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Guest undisputedjericho

What's your username mean?

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Guest redbaron51

I was doing a project on WWI and redbaron was a cool name.


51 has always been my number for any sport

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My older sister had a "mysticfirerose' AOL SN. I needed a name change since anck_su_namun_yuna was quite the long name, even for email.


So, take the end of my old name, combine it with the end of hers... and voila, Yuna_Firerose.

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Guest caboose

The N64 version of WWF Attiude had several names you could call your custom wrestler that the commentary team actually called instead of just 'Player 1' or 'Player 2'. 'Caboose' was on the list and thus I chose it, and I've used it ever since...

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Guest Cancer Marney

In Ultima VI: The False Prophet, one of my favourite computer games, there's a girl called Marney.


>You see a tall, delicate looking female. Her smile puts you at ease.

>Her eyes are as blue as the ocean and her movements rhythmic as the tide.

>"My father chose an ancient word for my name. It means the cool breeze after a storm has passed. Marney."


Following the deaths of her parents, she dies of a broken heart in between that game and the next one. You can visit her tomb in Ultima VII: The Black Gate. Anyway, she's really pretty and I spent hours just looking at her portrait way back then. My wife looks a lot like her when she pulls her hair back.


The "Cancer" part is a later addition. It's just a reference to my favourite X-Files character - Cancer Man, a/k/a the Cigarette-Smoking Man.

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Guest HBK16

I was a HBK fan like 5 years ago. I used it on Ebay about that long ago and other message boards. I never really thought of changing it despite it being a very gay name.

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Guest Gathering Moss

Damn right it is.


A winner is you if you can guess what my name means.

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Guest ViciousFish

When I first started using IRC 5 years ago I need a name and one of my friends rattled off a bunch and one happened to be ViciousFish.


I am not at all vicious (well maybe when I'm mad) but I am a pisces but I never clued in on that until a couple years later. It's the only username I've used in my 5 years on the IRC and message boards.


Some bastard stole it though for his hotmail account so I couldn't use it for that :angry:

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Guest meanmaisch

This might not be it, but Gathering Moss is the name of a Super Furry Animals song.


My name is a name given to me in my backyard wrestling days. Its sort of a Mean Gene knockoff, only using my last name instead.

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

Arkham is from Lovecraft, Globe was the name of Shakespeare's theater. I just put them together because I thought it sounded good.

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Guest Gathering Moss
This might not be it, but Gathering Moss is the name of a Super Furry Animals song.


My name is a name given to me in my backyard wrestling days. Its sort of a Mean Gene knockoff, only using my last name instead.


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Guest kingkamala

Ummm I like Kamala and thought he deserved to be King of the Ring I guess. In fact I don't know why the hell I picked my name

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Guest Kingpk

Formula stolen from a high school friend


King + initials (PK = Peter Kostka, if you didn't know that by now. If not, you're a moron). My AOL SN has a 19 (used to be 33 on my old computer) since there's already a Kingpk registered.


Gee, how insightful.

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Guest The ChriZa

Mine, too, is my nickname. It derives from the name of my favorite rapper, The RZA. (Pronounced RIH-ZAH)

And my first name is Chris.

Clever, no?

I thought so too. *beams with pride*

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Guest Youth N Asia

I use to make up stories about my name. Tell something new to everyone who asked. But really I just thought Youth N Asia would make for a cool finisher name.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I was trying to think of a good name for an e-fed character, and I've always liked the name "Lazarus" for some reason. Since I wanted the character to be sort of a snobby rich kid/movie star, I wanted a cool name. "Corey" came to mind.


Thus, Corey Lazarus.


The 416 came from an old backyard gimmick I used when I was 13 and used to fart around in my yard with a few friends. It used to be "I'm so sick of Yadda 3:16, or Blah 4:20. You know what? Wulfe 4:16 says fuck you!"

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

<----- Mystery Science Theater 3000. Space Mutiny episode. One of the many nicknames given to Reb Brown's character in the movie.

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Guest CanadianChris

First name: Chris.

Nationality: Canadian.


You do the math.


Plus, my original avatar was Benoit and Jericho (also Canadians named Chris) holding up the tag titles.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Well, Millennium Man was my pseudo-nickname my Senior year in high school.


And 8/31 is Ta Da . . . my birthday!

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Guest The ChriZa
I'm a huge Calvin & Hobbes fan.

Anyone who DIDN'T know what Spaceman Spiff was is an uninformed philistine.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Zack-real life nickname, due to me at one point resembling the lead from Saved By The Bell (8th grade, 1993...same hairdo, style, etc.). The name has stuck throughout life, as I've always been called Zack or Preppy since then, and I know pretty much everything about SBTB or most teen shows.


Malibu-name taken from a fantasy wrestler I created year ago. Decided to use that because registering as "Zack Morris" would have made me seem like a gimmick IMO, and the Malibu still builds on my preppy, "partyguy" personality.


So, whalla-Zack Malibu.

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Guest El Satanico

A bastardized spanish phrase meaning "The Devil". No such phrase exists in spanish.


The real phrase would be El Diablo, but I wanted something with more interest, so I made up a spanish sounding to replace Diablo.

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Guest JHawk

Pretty self explanatory. Jared Hawkins. J-Hawk. I was in high school drama club, and freshman year one of the seniors in drama called me JHawk at a rehearsal. It stuck throughout high school after that.

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