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Guest BoboBrazil

One And Only TNA Thread For 7/23

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Guest eirejmcmahon

A 2/3 falls match that ends in a draw - GENIUS.


Disappointing show.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Gotta admit that it's different...


Glad I'm not paying for this yet...

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Okay- this is the gayest ending ever

Eddie Guerrero and Syxx-Pac pulling the belt down at the same time and Eddie Guerrero winning just because he was the first person to touch the belt on the ground is the gayest ending ever.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Gotta admit that it's different...


Glad I'm not paying for this yet...

Bill Apter should have said "Look out, McMahon, your duplicate just showed up!"

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Tonights show was pretty good live. The crowd got real fired up at the end, especially when D'Lo missed the table and hit the ground. Ater the show he was pretty hurt but he still went to greet the fans outside. I have to ask, is anybody interested in Sting's interviews? Because it sure hasn't held my short attention span. Before the show went live, Vince Russo came out and cut a promo about how he was banned from ringside and he wanted everyone to let AJ know we were on AJ's side by chanting his name. "But if any of you inbreds chant D'Lo's name, I'll come back out here." something like that. Good show with a mediocre ending. Some liked it some hated it, what else is new?



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If you guys think about it, they both grab the belt and its a draw, Styles retains, D'Lo says its bullshit and challenges him to some other match. If you liked this one, you will like the next probably. Now if you Styles would have won via 16 people interfering, you'd complain and have a hissy fit. If Styles won cleanly, it would build Styles up, then it could possibly hurt D'Lo and THEN you would say the fued was too short and THEN you would complain and have a hissy fit. If D'Lo won, then you would say that Styles was a paper champion or whatever and you would complain and have a hissy fit. If D'Lo won and then it was reversed, you would probably complain and have a hissy fit. So, what do you want?

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Guest bob_barron

Only you could defend the main event of the show ending in a bullshit finish as something not negative.


AJ should've gone over 100% clean- He's looking sooo weak right now

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Guest Lightning Flik
Bill Apter should have said "Look out, McMahon, your duplicate just showed up!"

Well, I'm just saying what's true. I wouldn't probably have not ordered next week's show from the sounds of everything if I could order. Although, I never saw it myself, so maybe I might've actually liked the show if I saw it. I haven't seen TNA so I guess I can't really judge by what someone says.


And just because the WWE is free, that doesn't mean you have to rip into someone who could watch it. Some people don't have access to TNA because they need to get a satellite dish and then a converter (or a couple if multiple TVs in household and other people wish to watch other stuff as in my case).


I also said could. I'm currently on a streak of five weeks (if I don't count watching the opening video of RAW this week). Besides, if I can get TNA (things are now up in the air on the satellite hook up and shit), then I'll give it some chances to win me over.


And now, to get back onto topic, I must say that I agree with Bob. AJ should have gone over, I mean would it killed TNA to have them have D'Lo take the fall?

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Well Bob you are only looking at it from one side. You look at it and say "Bullshit. This is giving me headaches." and you aren't TRYING to look at it at another perspective. Maybe they are building up for something? Maybe not. Maybe build D'Lo up as a huge face and then have Styles pin him clean in a 1 on 1 match. Would Styles look good then? Winning a ladder match vs D'Lo wouldn't help his credibilty. Thats like saying Eddie Guererro pinning Chris Benoit and winning the US belt is gonna help him become the most over champion ever because Benoit is semi over. D'Lo is barely over. He's a fan favorite yes, but he has to be so over that he can wink his eye and have the crowd explode. Something like Red. Red got a pretty good reaction when he returned. D'Lo should get that reaction. Get his ass beat, leave for 2 weeks, have Styles boast about it and have D'Lo return and become over big.

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Guest bob_barron
Well Bob you are only looking at it from one side. You look at it and say "Bullshit. This is giving me headaches."


I paid $10 to see a 2/3 falls match that Jeremy Borash gave major hype to in From the Inside. The finish ended in a draw. I feel cheated.


Maybe build D'Lo up as a huge face and then have Styles pin him clean in a 1 on 1 match.


