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Guest BoboBrazil

One and Only TNA 7/16 Thread

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Guest Lightning Flik
Without the HEEL SECTION TNA's crowd sucks?


:lol: Watch TNA plea with them to come back!


Sorry, I so hope they still are on strike till I get my feed. I wanna HEAR the SILENCE~!


Then I hope the HEEL SECTION come back the next week right after so I can find out how much pop they give.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Wasn't Bitchslap one of Gilberti's ideas back when he was the director of talent development or whatever?

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Guest Lightning Flik
Wasn't Bitchslap one of Gilberti's ideas back when he was the director of talent development or whatever?

I do believe so.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Fuck, it is Norman Smiley. The rumors about Terry Funk backing out of the match were true.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

I wish they'd have a damned wrestling match, since Legend can actually wrestle.


That sucked.

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Guest BoboBrazil

The ending sucked. Show was alright overall. Norman Smiley sucked at the surprise and there was no major plot development that Borash said was going to happen in his last column.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
there was no major plot development that Borash said was going to happen in his last column.

Bait-and-switch, WWE style.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I think more minutes should've been given to Sabin/Kazarian. Kazarian's pretty good in the ring, not too charismatic, and Sabin is...well...HAIL SABIN~!

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Guest Slapnuts00

A pretty good show. It was clear they ended short though, with a half hour left they were ready for the 5 minute challenge, and they stretched the beat down as long as they could and still ended 15 minutes early.

-I really liked the Last Man Standing match. The ending was kinda weak but both guys worked real hard, bled like pigs and put on an emotional and intense brawl.

-The Legend/Jarret stuff HAS to stop. Let them have a real match already!

-Red was a nice suprise, but his match with Elix was kinda disappoiting.

-So what's the difference between Callis' characters' motivation and Russo's? They both want to take over the promotion but Russo has the power to book himself in main event feuds. I'd be up for Callis in the role!

-Kazarian/Sabin was great as always. Liked the false ending. Still not getting the Frankie hate though. Sabin should cut an interview saying "Frankie can have the future, 'cause I'm the champ" or something like that.

-Is this bitchslap/TNA dancer thing actually leading to something? Was that Katie Vick?

-Speaking of leading to something-3 Live Crew. Its a good way to use Konan and James, but does anybody remember when Truth was the NWA World Champion and centerpiece of the promotion not too long ago?

-The bookers sure were hyper active with that segment that led from Gilberti/Diamond/Swinger brawling with Raven to The New Church brawling, to Raven and Shane Douglas with Father Mitchell. The whole thing played out really cheesy too.

-Last time they did the triple threat theatre was Styles vs. Lynn. Dlo is no Lynn so it will be hard to live up to, but Im confident they'll put out some good matches next week.


What TNA needs is a long stellar match surrounded by meaningful and entertaining segments to really put on a good show. Once again they were lacking. Not actively bad or anything, but still under their potential.

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WOW! Tonights show was amazing, I was there live and Legend fell right in front of me when he flipped over the railing. Thank God I moved out of the way. It might have been one of the better shows but definitely not the greatest. Good hype for next week though and I got front row seats WHOO! The promos with the 3 Live Crew were shot about 5 o clock Nashville time. Same with the Watts promo. I don't know if anyone noticed but the crowd fell dead at the New Jack/Sharky match. So over the speakers comes a tape of the crowd cheering. It was pretty dumb. I also won a S.E.X Thugs & Rock &Roll t shirt from a raffle after the show. Next week will rule!

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Next week's show looks good on paper, but I thought tonight's one was kinda dull and the last three efforts from NWATNA have been poor.

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Guest BoboBrazil

They are piping in chants now? TNA has really been getting lame lately.

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Guest Lightning Flik
They are piping in chants now? TNA has really been getting lame lately.

Well duh.


They kicked out the HEEL SECTION~! What do you expect? Them to make sense of their loss?

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WOW! Tonights show was amazing, I was there live and Legend fell right in front of me when he flipped over the railing. Thank God I moved out of the way.

Dude you should of got in the way, if you'd got hit you coulda asked for free tickets front row for the next couple of weeks and not sued their asses.

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Guest nikowwf

I thought the show was really dull. It was a shame they screwed up the finish in the Lynn/Credible match as i thought that was really good. They remind me of the WWE sometimes....RUSSO WILL GET BEAT UP LATER - ITS RUSSO - KEEP WATCHING while there are 10 other things more interesting to me on the show than that.


Raven being back was nice and that angle was good. Next weeks show looks good too....will have to shell out $10 more.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

As long as I see Sabin on a consistent basis, I'm happy.

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Guest SP-1

I enjoyed the show. I came in late, towards the end of Credible/Lynn, but the rest was decent. My wrestler friend and I both are starting to hate the TNA Girls, though. If I want to see booty shaking, I'll go to a strip club. I paid to see wrestling.

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Guest Deviant

Having not seen the show, I have no idea what happened except for a vague outline, but it sounds alright to me.


Elix Skipper beat a returning Amazing Red when he was able to knock out Red with a set of scales while the referee wasn't looking - nwatna.com


Was this at all hinting at Crash coming out next week?


What did Raven do?

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