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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

iN-Demand Pay Per View will be offering a TNA PPV in September for just one penny. Check NWATNA.com for an official announcement soon.






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Guest Slapnuts00

Torch reports that one of the weeks TNA is off in Sept. they will be showing a "history" recap PPV and they wanted new fans to watch it to catch up so they wanted to offer it for a 5 bucks or a penny if possible. In Demand agreed but apparently Direct TV did not! So thats the story.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

good thing i have direct TV, so i can save a penny for part of my "10-10-220" long distance phonecall to anywhere in the US. & Borash is still a fucking moron.

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Guest JMA
& Borash is still a fucking moron.

Agreed. Remember when he said the Dixie Chicks should be sent to Iraq? What a douche-bag.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Borash is why women join convents. He's just...SO fucking idiotic, & thinks he's being COOL! People like that need to be rounded up on an island, shot in the face, then sent around said island to find bits of said face in a sadistic scavanger hunt.


Yes, i remember ol' Jeremy's thing with the Chicks, & it was just fucking ignorant. i personally think it was just to squeeze in more celebrities into his already dull column. I severely question whether he has a love for the business as he claims, or whether he just likes to spray himself when a celebrity shows up. Fucking weasel-headed jerkoff.

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