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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

Possible World Title Feuds

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

So A.J. is going to feud with D-Lo/D'Lo for a good while, that much seems obvious. What's next for him, assuming he defeats D-Lo/D'Lo in their feud? Probably Jarrett or Raven, both bad ideas in my opinion. Why? Because it's getting stale seeing those two around the World Title. No one wants to see Jarrett win the Title again, so the program isn't even worth running if A.J. is going to be the heel. I personally think that Raven should stay out of the Title picture for awhile because I'm getting sick of seeing him chase the Title and never win it, and I'm betting the fans will get sick of it soon as well. Luckily, it doesn't look like Raven will be around the World Title for some time, but unluckily it looks like Double J will be the next challenger to A.J. Who could possibly be a credible challenger to A.J. and give a breath of fresh air to the World Title? Read on:


1) My first choice is Jerry Lynn, who isn't doing anything too meaningful and hasn't for quite some time. Jerry and A.J. lit up TNA for quite a few weeks to the point that their matches against each other became stale. Jerry should defeat Justin Credible this week and Justin should either be given something else to do or be dropped completely. Jerry can float around for awhile, pick up a few big victories, and once the program between A.J. and D-Lo culminates, he'll be right there with a built-in angle. Just reference their past history and state that no one has a win-loss record againt A.J. like Jerry Lynn does and there you go, instant credibility. I don't think the matches would be stale to the majority of TNA fans because those matches were a good while ago, and never have these two faced each other for the World Title. Credibility, great matches, this would be perfect.


2) "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. With Elix moving on to the X Division for the time being, why not throw Daniels into the World Title picture upon his return? Dude's mega over despite being a heel, so the face turn won't go badly, and let's face it: Daniels has long deserved a big main event spot somewhere with national exposure. The matches would be fresh and probably really, really great. This would be a win-win situation, and in the very least Daniels can be put over as a major threat in order to feud with other main eventers (Raven, Jarrett, D-Lo/D'lo, whoever).


3) Sting would be great, and the seeds have already been planted, but who knows how many more matches he'll have in TNA. Everyone hoped Sting would put over talent after his debut, and this would be the perfect way to do it - put over A.J. semi-cleanly to give the Title some true legitimacy.


4) This is looking more long term than the other choices, but why not Chris Sabin? He's pretty damned over and has consistently had good matches. Sabin would have to drop the X Title to someone like Elix or Kazarian in a hard-fought match. He could then ask for a shot and, seeing as how A.J. was so generous to Kazarian a couple of weeks ago, it wouldn't be too weird for A.J. to accept the challenge thinking it will be an easy match. Of course, Sabin would give him a serious run for his money. I cannot see this as a major feud, more like a mini-feud ala Lesnar/Cena, and it should probably follow a feud involving one of the wrestlers mentioned above. But it could possibly give Sabin a rub and lead to bigger and better things for him.


Those are just a few off the top of my head that I could see going well. Thoughts, additional ideas or suggestions? Discuss.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Christopher Daniels would be a great choice, he is great on the mic and in the ring


Low-ki would be awesome, he seems to be good on the mic from what little I've seen


Sting would be good for a mini feud, but he only has 3 appearances left


Kid Kash could be a decent feud


Raven could have a feud with AJ, he really hasn't feuded with him yet

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Sabin would be interesting, but I dont think a face Sabin would work, much like a face Kazarian isn't winning him any fans. A tweener Sabin would be good though. Pissed at the person he loses the X title to and anxious to win the World title.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I've been saying since he won it that the following things need to happen:


1. Feud with and defeat D-Lo Brown


2. Styles vs. Lynn for the first time in a long time...over the most important belt inthe company.


3. Styles vs. Red III for the NWA title


4. Styles vs. Daniels (who could build himself up in less than one show with his talent and mic skills).


After that it doesn't matter how he loses it because it will have been the best title reign ever.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

bps' plan sounds good to me.


The current booking suggests that JJ will be getting his title back in the very near future.

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That all sounds good but isnt Daniels going to Japan for a while? I would say give Sting a shot in his final week and if he doesnt resign have Aj pin him to build him up big time with a win over a legend. After that what about Ron Killings, the guys been lost and hasnt wrestled in god knows howlong




Low Ki

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Daniels will be back in a couple weeks. They're already running video packages for him.


I forgot to add that, yes, Sting should be used to put Styles over in his last appearance.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Daniels would be my obvious choice, especially since they are hyping up his return. But honestly I think they might wait a while to do so.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think Daniels is the perfect guy to put over as a legitimite title contender.


He leaves for a month at a time...so he would never get stale and whenever he's around all of his matches would have a bigger feel to them.


And they'd be good since Daniels rules.

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Guest BrokenWings

While I would love to see Daniels/Styles feud over the NWA Championship, I would really dislike a face Daniels. Let him work the crowd the way he's been conditioned to do. At best, make him a tweener.


Have I mentioned disliking the face Raven too? I've always prefered heels, I suppose this comes as no surprise.


Other than that, I certainly agree with bps' plan. If Triple J gets the title back, I'll be quite disappointed.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Have I mentioned disliking the face Raven too? I've always prefered heels, I suppose this comes as no surprise.


Other than that, I certainly agree with bps' plan. If Triple J gets the title back, I'll be quite disappointed.

Heels are just easier to be. Every wrestler has pretty much admitted that they love playing the heel over the babyface. Same usually goes for the fans. They love to boo the hell out of a good heel than cheer for a good face.


JJJ getting his title back anytime soon would tarnish AJ Styles run. No matter how it's done. If it's like six months down the road, I wouldn't mind so much about JJJ getting his title back.


Oh. And just curious, what IS the extra J for in Triple J?

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Guest ShooterJay

Has EVERYBODY forgotten the Truth?


