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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

This Kane stuff could be good....

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

You know before the Shane McMahon BS happened tonight on RAW I realized that I really am getting into this Kane stuff.

I like the fact that he's this big badass monster that destroys everything in site. He's an actual monster not a "cool funny heel" or a person that tries to act like a monster but just ends up looking like a goofball(ie. Big Show).

So I was just thinking that he needs to go all Jason on everyone now and just kill everybody in site. The guys got the perfect serial killer look. Have him break his manacles one night and destroy the cops then fuck some shit up.

I really like this storyline and they can actually do a LOT with it and it would be entertaining. However it looks like they're already getting around to fucking it up....but how do you think it should play out? How should it end? Because when Kane is finally derailed....he really has nowhere else to go. And that's another thing....what do you do with Kane once he's finally taken down?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo












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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Really....because I wasn't sure if that's what you said. Could you say it again in bigger letters with a bright font?

I was saying "huh" because you said it as if my post made you lose interest which is why I was saying "huh?" as in "Why did my post make you lose interest?"

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Guest NoCalMike

Face it, Kane will be the new Big Show. An Unstoppable monster, uncapable of being beat. Unless Austin or Shane or Triple H or Orton, or Nash, or Goldberg, etc.....Have a match with him. Then suddenly he will turn soft and job. Only to come back the following week and try to act Unstoppable again.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I was pissed off when Austin did much of the same thing but it came off all right. Hold onto your bowels, ladies and gents, if it fucks up next week then we can shit all over it.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Hell Austin is the ONLY unstoppable badass in the damn company!

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Guest Ascalon

I still mark out for the new Kane..well, just his cool lookin right eye contact. Other than that, he's one of those "shutyourmindupandwatchme" stars.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I dunno....he's still got this serial killer vibe going. I'm afraid that one day he's going to come to RAW holding someone's head....

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Guest croweater

I think this is what needs to happen.

Shane will come ot his senses next monday night and realise "What the fuck am I doing?" then have Kane stalk him for the weeks leading up to summerslam where Bichoff makes a match between the two of them (as Shane is employed by the WWE and has been showing up on RAW). Shane HITS KANE WITH EVERYTHING at SS and KANE..... a bloody mess takes it ALL without flinghing and complitely destroys Shane.


Now..... the next monday night on RAW.....Austin is looking for someone to piss off so he can fight with him. He picks Kane because he wants to whoop Kane's ass for the chokeslam. He says this in interviews and such..... not to Kanes face. He eventually books himself into a match with Kane at the next Raw PPV. Meanwhile Kane destroys everyone and everything in site...... running in at the end of matches and just DESTROYING POEPLE. When Kane is told about his match with Austin He laughs like a maniac goes insane and pummels the messenger.


In the match Austin gets most of the offence (due to his back) and Kane just taking it like a HUGE MAN BEAST WOULD untill he finally chokeslams Austin to hell and then tombstones him repeatedly.... leaving Austin a bloodied unconscious mess in the ring. Kane laughs again and leaves the ring. The destruction of SCSA would HUGELY put Kane over (cos when is the last time face stone cold lost to anyone but The Rock or HHH)


Or they could Job him to shane.............. yeah.... that's a better idea........ build up shane for the world title he has earnt.

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I like the Kane angle so far. I haven't seen RAW yet, will do in about 15 minutes (Aussie time), and I look foward to seeing Shane O' again, I mark for the guy.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

The only reason why they are having Shane come back to fight Kane is because Shane-O-Mac is just another guy for Kane to completely steamroll over. Kane with destroy Shane.............hopefully

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Guest Retro Rob
Funny, I just lost total interest.

Why? The guy no-sold four chairshots and one of the biggest bumps you can possibly take on Raw. When others take that fall of the stage they don't get up for a while. Fucking Bischoff had to take two weeks off. Yet Kane sat up in five seconds and laughed it off. If anything that drove him the point that he truly is unstoppable.

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You know before the Shane McMahon BS happened

The only BS is someone thinking that Kane taking all of Shane's abuse and then fucking LAUGHING about it makes him any less of a monster.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Here's how you book Kane. Have him fight Shane next week and absolutely destroy him.