Why do I want to see another D-Lo v. AJ match? They've wrestled FOUR times now with neither match being that great.


Would Styles look good then? Winning a ladder match vs D'Lo wouldn't help his credibilty.


Yes it would. AJ wouldn't look good winning the match? So I take it- he'd look bad then. They were pimping D-Lo's undefeated record in ladder matches and AJ had never really beaten him cleanly. So I think finally beating D-Lo would help him.


Thats like saying Eddie Guererro pinning Chris Benoit and winning the US belt is gonna help him become the most over champion ever because Benoit is semi over.


It will help Eddy Guerrero.


D'Lo is barely over. He's a fan favorite yes, but he has to be so over that he can wink his eye and have the crowd explode.


No one in TNA is as over as you describe. Not even Red.


Something like Red.


That's why the crowd was pretty dead for his match v. Skipper.


Red got a pretty good reaction when he returned.


If D-Lo went away for a long time after beating the shit out of the company's top heel at the time- He'd get a "good" reaction as well.


Get his ass beat, leave for 2 weeks, have Styles boast about it and have D'Lo return and become over big.


Why should I pay for another AJ v. D-Lo match after they screwed me over the last time?


Pissing off the fans and booking screwjob finishes in the main event- not good

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Guest ViciousFish
Maybe build D'Lo up as a huge face and then have Styles pin him clean in a 1 on 1 match.


Why do I want to see another D-Lo v. AJ match? They've wrestled FOUR times now with neither match being that great.

I agree but neither is for a pair of things not 4 :lol:

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Guest JRE

Jeez Syxx, you're the biggest TNApologist I've ever seen


(That was awesome because I always preach against that term, atleast without the TN)

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Maybe cause I actually give them a chance to make due on things they have done. I stood up for the Jarrett/Raven "fuck up". Yeah it was bad, but when everyone was calling Jarrett Triple J and the new Triple H, he was actually working towards making Styles the champion, so who knows where this will head.

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Guest bob_barron

And Jarrett is still deserving of the Triple J nickname- Although it wasn't as bad this week

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Guest JRE
Maybe cause I actually give them a chance to make due on things they have done. I stood up for the Jarrett/Raven "fuck up". Yeah it was bad, but when everyone was calling Jarrett Triple J and the new Triple H, he was actually working towards making Styles the champion, so who knows where this will head.

Yeah...see....the TNApologist nickname still fits.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Now i remember why i try to avoid these threads. My feeling on wrestling in general is that if you look for a negative in anything, you'll find it. That being said, people usually dwell on the negative & never consider the positive. I enjoyed tonights show, that's all that matters. The negatives were bad (Russo as usual, Jarrett trying to make people give a fuck, Styles/D-lo's bizarre ending), but the positives outweighed them, imo (Styles/D-Lo, AMW/Diamond & Swinger, Kid Kash, Raven/New Church & a case could be made for Elix/Crash). I still don't think it's fair to compare TNA to WWE yet, if for no other reason than it won't measure up nor be perfect in comparison. TNE, like everything else, is a mixed bag. There's shit & gold in it. Therein lies the beauty of opinion: everyone has one, like it not, & there's nothing you can do to change it. I respect Syxx's ability to speak his mind, & it's his opinion. Honestly, i don't totally agree with it (Styles/D-Lo is played, bring on someone else, viz Sting), but hell i never really agree with anyone. Keep in mind: it's a fucking wresting show, not the fate of the universe (unless you're Scott Keith).


I don't give a shit about TNA, WWE or any other organization; i just want to be entertained, & tonight i was.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
I still don't think it's fair to compare TNA to WWE yet, if for no other reason than it won't measure up nor be perfect in comparison.

What the hell is so perfect about WWE? The McMahons are getting the focus put on their matches at Vengeance, while the WWE Championship match(yeah, it has the Big Show in it, I know) is taking a backseat to them, Angle and Lesnar still aren't acting like enemies when they should be, there's a potentially bad HHH vs. Goldberg match that's going to be at Summerslam, there has been necrophilia, Al Wilson/Dawn Marie, etc. Oh, and there still is a set style by WWE instead of letting wrestlers wrestle how they want and giving them enough time to do so.


