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Guest Trivia247

ok...what is your favorite Worst match

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Guest Trivia247

don't know the negative star numbers because each is relative.....


think up those worst matches that was so god awful that when you thought it was just gonna be bad, you were horribly wrong!


only list actual matches, Barfights don't count


So lets see Vince vs Zack Gowen, Bad on so many levels that don't even involve the one legged wrestling.


Nathan Jones...in Anything


Albert...in anything!


La Resistance Matches


LOD vs Kane & RVD


Scott Steiner vs Test


Would also add Steiner vs HHH


Kevin Nash vs HHH (Both times)


any you can think up wheither TV or PPV that was just so bad it made you wanna cry...

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Guest Choken One

Wait I am confused...


Is this WORSE match of the year thread or what Bad Match we liked the most?




1) Steiner Vs HHH-No Way Out


2) Steiner Vs HHH Rumble (The best "bad" match for the comedy.

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Guest Trivia247
Wait I am confused...


Is this WORSE match of the year thread or what Bad Match we liked the most?




1) Steiner Vs HHH-No Way Out


2) Steiner Vs HHH Rumble (The best "bad" match for the comedy.

favorite= sarcasm


the worst piece of garbage you forced yourself to watch because of some dedication we all got to the product of professional WWE wrestling.

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Guest Choken One
the infamous Jackie Gayda tag team match from RAW

*Slaps Lazy*



That was last year. No need to bring it up again DAMN IT!

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Guest evilhomer

Steiner/Test immediately springs to mind just for the shear comedy value of Steiner's "leap" off the apron into Test's ankle.


But overall I'd have to go with Steiner/HHH. If it didn't go so long it wouldn't have been as bad, but almost half an hour of suplex, ok let's try something new... suplex, that was great, now for a... suplex just got so incredibly tedious and boring.

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Guest Trivia247

hell how about that tough enough crapfest of this year...where Tommy Dreamer had to play 911 by welcoming them to the WWE With Cane shots to make the crowd pop

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Guest The Old Me

I thought Tes vs Nash would have opened a gaping whole in the earth but Nash jobbed in like 50 seconds and put us out of our misery.

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Guest Retro Rob

HHH-Steiner from the Rumble was the worst I have seen this year. I missed No Way Out.

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Guest EternallyLazy
the infamous Jackie Gayda tag team match from RAW

*Slaps Lazy*



That was last year. No need to bring it up again DAMN IT!

lol my apologies


That still goes down as the worst match I've ever seen


But for this year... I guess Hogan/Rock II

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Guest eiker_ir

HHH vs. Steiner at RR was pretty sad, but funny heh


the sequel at No Way Out wasn't SO bad but it was more entertaining with the crowd chanting BOOOOOOOOORING at some other funny stuff during the match

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Guest CanadianChick

Triple H vs. Steiner, for sure. The match was awful and the best part was Triple H blading off that belt shot. THe leather part hit him! How can you logically bleed from that. AH, good times, good times.


And the RVD/Kane vs. LOD was funny on so many levels. Sure, it was god awful, but it was sure worth a laugh.

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Guest Askewniverse
THe leather part hit him! How can you logically bleed from that.

Logic? What's that?

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Guest AndrewTS

What about Jones/Demott from SD: A 30 second squash ending with a big boot?

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Guest Retro Rob
What about Jones/Demott from SD: A 30 second squash ending with a big boot?

Well it was only 30 seconds.

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Guest nWoScorpion

HHh/STeiner from RR was a lot worse than the NWO match. At least the second one was WATCHABLE. The RR match was 18:00 with 8 belly to belly suplexes by Steiner in 2 minutes.


LOD v. Kane/RVD didnt seem that bad, although i was a LOD mark and couldn't justify haterizing them.


How can people forget...uh..(forgot

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Guest claydude14

Test V. Nash. I couldn't stop laughing for minutes after Test went over with the boot.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Worst match of the year has to be Steiner vs. HHH from the RR. I don't think I've seen anything bomb so quick and so much as Steiner gasping for air a minute in or the crowd totally turning on both guys.


Second runner-ups:


Nathane Jones and Taker vs. Big Show and A-Train: worst WM match. Even the WWE was too scared to let Jones in the ring.


Zach Gowan vs. Vince Mcmahon: 4 months of buildup= Vince kicking a stringy one-legged kid for 8 minutes.


I know this wasn't a match, but I still have nightmares about the Redneck Triathlon. :throwup:

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Steiner/HHH at RR was pretty awful. Didn't see NWO, so I can't comment on their rematch.


Can't forget about Torrie/Dawn Marie from RR. Wow, Torrie goes over again. Well knock me over with a feather!

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Guest Gatornibs

Steiner vs Triple H at RR


How the MOTY and the WMOTY can be on the same card is beyond me. Can't WWE do anything right?

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