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Guest rawmvp

Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

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EDIT: general note--i'm really sick of this "benoit has no charisma" shit. in the ring, he oozes charisma. except possibly eddie guerrero, NOBODY can bring a crowd into a match solely based on what's going on inside the ring better than benoit.

Hmmm, besides Eddie Guerrero, let' see.....


The Rock

HHH a few years ago (VERY rarely now)

Kurt Angle

Steve Austin

Hulk Fucking Hogan


Chris Jericho


And maybe even Booker T as well.

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Guest godthedog
The Rock

i'm talking BASED SOLELY ON WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE RING, not promos. rocky can't go from "being pretty over" to "being over like a demigod" through the course of a single match.

HHH a few years ago (VERY rarely now)



that was funny.

Kurt Angle

see my comments on the rock. he's pretty good at it, benoit's just better.

Steve Austin

6 years ago i'd agree, but i wasn't speaking in past tense.

Hulk Fucking Hogan

again, see my comments on the rock. then point me to a match where hogan started a match with a lukewarm crowd, then by the end had them eating out of his hand only from his work in the ring.


again, see my comments on the rock.

Chris Jericho

again, see my comments on the rock.

And maybe even Booker T as well.

see my comments on triple h.

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Guest Goodear

Yes, Rock and Hogan pretty much started a match with everyone on their feet... but then they'd never sit down for the rest of the damn thing.


Before this thread I never knew that Benoit promoed better than Angle and had more in-ring charisma than Hogan. Next, he'll be as fast as Rey Mysterio and have better boobs than Trish Stratus.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Benoit cuts better _serious_ promos than Angle. However, that's not so much benoit being better than Angle as Angle being worse than Benoit. Angle, overall, is a better stick-man and that's because of his goofy Mid-card promos. But other than that, with his headbobbin and his pseudo-downs syndrome voice and his horrible pacing, Angle couldn't sell himself as a legit badass or that he's pissed off. Benoit can.

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Speaking of Angle, when was the last time he did the moonsault and any reason he stopped doing it? I think he did great moonsaults.

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Guest Anglesault
Benoit cuts better _serious_ promos than Angle. However, that's not so much benoit being better than Angle as Angle being worse than Benoit. Angle, overall, is a better stick-man and that's because of his goofy Mid-card promos. But other than that, with his headbobbin and his pseudo-downs syndrome voice and his horrible pacing, Angle couldn't sell himself as a legit badass or that he's pissed off. Benoit can.

I can't believe you rag on Angle's voice while promoting Benoit's near monotone drone.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

But Benoit's "near monotone drone" fits his charater mold. He is a badass. He's pissed. He'll fucking kill you.


Now there's Kurt Angle, generally praised as the best in the WWE, a former gold medal winner and the "first real athelete in the WWF".


And what does he do? Flub his lines, sound like a goof and act like his neck is made of rubber. Doesn't really seem to fit the character mold laid out.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Angle talks like he has marbles in his mouth.


Monotone? I hear a couple of tones from Benoit. Just cause HE DOESN'T go up and DOWN whenever he is SPEAKING with really bad pacing DOESN'T-MEAN-HE-IS-MONOTONE-OR-DRONING-OH-IT'S-DAMN-TRUE, Brock.

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Guest Anglesault
But Benoit's "near monotone drone" fits his charater mold. He is a badass. He's pissed. He'll fucking kill you.

Bad asses have no voice range?

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Guest BionicRedneck
Angle talks like he has marbles in his mouth.



That's true, actually.

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Speaking of Angle, when was the last time he did the moonsault and any reason he stopped doing it? I think he did great moonsaults.

It's all because he injured Holly, the greatest wrestler of our times....


Seriously though, how many times did he do it? 5, 6?

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Guest Anglesault

Benoit's promos just don't really show enough emotion for me. Like it or not, you're watching to see larger than life type characters.


No one like Steve Austin or The Rock really exists in life, but it's what we like to see.


Then Chris Benoit comes out playing Joe Everyman and talking like your next door neighbor, it's like what the hell?

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Guest BionicRedneck

Angle never really did a moonsault as a move anyway. He only did it to trasition from attack to defence and when he did hit it he smashed Holly's arm.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

So he does. And Benoit, sounding constipated, can gather up 10x's the intensity of one Kurt Angle.

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Guest BionicRedneck

But Angle DOES sound like he has a bag of marbles (or something similar) in his mouth.

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Guest The Czech Republic

If anyone had marblemouth it was Ahmed Johnson.


Faarooq, yub gubba dub!






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Guest Ray




wrestling skills > mic skills




Benoit >>>>>> Angle




'nuff said

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

If Barbara Walters was a man, and that man was on crack, I bet he'd sound like Kurt Angle...

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Benoit is okay for being "intense" on the stick, but he can't do anything else, just like RRR and LOTC say Kurt can only do comedy/goofball promos. Benoit trying to do anything humorous is painful, and his taunts are obscenely weak as well. They're both good/okay at certain aspects of mic work and average at others, leave it at that. However I don't know where LOTC is getting this Kurt flubbing his lines and being rubber necked stuff, I've never noticed it. That being said, these arguments never go anywhere.


Man#1:"I'm right!"

Man#2:"Oh no, you are not, sir. It is I who is right."

Man#1:"No, I'm right. You're dumb."

Man#2:"I believe it is you who is dumb, while I am right."


Edited by Invictus

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Benoit's best promos don't involve him talking. Like the one with Los Guerreros back in the winter where Eddy did his Oscar-esque change of emotions while Benoit just stared at him looking pissed off. Simple and to the point. Just let him stand there and slug the guy.


That said. Right now Guerrero has passed him by. Benoit is still the better wrestler, but Guerrero is red hot right now and it makes much more sense to push him first.

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