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Guest BobbyWhioux

Shocking Billy Gunn news!

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Guest BobbyWhioux

Billy likes the Carmel Macchiato.






I work at a Starbucks, and this big dude in gym-going clothes shows up, gets in line, and I'm all like this to myself "Dude, is that...I think, yeah, it is." Orders a plain old Carmel Macchiato, and goes about his business.


[He looks a lot bigger than on TV. And he's got a lot more skin pigment, too (always looks so damn pale on TV). And yeah, he had that necklace that he always wears in the ring, too.]


I'm not a big Billy Gunn fan or anything (who is?) but it was still kinda interesting to see in person you've been seeing on TV for years.


No, I didn't talk to him or let on that I knew who he was. Hey, it was busy and I gots a job to do, dammit.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Should of thrown hot coffee in his face, given him a chair shot, then stand over him and do a crotch chop

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Guest The Amazing Rando

do you live near Tampa, FL? I have friends in that area that always saw him and Chuck getting beer and shit back during the fall.

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Guest redbaron51
Should of thrown hot coffee in his face, given him a chair shot, then stand over him and do a crotch chop

don't forget to botch the moves as well.

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Guest BobbyWhioux

SF Bay Area, actually.


At first I thought he might be in town for an autograph signing (there's a mall nearby that had wrestler autograph signings fairly regularly a couple years back...oddly enough I went there one day to discover one was going on that I didn't know about, and the signee was... guess who... Billy Gunn again. Trippy). But as I thought about it, I figured he [well, they, the whole WWE I guess] was in town for that 7/20 show at the San Jose Arena (where Goldberg and HHH were going to wrestle but injuries scrapped the match).


So he was probably about to blow town and travel to wherever their next show is. (And believe me, about the only good thing about my hometown is how easily one can blow out of it to S.F., San Jose, etc.).


YNA: Didn't have a chair handy. Plus, he's like fucking twice as big as me. And I don't wanna have the indignity of having the shit kicked out of me by a guy known as "The Ass Man."

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Why did you not get revenger for him nearly killing Benoit!? You should have done something! Hell the man nearly killed HHH to. What would we all talk about if he did that!?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu
Gunn is cool, pure and simple.

Gunn is a goofy bastard. Pure and simple.

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Guest BobbyWhioux

One needs to understand I am really rather scrawny and physically unimposing. And, being that way, I've learned not be to be prone to violent outbursts.


...I suppose if I'd been thinking quickly, I could've jumped him from behind and choked him out with my apron as though 'twere a tag rope...

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Guest justsoyouknow

Great, now I've got to order something different when I go to Starbucks.

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Guest razazteca
Should of thrown hot coffee in his face, given him a chair shot, then stand over him and do a crotch chop

don't forget to botch the moves as well.

Should of announced his order:


The greatest gourmet coffee in the world STARBUCKS CARMEL MACCHIATO!

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Guest Lord of The Curry
Gunn is cool, pure and simple.

Aren't you the same person hating on Benoit?


Yeah, shut up. Gunn is the polar opposite of cool.

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Guest bob_barron

I've met Billy Gunn as well- He's a dick. Him and Chuck still travel together.



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Guest AndrewisyourHero
Are in insinuating something Bob?


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Guest The ChriZa

Billy Gunn...Jesus. That would be too much to handle.


How did you not just laugh your balls off as soon as you recognized him? Just the sight of that silly, silly man would send me into hysterics, and I don't even hate him like most. He's just...goofy, yeah, you called it Damaramu.


It would be great if he had said "Yeah but its okay because...*trying to remember line*...aren't you hungry?"

Well, great to anyone who watched that damn DX video over 100 times. Maybe I'm the only one.

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Guest Anglesault
SF Bay Area, actually.

He hangs out in SF when he should be in San Jose?



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Guest Retro Rob
SF Bay Area, actually.

He hangs out in SF when he should be in San Jose?

Wasn't the RAW show in San Jose? He was probably doing promotional work.

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Guest CanadianChris
And yeah, he had that necklace that he always wears in the ring, too.

Well, I would hope so...isn't that a tattoo?

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Guest Anglesault
And yeah, he had that necklace that he always wears in the ring, too.

Well, I would hope so...isn't that a tattoo?

It's a product that was big a couple of years ago with teenage girls. Supposed to Look like a tattoo without the tattooieness of it all

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Guest Mulatto Heat
How did you not just laugh your balls off as soon as you recognized him? Just the sight of that silly, silly man would send me into hysterics, and I don't even hate him like most. He's just...goofy, yeah, you called it Damaramu.

That's right. He's like the big goof in high school that tried so desparately to be cool yet failed miserably.


But that's OK, because he's SO OVER~! and he's a GOLDEN GOD~! (TM Certain TSM Posters) :P

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