or how much they paid...Or ANYTHING about the story since you told us nothing important.

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Yeah...do you have anyu other facts, I am actually interested in this LOL. Vince wont fail if the script is good and he gets good actors. Oh yeah, and doesnt get anymore invovled then he already is. BUT because hes McMahon I doubt he will do just that.........I am officially excited...cant WAIT for the trailer of that movie LOL.One last thing, he COULD make it good because he has TONS of $$$$ and would spend alot more on it then any other film company.

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Guest Choken One

*Tons of Money*? He lost about 500 Million of it with his Other Brain farts XFL, World, Smackdown Records...


What's the name of the Movie Company?


HHH Enterprise?

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Guest Big_Jay101

just dont say WWE presents and they might be ok the less the public knows about WWE making it the better

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Guest El Satanico
just dont say WWE presents and they might be ok the less the public knows about WWE making it the better

Oh i have a feeling we'd be able to see Vince's fingerprints all over it even if he doesn't tell us straight out.


A trailer that looks more like a wrestling hype video will tip everyone off.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Doesn't Vince have his own Creative Staff?? Why is he buying scripts??


"Daddy, Daddy, I wanna be a movie star!"


"But Plumpkin, I've pretty-much-well given you my wrestling company - it's a weekly 2 hour show and it's all for you dear."


"Oh but that's BORING now, I wanna dress up and sit in those neato chairs and yell ACTION and CUT and THAT'S A WRAP and not have it confined to my bedroom... "


"Well, if you want it that much..."




"Yeah, but don't tell your brother, I promised him he'd get the first movie deal"


"I won't"


"You promise??"


"I pwomise"


"That's my lil Princess..."

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Guest HellSpawn

I like some early Alan McElroy work, in Spawn's comic Curse of Spawn... but suddenly he turn the book into a gore fest and sucked.


btw RRR, that little post... it makes me think in some ugly and forbidden thouhgts... but this is not a XXX forum... is a HHH forum :lol:

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Here is a more, semi in-depth story from IMDBpro.


WWE Films catch pitch by McElroy

9 July 2003 (The Hollywood Reporter)

NEW YORK -- WWE Films has smacked down a high-six-figure sum for an untitled action pitch by Spawn screenwriter Alan McElroy. The pitch is being developed as one of the first features for World Wrestling Entertainment's Los Angeles-based film division, which is headed by president Joel Simon. WWE brass was keeping a tight choke hold on the pitch's plot, except to describe it as "high-concept." McElroy will pen the original screenplay, with Simon shepherding the project, along with WWE Films vp Jed Blaugrund. McElroy's previous credits also include last year's Warner Bros. release Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever and 20th Century Fox's current horror rollout Wrong Turn. "WWE Films is here to extend the WWE brand into mainstream Hollywood movies and television shows, and this story does that perfectly," Simon said. McElroy is repped by Hohman Maybank Lieb.

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Guest Razor Roman

I'd like-uh to accept-uh this oscar-uh on behalf of all of the fans-uh. :: Drops pants ::

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Guest El Satanico
McElroy's previous credits also include last year's Warner Bros. release Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever

You'd think they'd want to keep that quiet

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ok, so is the "high concept" incorporating their wrestlers into the movie???


Did they even WATCH WCW??? Seriously? C'mon! It's like Vince is reading "how to kill a promotion in 2 years".

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Guest RavishingRickRudo
Oh, come on. There is NO WAY this could even approach the awfulness that was Ready To Rumble.


What in gods name gives you the impression that the WWE can't be worse than WCW? They handled the NWO worse than WCW. They handled Kronik worse than WCW. They handled WCW worse than WCW.


R2R will be seen as an oscar contender to whatever shit McMahon is cooking up.

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Guest JaKyL25
WWE brass was keeping a tight choke hold on the pitch's plot, except to describe it as "high-concept."

Knowing WWE, they're talking about a stoner comedy with RVD.

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Guest Choken One

Or the Boxing Company or Ice Cream Company...


STICK to wrestling...you have *some* ability in that market...

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Guest The Tino Standard
Or the Boxing Company or Ice Cream Company...


STICK to wrestling...you have *some* ability in that market...

Ice cream company?


Was this the company responsible for WWF Ice Cream Bars? Those were actually pretty good.

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