A Truth/AJ feud would rule all, dammit. They've LIT IT UP in Wildside.

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Guest BrokenWings
It's just a play on his name with Triple H's.

Yeah, what he said.. but other than that.. Jackass Jeff Jarrett?

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Sting's last three appearances need to be vs. Raven, Jarrett, and then a clean loss to AJ to make the NWA title and AJ look important.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

I like bps's plan save for A.J./Red. I don't think that Red can be a serious contender to the World Title. At most, A.J. would have to have a mini-feud with him and beat him soundly, because anything else would make A.J. look bad.


So substitute Low-Ki into that spot. A.J./'Ki would be a great feud, and could go on for a decent amount of time. If A.J./'Ki is done before A.J./Daniels, there's another built-in angle: Daniels could make a save for Low-Ki or something, given their past history, and challenge A.J. to a match based on the fact that if Low-Ki can get a match, Christopher Daniels surely can (being from the same group and being equally good and all). Does anyone know when Low-Ki is set to be cleared? Because if it is too far away, this program could be run in reverse order, with Daniels taking the place of 'Ki and vice versa.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I think, sadly, that everyone HAS forgotten about The Truth, including the NWA. Last year the man was the NWA "darling" here, to the point where the NWA forum description even said "home of the biggest breakout star in recent memory, Ron "The Truth" Killings". Now he's stuck doing comedy skits with 2 guys who have repeated the same tired lines for 6 years.


As for AJ's feuds, maybe they could do a gimmick that Rick Rude did for Shane Douglas back in ECW. Have Russo "bring in" some talent to take on AJ to build him up as a fighting (albeit fighting dirty) heel champion. There's a slew of guys on the indies that could put on good-great matches, even if they are one shots. And if someone gets over during their match, hire them for more shows and build on that.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Has EVERYBODY forgotten the Truth?

yes.......yes we have....

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Guest dvkorn

having a rebirth of the AJ/Lynn feud would be tremendous... That is what should hapen next after the D'Lo feud...

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

The ones i'd want are:


Triple X: Russo can say they let him down, Skipper protests, gets whupped, then takes it out on Sabin in another feud. Ki goes for revenge, leading to a month or so of matches, but can never win the title. He issues a tag match, his partner being Daniels, so it's Siaki/AJ vs Daniels/Ki, for example. Daniels pins AJ cleanly, thus starting the main feud. Daniels wins after a few months of giving chase.


Jerry Lynn: He should have been in the hunt MONTHS ago. Give them a slow burn, the a cage or Iron Man match, & watch the awesome.


Kid Kash: He just rules. The End. But he probably won't be bought as a face again for long time, & Heel-Heel matches don't always fly.


Raven: If for no other reason than to get him AWAY from Douglas. Besides, they've but on great matches in the past.


CM Punk: He's a Jesus Push waiting to happen.


Sabin: He might be able to do face, but as the same character. Kinda like RVD. Or just slowly evolve to Tweener.


I'd also say Steve Corino, if they ever hire him back.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax
Sabin: He might be able to do face, but as the same character. Kinda like RVD. Or just slowly evolve to Tweener.

It's interesting that you compare Sabin to RVD, because Sabin reminds me very much of RVD just in the way he talks and handles himself. I totally agree that he could be an RVD-esque character, and it would be very easy to turn him face because of this.

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Guest Phr33k

I nominate Raven, if only to hear him call Styles a "pussy of the highest magnitude" again. Cracked me up, it did.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker
It's interesting that you compare Sabin to RVD, because Sabin reminds me very much of RVD just in the way he talks and handles himself. I totally agree that he could be an RVD-esque character, and it would be very easy to turn him face because of this.

Yeah. He reminds me a lot of heel RVD in ECW: cocky, arrogant, great delivery, & gets massive pops. He could easily switch to face & no one could tell. He also has the same advantage RVD had: Jerry Lynn. A feud with them for awhile would legitimize Sabin as a true player. But we all know that Sabin's going to drop the X title to Kazarian (who i really like, he just needs a fucking personality) sooner or later, & this is the best step for him to take. He doesn't even have to win the title; just look good.


I'd throw in Terry Funk, should he ever go to TNA (yeah, he didn't want to show up last time, but he'll be there in due time). Make AJ a legend killer. Sting, Funk, Piper-the guys currently not in WWE, retired or out of price range. AJ, whle awesome in his own right, needs to kill a few legends or something to make him look more phenomenal. If they can bring in better/more people into the title picture from other places (Vader {decidely not dead}, Masato Tanaka, Shamrock, etc), then had AJ go over relatively clean, that would rock.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

MASATO TANAKA. Great choice, someone I hadn't thought of. Matches between A.J. and Tanaka would rock ass. I donno about Terry Funk though, despite him being a legend I don't think A.J. would gain much from defeating him, as everyone knows at this point that he is way past his prime, marks and smarks alike.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I see the point on Funk, but my thought was EVERYONE knows who he is, & he's been around since Ug pinned Grunt in the first Emtpy Cave Death Match. If AJ just beats the holy HELL out of him, it hammers home the heel aspect (beating on the elderly that people like does that), plus give him a legend killer thing. Hell, someone NOT JJ could make the save & lead to a good feud (Lynn comes to mind first).


Tanaka is one of my favorite workers. AJ/Tanaka would rule, since they both can work, both are around the same size (height wise) & both are known in the States for different reasons. The only drawback would be the language barrier, but that might not be too big of a problem in the long run.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

This is sort of random, but does anyone know what Bill Alfonso is doing right now? I've long thought he would be a great addition to TNA, and he'd be perfect to manage someone like Masato Tanaka. I don't know if anyone agrees, maybe I'm just a mark for Fonzie, I donno.

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