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Guest BoboBrazil

One and Only TNA 7/16 Thread

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Guest RedJed

I didnt think the show was that bad but there was definately a change of something this week, seemed like Russo was more influenced with more weird finishes and shit that kind of went nowhere. I still thought it was better than last week though.


The Siaki-Brown match was ok for what it was. As far as the LMS match went, I thought it was pretty good and likely this feud isnt over judging by the finish. Probably MOTN by far. The other matches were just there including Jarrett-Legend (which again surprised me but wasnt anything great), Red-Skipper (what a letdown), Kazarian-Sabin (should have been much better) and then there was a few matches that were hard to watch. I thought Funk was being brought in and instead we got fuckin Norman Smiley.


The angles on the show were ok. The ending angle didnt do much for me just because it seemed predictable and dull, I was expecting someone, anyone, to run out there to save D-lo. The stuff with Raven that was segwaid (sp?) from the AMW-Disco and Co. angle, I thought that was all well done pretty much. I forgot about Lee and Slash since they havent been around in awhile. If they brought back Malice that faction could be interesting. The girls and that crap is getting old.......either lets see some naked tits or something or move on!


Basically you never know what to expect from these shows. They are very erratic in effort given in both the workrate and from a creative perspective. I'm still satisfied for 10 bucks if I get a few good matches out of a night, or a surprise or something. Bottom line is either I'm entertained or I'm not, and even though this certainly wasnt a amazing show it still was good enough for me to be happy with it by the end.

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Guest JacK

So what did Raven actually do; cause that bit is conspicuous by it's absence from the nwatna.com recap; and Dames' diatribe isn't up yet . . . seems odd that they would say 'Raven's gunna be back,' and then not mention it in the recap.


Oh well.

*sigh* no Mike Sanders.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I was very disappointed by Raven's return. Raven used to be a big part of the show and now he was on for like 2 minutes. Raven is the most over guy they have, despite what Jeff Jarrett might want you to think. There sure wasn't any shortage of him on the show.

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Goldberg was on for 30 seconds one RAW. And I remember one RAW where Austin was on screen for 7 minutes. And this was in 1999. Its one show. If he is gone for 2 more weeks and then in a 4 minute match, then you can complain. I mean he was in the main event 2 weeks ago and is coming off of a swollen ankle. Maybe the ankle is still tender and cant be wrestled on?

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Guest Deviant

I am going to pressume that is the case, there is no reason for it not to be. However, if Raven doesn't quickly defeat Douglas and the Church before resuming his position as World title contender, I'll be mighty pissed.

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