In TNA, there's AJ Styles' Jericho-like heel World Heavyweight title reign because he retains through his cohorts(ala Jericho retaining his title against Austin in the Cage match with Booker T interfering on Raw) or the boss figurehead(ala Jericho winning the title at Vengeance thanks to Vince McMahon), catfights that are pointless, potentially good matches that are cut too short(Red vs. Skipper), Raven being booked like a bitch to Shane Douglas like Raven was in his ECW days to Justin FUCKING Credible(and Raven's probably going to lose in the 6-man Clockwork Orange House of Fun match too next week), Dusty Rhodes was actually brought back to active wrestling earlier this year, and this week, a bizzare World Heavyweight title finish that screwed the buyers out of their money.


So, if that doesn't compare TNA's shit to WWE's shit, I don't know what will.

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I still don't think it's fair to compare TNA to WWE yet, if for no other reason than it won't measure up nor be perfect in comparison.

What the hell is so perfect about WWE? The McMahons are getting the focus put on their matches at Vengeance, while the WWE Championship match(yeah, it has the Big Show in it, I know) is taking a backseat to them, Angle and Lesnar still aren't acting like enemies when they should be, there's a potentially bad HHH vs. Goldberg match that's going to be at Summerslam, there has been necrophilia, Al Wilson/Dawn Marie, etc. Oh, and there still is a set style by WWE instead of letting wrestlers wrestle how they want and giving them enough time to do so.


In TNA, there's AJ Styles' Jericho-like heel World Heavyweight title reign because he retains through his cohorts(ala Jericho retaining his title against Austin in the Cage match with Booker T interfering on Raw) or the boss figurehead(ala Jericho winning the title at Vengeance thanks to Vince McMahon), catfights that are pointless, potentially good matches that are cut too short(Red vs. Skipper), Raven being booked like a bitch to Shane Douglas like Raven was in his ECW days to Justin FUCKING Credible(and Raven's probably going to lose in the 6-man Clockwork Orange House of Fun match too next week), Dusty Rhodes was actually brought back to active wrestling earlier this year, and this week, a bizzare World Heavyweight title finish that screwed the buyers out of their money.


So, if that doesn't compare TNA's shit to WWE's shit, I don't know what will.

Wow...way to bitch dude...you made the same point the 'ha ha you're an apologistic dude cause you like something I don't' people always do. Good for you, have a cookie!



Now i remember why i try to avoid these threads. My feeling on wrestling in general is that if you look for a negative in anything, you'll find it. That being said, people usually dwell on the negative & never consider the positive. I enjoyed tonights show, that's all that matters


THANK YOU!!! Finally someone who can look past crap and enjoy the good without bitching endlessly about the bad. This is the point...that and 'whatever happens, SOMEONE will be pissed off'.



They were pimping D-Lo's undefeated record in ladder matches


Call me an idiot, but how many ladder matches has D-Lo been in?

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Guest JHawk

For those of you who are still bitching about the finish, think of it this way. My first thought when they both had hold of the title was "Oh fuck, they're gonna have ANOTHER held-up title". They didn't do that.


I wish somebody would explain to me exactly what is so bad about having a draw. Oh my God, just like a draw in a boxing match. Just like a tie in football. The horror. I mean, OK, draws suck, but in a "real" sport, they happen to. What makes wrestling exempt from them?

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Guest JHawk

True, Bob, but I was more pissed that Siaki and Trinity interfered about 125 times in that match than I was about the draw.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I obviously didn't like the finish either.


But like JHawk I thought for sure they were going to hold up the title and I'm very pleased that they didn't.


D-Lo's frog splash off the top of the ladder on AJ through a table set up outside the ring made my night though.

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Guest PowerPB13

Strangely, I saw that exact same finish to a ladder match(two guys pulling the belt down at the same time) happen at a Gateway Championship Wrestling show about a year ago when it happened with Nikki Strychnine(champion) and Jack Adonis...and in that case, the belt WAS held up. Oddly, Strychnine ended up winning the belt right back in the ensuing title tournament the following month.