Vince, who is happy about this, sets up a title shot against HHH for Summerslam while screwing Goldberg in the process. Not that anyone cares about Goldberg anymore.


At Summerslam Kane crushes HHH in 7-8 minutes to win the title.


Having gotten the title, Kane turns on Vince cementing himself as a Steve Austin 97 type tweener. And you move on from there.


This push is clearly working. Ratings are up, and Kane is now the most over wrestler on RAW. I know he's not the greatest wrestler in the world, but this is a business and Vince needs to strike while the iron is hot. After beating Shane, the next logical step is the World Title. Kane needs it for this gimmick to move foreward.

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Sorry, but I don't want HHH involved, I'm a fan, but even I know the push could be stopped dead if he somehow got invovled. Kane DOES need to beat up HHH a few times leading to a match where HHH DQ's himself after a punishing 15 minute affair. Kane is so upset that he brutalizes HHH with numerous chairshots and the sledgehammer before putting HHH away with a piledriver off the top of the ramp. This would leave HHH out for weeks and when he came back he'd be scared shitless and vacate the title (that way he won't job) and him and Evolution could hightail it to Smackdown for some faces for Kane to steamroll over before he takes on the SD! roster in his ultimate quest to put his brother down once and for all.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu
You know before the Shane McMahon BS happened

The only BS is someone thinking that Kane taking all of Shane's abuse and then fucking LAUGHING about it makes him any less of a monster.

He shouldn't have taken any of the abuse in the first place! Shane should've ran at him in the ring and gotten mowed the fuck down. And if he did get him over the rope he certainly shouldn't have needed big strong Mr. McMahon to run over there and rescue him. Then he shouldn't have run away or even been taking the chairshots.


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Guest Retro Rob

Killing Shane immediately wouldn't be the best idea in booking terms. This issue can be dragged out for a while and it may even draw in viewers, so why blow it off in one unscheduled appearance from Shane?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Because Shane has no place there in the first place! He shouldn't be wrestling at all!

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Guest Retro Rob
Because Shane has no place there in the first place! He shouldn't be wrestling at all!

His mother was only assualted by the guy, and he has no place being there? In storyline terms he had every reason in the world to be there and every reason to want a piece of Kane.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Then he should be disposed of in quick fashion just like his mother BECAUSE HE IS NOT A WRESTLER. HOW HARD IS THAT!?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Usually when the McMahons get involved I tend to drift away. There are 3 involved here. Imagine my Apathy.

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Guest Trivia247

there would be a great procession of Feuds Kane could do before getting him at Main event WOrld title ready hunt...


but they are bypassing that to bring back Shane...what if Shane gets knocked off and he'll have to rehire his silent assassin Steve Blackman lol

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Guest Retro Rob
Then he should be disposed of in quick fashion just like his mother BECAUSE HE IS NOT A WRESTLER. HOW HARD IS THAT!?

He may not be a wrestler, but over the past few years he has been built up as a guy who can hang in hardcore matches. He may not win them all, but he comes pretty damn close. Quite frankly Shane has more credibly than most of the Raw roster. Sad, but true.

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Guest Trivia247

I dunno if this is a proper comparisan but I liken shane's development as a wrestler since 99 to Trish's advancements since 2000. neither was very credible and seemingly could do down after one shot, but now at least in Trish's case she improved massively. Shane seems to has chosen to learn how to wrestle via...selling like a pinball and do suicidal moves putting himself more on the line than any other McMahon. Shane vs Angle's match at KOTR 2001 proves that. But again that doesn't mean he should step up into a prominent match at a big time PPV vs what is being groomed as a Monster Heel on Raw.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Shane has the skill equivalent of a backyard wrestler.

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Shane has the skill equivalent of a backyard wrestler.

Not true.


Some backyard wrestlers know NO wrestling moves.


Shane at least knows 3 (X-Factor, Van Terminator, Top Rope Elbow)

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

He has all the skill of an Indy Hardcore wrestler.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

At this point, it looks like WWE will be going with Kane vs. Shane McMahon for Summerslam. With no other major babyface opponents lined up, WWE apparently feels that Shane would be a good foil for the "monster" Kane.


credit: 1wrestling.com


I guess RVD wasn't a big enough major babyface? Oh well, at least Shane can put on fun matches.

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