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Road Trip

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While watching Smackdown I flipped to ABC to watch some clips from Road Trip and I noticed that it was heavily edited (obviously) there were some new scenes I had never seen before, I don't remember them on the dvd. Anyone else watch it?

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Guest Choken One

I have then Unrated version with supposdely new unseen footage but I didn't watch it

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Guest Youth N Asia

The Mallrats edits are funny as hell. It might be funnier then the movie without the edits.


They didn't edit one word or anyting. If they had a bad word they had a bad voice actor dub the whole line over.


ORIGINAL Jay: "All it took was a fat chronic blunt."

EDITED Jay: "All it took was a fast karate punch."


Funny stuff

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The edited BREAKFAST CLUB has some funny lines in it, too!

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Guest Ripper

I remember them showing Booty Call on television and where it had to edit stuff they just threw in like another 30 minutes of scenes that aren't on the DVD or at the movies.


Guess we have to wait for that SE: BOOTY CALL.





What...its coming...right?

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Even Comedy Central does the editing... sometimes it's humorous, sometimes it is sad. One of my movie lines ever was edited when I caught them airing Half Baked recently. After Jim Breuer goes on the tangent about what munchies to get and then Harland Williams asks Chapelle, one of the greatest movie lines ever was his response "A box of condoms and.... what's that stuff we used to eat all the time? Oh yeah, pussy!" Great line. Granted, I knew they wouldn't let him say it, but I waited for it "What's that stuff we used to eat all the time? Oh yeah, pudding!" Kinda took away from it....

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Guest Choken One



Watch Edited Major League if only just for the scene with Sheen and Corbin on the mound...

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