On the GCW note, I was disappointed that Matt Sydal's return to NWA-TNA PPV was on the losing side of a handicap match pseudo-squash...I despise handicap matches in general, and even though it accomplished what they wanted in building up Legend as a tough competitor, I don't like seeing people get devalued in that manner. But then I'm biased because I know the GCW crew...



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Guest The Last Free Voice

a buddy of mine said Sydal was the other Altar Boy, this isn't true is it?

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Guest PowerPB13
a buddy of mine said Sydal was the other Altar Boy, this isn't true is it?

He teamed with Altar Boy Luke last night against Joe E. Legend, anyway...



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Guest The Decadent Slacker
I still don't think it's fair to compare TNA to WWE yet, if for no other reason than it won't measure up nor be perfect in comparison.

What the hell is so perfect about WWE? The McMahons are getting the focus put on their matches at Vengeance, while the WWE Championship match(yeah, it has the Big Show in it, I know) is taking a backseat to them, Angle and Lesnar still aren't acting like enemies when they should be, there's a potentially bad HHH vs. Goldberg match that's going to be at Summerslam, there has been necrophilia, Al Wilson/Dawn Marie, etc. Oh, and there still is a set style by WWE instead of letting wrestlers wrestle how they want and giving them enough time to do so.


In TNA, there's AJ Styles' Jericho-like heel World Heavyweight title reign because he retains through his cohorts(ala Jericho retaining his title against Austin in the Cage match with Booker T interfering on Raw) or the boss figurehead(ala Jericho winning the title at Vengeance thanks to Vince McMahon), catfights that are pointless, potentially good matches that are cut too short(Red vs. Skipper), Raven being booked like a bitch to Shane Douglas like Raven was in his ECW days to Justin FUCKING Credible(and Raven's probably going to lose in the 6-man Clockwork Orange House of Fun match too next week), Dusty Rhodes was actually brought back to active wrestling earlier this year, and this week, a bizzare World Heavyweight title finish that screwed the buyers out of their money.


So, if that doesn't compare TNA's shit to WWE's shit, I don't know what will.

I meant perfect in comparison to the McMahon product, or lack thereof. If you're comparing negative shit, then they are just as bad. But if you look at the positives, WWE blows TNA away: world-class workers (Benoit, Eddie, Rey, Ultimo. Granted the likes of Lynn, Daniels & Red are awesome, but they aren't in the same league as guys like Benoit yet if ever), better production, better promotion, more exposure, etc. Does that mean i condone what either company has done in the way of booking like retarded cro-magnons? Hell no. I don't like the way said world-class workers have been booked, save Eddie (who's over like crazy by himself) & at times Rey. TNA has a young, fresh breakout star as their champion, who can wrestle circles around half TNA's permanent roster. I don't like the fact HHH is fingering his way to the top, the same way i don't like the fact JJ is using his pull to get on TV in even a minor fashion every week (although he still is over with the live crowd, but more midcard over than title contender over). I'd rather have 10 minutes of Elix/Red in an X division match than Noble/Kidman in a WWE Style match (taking nothing away from their ability, just the WWEized form most of the time). Both fuck up when you think they shouldn't, but thats fucking life. There is nor ever will be a "perfect" wrestling promotion. Ever. There will always be missed opportunities, politics, & people bitching about something. As for Big Dust in the ring...he's better than Vince: Dusty pops the crowd, is entertaining in a bizarre way, & actually is for better or worse a wrestling legend. Vince is most successful promoter in history, he just doesn't know what to promote anymore or how to do it.


The only things i really have to bitch about this week's show is Diamond/Swinger Vs AMW (leading, obviously, to a strap match, plus involving both Borass & Gilberti getting pantsed), the ME finish (would be interesting if it wasn't so retardedly done), & the Sting interview (same reason everyone else has bitched: time). I found the majority of everything else entertaining, & enjoyed the show. If you didn't, fine by me.

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