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Guest Choken One


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Guest Choken One

Let's Be Honest.



Was there ANYOTHER way to get Rosey over?






It's a Funny angle that CLEARLY has a shelf life of about 6 weeks before the joke gets old.


It's a Angle for Comic Boy Gerwtiz to cream for...



Hurricane has been one of the *very* few consistent performers at least in the Promo/Comedy aspect.


Although S.H.I.T is very well stupid...I like the chemistry Hurricane and Rosey share and Hurricane's Facial's REALLY sell the obsurdness of this angle...


The Kevin Smith Inspired Outfit was a Nice touch...


However it left me thinking...Why does it seem that we have already seen this angle?



It's a funny angle while it will last but it'll soon fall on the shelf of aborted Comedy Angles.


It should be noted that WWE is now working with TWO "ODD COUPLE" comedy pairings...The Superheros and DustStorm.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

To me, the entire angle seems flat and unoriginal. I'm surprised it's Rosie's over as he is.


Unfortunately, now we're going to have to deal with the fans chanting "Holy Shit" during his matches.

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Guest Choken One

Another good point...


WWE is QUITE preoccupied with forcing the crowd to chant what *they* want.

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Guest notJames

I'm just surprised the censors allowed them to put "S.H.I.T." on the screen. Or maybe Vince is prepared to shell out the penalty money in order to get a stupid comedy angle over. Which it won't.


Stupid humans.

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Guest MissMattitude

Yeah, both angles seem fun but I would much rather have seen The Hurricane and Storm partnered up.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I don't mind it at the moment - I don't think it would work unless Rosey was a massive samoan.


It think it would be better if Lance Storm, Goldust, Hurricane, and Rosey formed some sort of aliance and they were used for the comedy segments each week on RAW.

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Guest Choken One

It's not that offensive anymore...



SHIT is a Basic Cable Regular now thanks to The Shield and even Network shows have put it on the air.


censors will likely say "Keep it on after 10"

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Guest Choken One

WELL...Hurricane DID say "Holy Shit" even though the usual Idiotic and slow Censors CLEARLY saw that line coming anyways

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I just wish WWE would better remember their past, and have a former superhero with Helms have something to say about this.


Not necessarilly get involved in it, just maybe a few words.


And for those who don't know who I'm talking about...Just Look At The Sig, Baby.

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Guest The Old Me

It's not bad at the moment, but let me make a bold prediction: Rosey will be fired after this.

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It's not bad at the moment, but let me make a bold prediction: Rosey will be fired after this.

Don't fire Rosey after this.


There's still black ring attire with yellow polka-dots waiting for his body to be fit into.

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Guest Choken One

well...If he can't get over...then they HAVE to.


Unless you bring in Cousin/Uncle/Brother/Father/Sister/Nephew/Grandfather Rikishi to raw for a Samoan Reunion but Rikishi will have to shed the Hip-Hop Dancing gimmick and they will have to old school....


Rosey will serve no use.

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well...If he can't get over...then they HAVE to.


Unless you bring in Cousin/Uncle/Brother/Father/Sister/Nephew/Grandfather Rikishi to raw for a Samoan Reunion but Rikishi will have to shed the Hip-Hop Dancing gimmick and they will have to old school....


Rosey will serve no use.

*Points to my post above yours*


Can't you just picture it?



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Don't forget Mack / Nowinski


maybe we shouldn't bitch about it..... three more fresh tag teams, with guys who were not being used, teams with gimmicks.... more competition to La Res, if they let these teams stay together for a long period of time we have an improved tag division :ph34r:

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Guest Frankie Williams

Wasnt this S.H.I.T. angle already used in WCW when Lance Storm renamed the Hardcore title the Seschatuan (sp) Heavyweight International Title, or something to that extent?

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Guest The Old Me
Wasnt this S.H.I.T. angle already used in WCW when Lance Storm renamed the Hardcore title the Seschatuan (sp) Heavyweight International Title, or something to that extent?

I believe so, but this had nothing to do with super heroes.

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Guest Dangerous A

Rosey has something here. He hasn't bad in backstage skits the few weeks. However, the outfit he came out in last night was downright embarassing. I was watching and my fiancee had a bunch of her friends over. When that segment ended, I was embarassed to be a wrestling fan. They thought it was so stupid. And frankly, so did I.

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Guest Youth N Asia

ehhh...they're going to use Rosey whether we want to see him or not. Least this way I can get a laugh out of him every now and then.

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Guest Deviant

Saskatchewan Hardcore Invitational Title. I swear I don't know my Russo booking trivia, only Lance Storm...


