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Lil' Bitch

List your reasons for hating HHH

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Guest Downhome
Could I list my reasons for hating you?

1) For starting this thread.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

He's boring, unexciting and predictable. I tell you, if he wrestled the same way he did in 2000, I would love this long ass reign, and wouldn't give a shit about him going over everybody, but he's boring.

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He's boring basically. I could care less about his politics. But his mic work is as bad as Lollipop's from TNA. And Brooklyn Brawler works a better match than he does.

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Guest TheGame2705

Last I checked Triple H wrestles the same except with less knee moves. I guess you like the knee moves.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

I hate HHH because every one else does........

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Guest The ChriZa

He causes people to start thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread bashing him.

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I don't hate Triple H. However when he became that rich snobby pseudo-Flair it took all the light away from him being 'that damn good'. I honestly think they have given him the belt for 8 months (ending his reign in August)(cross fingers) because of his ACL injury which took him off tv for those 8 months. I think they should start trading superstars from RAW and Smackdown to make it a little more chllenging for H to have people face. Benoit or Jericho would be good with a title run IMO.

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I'd say he was even overrated in 2000, but I could tolerate him more then.


The man has a twisted view of things. He believes what he's doing is right for the business. He's honestly convinced himself that he's helping the business. He's placed himself in a position where he thinks he's the judge of who's worthy to be a main eventer or not and that's NOT his right.


He hasn't performed well enough to justify this long of a reign at the top, yet he feels no one else is up to par as a main eventer.


And people can say we put too much stock in "news sites", but it's evident in the product. Not to mention even the wrestlers are echoing our statements. Not just in rumors, but in interviews too.

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Guest TheGame2705

Gee Flair probably liked Triple H because he saw himself in him. I agree Triple H's ring work wasn't what made me like him. It was that he was an asshole. Not the annoying Steve Austin type of asshole but the devious kind. Right now there's no reason for fans to hate Triple H. NONE. Why hate the guy? I honestly have not seen any reason to hate his character post-quad tear.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

He's working matches with the same moveset that he did in '00, true, but he's not as fast as he was then, didn't work as hard, and didn't bump or sell as much. If you'll notice, HHH usually won matches and would look fatigued - maybe almost dead - after them. Now? He gets up, brushes himself off, wipes the hair from his face, and walks away.


I'm starting to like him again, though. He's actually starting to become faster in the ring.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

How can I hate a guy I love to make fun of??


*Steph reading TSMMB*


"Hunter, Hunter, Hunter! Lookie! Lookie Here! They're talking about you again??"


"That's great Steph"


"No, this is different!"


"Sure it is"


"No, you gotta look!"


"Uh huh"


"Seriously, you GOTTA take a look at this! It's so amazing!"




*HHH puts down Observer and stops "Best of: Ric Flair - the early years" tape and lifts JR's head from groin*


"Let's have a look at this...


... uh huh...


...uh huh....


...uh... Steph? This is the same shit as always"







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Guest JHawk

When Triple H has his working boots on, I enjoy watching him.


But he's cut the exact same promo since 2000 without having the awesome matches to counteract it, and he's gotten more cleans wins of any heel I can ever remember, including Flair in his prime.


I think the lack of cheap wins actually pisses me off more than the constant push or the backstage political bullshit.

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Guest Trivia247

politics his way to remaining on top without putting too much effort into it because he is fucking the bosses daughter. SO whatever credentials he had and rightfulness he may have had at the top of the ladder is tainted and disqualified for the methodology he has with holding his spot.

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Guest Downhome
For the record, I don't like HHH.

You have got to be kidding. If anyone here was a HHH fan, I figured that you had to be one.

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Guest The ChriZa

Hunter is not my favorite but I certainly don't hate him. He's put on some great matches in the past and I'll always be grateful for that. I'm not going to pretend it never happened just because he's slowed down.

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