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Guest Choken One


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What The Hurricane lacks is a supervillain to feud with in WWE. This guy would fit the role well...














I'd certainly mark out. At least he had a fitting entrance once.

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Guest Korgath



I mean, that's like asking Doink to return. What? Done that already?


Now I'm convinced Rico " :ph34r: " Constantino is the love-child of Russo and Gerwitz. You impossible freak of nature you.

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Guest razazteca

I would rather see Chavo Guerrero back with the zorro mask and the stick pony than see Glacier back on tv.


Nova needs to be the super villian or Mandark.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Rikishi and Rosie could be the A.S.S. - The Amazing Super Samoans.

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Guest HHH123007

While I'm surprised that they could print SHIT on the screen and get away with it, I'm even more surprised that they could forget to edit the word "Fuck" out of St. Anger.

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Guest MissMattitude
What The Hurricane lacks is a supervillain to feud with in WWE. This guy would fit the role well...














I'd certainly mark out. At least he had a fitting entrance once.

No no no no no... the best super villain would be Nova, if they ever bring him up from OVW.


I could never tell the difference between Rosey and Jamal so it's nice now to only have one of them.


I really hope Rikishi doesn't go to Raw.

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Guest Thunder Rising!!!

Talking about shit, Dames in one of his Diatribe, I think it was last week or the week before used the word Celestial faeces(sp?) in place of Holy Shit when refering to the fans' chants.


It went something like "and the fans starts to chant about celestial faeces".


I don't know whether Dames came up with that but that was GOLD!

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Guest justsoyouknow
Smits is a word, like Rick Smitts but it is just a different spelling of it


So if I look up "Smit" in the dictionary it'll show up? No, last names do not count as words. Thanks for playing.


And yes, they should certainly bring up Nova from OVW. No one else could really play a supervillain, save for Mortis.

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Guest Trivia247

can't they get Eddy to Pimp out his Older brother Hector to put back on the Lazertron garb to take on The Hurricane and Rosie?


I mean come on, that can't be more indignant as appearing at SS 1990 as the Gobberlygooker

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Guest buffybeast
Rikishi and Rosie could be the A.S.S. - The Amazing Super Samoans.

I like this idea. Would Rosey get to wear a thong similar to the one worn by Rikishi? That would be GREAT!

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Damn it, how could I have forgotten about Mortis? >_<


Anyway, you can put SHIT on TV, but it has to be put as S.H.I.T. and not just SHIT.


Easiest way to tell Jamal apart from Rosey is that Jamal was the one that always wore the Snoop Dogg braids.

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Guest The Czech Republic
I could never tell the difference between Rosey and Jamal so it's nice now to only have one of them.

I liked one person's response to "What do we do with Rosey?" after Jamal got fired:


"Change his name to Jamal and pretend Rosey got fired, because what kind of name is Rosey?"

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Guest razazteca

Who Betta Than Mortis?


Mortis & Nova should be the super villian tag team.

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