I pressume Hurricane will give Rosey the proper make-over. That was Rosey's creation, so it had to be stupid. If they do stick with anything remotely resembling the original, then may god have mercy on us all.

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Saskatchewan Hardcore Invitational Title. I swear I don't know my Russo booking trivia, only Lance Storm...

So you know then about the ORIGINAL planned name for the belt...the Stu Hart Invitational Title.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Yeah, Bret said he didn't mind his dad's name being used as long as it was done in a respectable way...and spelling out SHIT probably didn't qualify.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Why can't they just take Rosey off tv until Rikishi is healthy so they can reform the Head Shrinkers and add a tag team to one of their two thin divisions.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Why can't they just take Rosey off tv until Rikishi is healthy so they can reform the Head Shrinkers and add a tag team to one of their two thin divisions.

How about I save myself later pain and just gouge out my eyes now.

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Guest CanadianChris
I'm just surprised the censors allowed them to put "S.H.I.T." on the screen. Or maybe Vince is prepared to shell out the penalty money in order to get a stupid comedy angle over. Which it won't.


Stupid humans.

Vince is human? Well, I'll be DAMNED.

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Guest The Old Me
I'm just surprised the censors allowed them to put "S.H.I.T." on the screen. Or maybe Vince is prepared to shell out the penalty money in order to get a stupid comedy angle over. Which it won't.


Stupid humans.

Vince is human? Well, I'll be DAMNED.

*wonders if Vince is one of the trolls trying to disrupt this board*



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Rosey is the MVP of Raw.


There. I said it.


This "SHIT" thing is just stupid though.


Now, I think we all know where this is headed.


*Lance Storm uses Goldust to get to the Hurricane and reveals himself to be...


you guessed it,




Then you can have Storm trying to find out Hurricanes secret identity (like all good villains do) but that fails, so he...


Storm (before revealing himself): Hey Hurricane.


Hurricane: Citizen Storm, what is happening?


Storm: Nothin much, I was just talkin to Goldie and we were wondering.... Can we see your Hurricave?


Rosie: Yeah Hurricane, I haven't seen your Hurricave either. I thought we were friends.


*Hurricane ponders*


Hurricane: Alright then, but I will have to blindfold both of you to make sure my Secret Hurricave stays a secret!


Storm: Wow, thanks Hurricane!


*Really cheesy driving scene with an obviously fake background leading up to the Hurricave*


*In the Hurricave*


Hurricane: You can take off your blindfolds now, we are in .... the Hurricave.




Goldust: This is aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-AWESOME!


Storm: Excellent.


*Hurricane leads them on a tour of the Hurricave pointing out the tiniest details. Storm wanders off*


Hurricane: And this is the Hurrilamp, and this is the Hurribed where I have my Hurrisex with the Hurriladies. Oh yeah, I know what's up wit dat. If you know what I mean...


Rosie: Where did Lance go?


Hurricane: Good question, Lance? Lance?


*Cloud of Smoke*




*Storm is dressed up in an outlandish outfit with lightning bolts on the side of his head and a silver mask. *


StormMaster: AHAHAHAHAHHA! You fools! You FOOLS!


Rosie: Holy Storm Clouds Hurricane!


Hurricane: Who are you and what have you done with Citizen Storm?!


StormMaster: Oh don't worry about Lance Storm, because I am here to RAIN on your parade aahahahahaha! I am the STORMMASTER! And I am here to destory you, HURRICANE!


Rosie: The StormMaster?! Hurricane whatdowedoooo?!


*Narrator: What does the StormMaster want? What will happen to the dynamic duo? Find out next week, Same Raw time, Same Raw channel!*

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Guest Dangerous A

That's just sick RRR. Funny, but sick.


It's sick because Vince and Co. might actually use that.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Dude that would fucking RULE!


With the Hurricane they have established a universe. This is a universe which the crowd has accepted. This is the universe of the SuperHero. With this, they can do ANYTHING as long as it stays true to that universe and the fans will accept it. It is a strictly midcard gimmick, it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes of TV time a week, and it actually can lead up to a match. The Merch from it would be amazing (ok, I just want a StormMaster shirt).


Plus the group dynamic is great.


Storm: Straight man entering new world.

Rosie: Former Straightman willing to learn from the Goofs. What Storm could be if he follows along.

Hurricane: A goof.

Goldust: The goofiest goof to ever goof.

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Wasnt this S.H.I.T. angle already used in WCW when Lance Storm renamed the Hardcore title the Seschatuan (sp) Heavyweight International Title, or something to that extent?

Can I just lay my cards on the table and predict that Hurricane will win the IC belt and rename it the Super Hero Intercontinental Title.


That's probably the only reason they brought the belt back...

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