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Guest PhantMan

So what's gonna be the next big wwe concept idea?

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Jericho didn't flop on his own accord. He was tripped (notice the pun) and basically forced to flop through some of the most blatant burying I've ever seen.


And why do people still rag on him for his SummerSlam '01 match? The ropes were obviously loose and he knocked himself silly because of it. You can't completely blame that on him. You could tell the ropes were loose the whole night. I even commented on it to the people I was watching the ppv with live.


Jericho's work with The Rock in late '01 and early '02 was Gold. It wasn't until the WrestleMania build up where he was made to look like the biggest fool in the history of wrestling that it got messed up.

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Thats the thing about Jericho, he wrestles and carries himself like a midcard cruiserweight.


Shawn Michaels, for example, wrestles like a midcard cruiserweight but carries himself like hes Rob Van Dam or something.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Yep. Because mid-card cruiserweights, ie. usually the WORKHORSES of a promotion, don't wrestle good at all, right?


I have yet to see any wrestler work the style Jericho does. He blends every style together very well, and does it all while playing his character to perfection.

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I meant as far as being taken seriously in main events by the casual fans. He isn't taken seriously because of the way he carries himself. I didn't mean to say he can't be taken seriously in MEs with his wrestling style, because as i pointed out its the same as HBKs, and HBK is taken seriously by casual fans. I was saying that his problem is not in the way he wrestles, but in how he carries himself.

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like how he is portrayed. Only not how his character is written by the writers but rather how he makes it appear.


For example, if he was to lose a match, the way he carries himself would make you think he's a nobody that simply lost to a better competitor.


Whereas if, for example, The Rock was booked to lose to the same opponent in the same surcumstances, he would make it appear to be a fluke win, that it was off night for him and that he could just as easily have won.

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