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Guest Zack Malibu

The O.C.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Season two has been a little slow to me thus far, and the Marissa lesbian angle is is the first thing the show has ever done that I have had a hard time believing which is saying something. It screams of desperation on the writer's part and I'm fearing it's a sign of things to come on the show.


I still don't know why they phased out two great characters like Luke and Anna, especially when all they have added to the mix are a bunch of bland, cardboard characters like Summer's boyfriend and Lindsey.


I just picked up the DVD set and watched most of last season in a week or so and it shocked how edgy, funny and well written last season was and how quickly it lost steam this season. It's just gotten a little slow and boring, hopefully they'll be able to turn things around.

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I think this season is a case of too much at once. All the new characters and the new/detereorating relationships are being crammed into an hour long weekly show. If things were more stretched out, it'd be fine. I'm liking the season, but the pace could slow up a bit.

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Ah man. This episode just hit a whole nother level of funny.


Zack: I was thinking of maybe dinner and a movie.

Summer: OK but it better not be a comic book movie.

Seth: Comic book movies suck anyways. ::Ryan nods::

Zack: Dude you didnt like X2?

Seth: Ehhhh

Zack: Really?

Seth: Ive seen better.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Tonight's episode was pretty rough and one of the worst yet in my opinion. It just had a horribly off vibe with every scene looking like it was filmed with almost no lighting, nothing but dark storylines and almost no humor. The entire appeal of the show is it's understated humor, the bright sets and none of the characters ever taking themselves or their storylines too seriously. The show looked like a film noir tonight, and it's gone down hill so fast it's insane. Next week looks even darker.


I am really longing for the days of characters like Luke, Anna and Jimmy Cooper instead of the drab cast members that they keep adding.

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Tonights was kinda bland, but I wouldnt call it bad. But you are trying to compare this season to last season, and you can tell they are trying to take a different route by tying adult and teen stories together. This season isnt horrible by any means, but when you compare it to last seasons, you can say that.

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This episode was pretty boring. Marissa's storyline was alright, but no one cares about Zach, Seth has gotten incredibly boring, Summer's trapped in limbo, and Ryan hardly has anything to do anymore. Sandy's storyline was a little better, but it's far from captivating.

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Actually, I thought Ryan was on spot in the lastest episode. "... and you'd be in jail if it wasn't for Sandy." Great smackdown on Caleb. The conflict between them is long overdue.


Let the Seth-Summer reunion begin. Sorry Zach.

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It still seems like they have no direction whatsoever though, and they're just throwing stuff agaist the wall. Like this Caleb/Ryan thing; according to the previews, he's gonna have a stroke or something as soon as Ryan confronts him. That's not a storyline going somewhere. It's just a bunch of random coincidences happening to try to keep people interested.


As far as Seth and Summer go, I really could care less if they get back together right now. Seth is still not having too much trouble getting action, and now instead of the nerd that just wants to have a couple friends and a chance with the hot chick, he's this boring kid that wants to hole up in his room and draw. If anything, I tend to feel sorry for Ryan that he's stuck with Seth and Zach. The whole cool OC dynamic's disappearing. What we're left with is a bunch of boring kids who never really do anything, except break up and get together every day like they're in middle school, and then Marissa who's ready to basically become a HS dropout at 17.


What happened to the best and the brightest? The rich kids who pop over to Vegas or Tijuana whenever they feel like it, go to parties with soap stars, and are still on the fast track to the Ivy League.


Maybe Luke should come back, give Summer the fuck of her life, and make her drop that douchebag Zach. That might set things back on the right path.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

After such an excellent first season, everybody put such high expectations on the second to top it, that now they are feeling a little disappointed.


The writers of the show need to go back to the drawing board, look at what made the first season work so well. Season 1' main problem was that it would end storylines too quickly, while this season's problem is that there are too many storylines and characters being thrown at us.


Bring back to Seth/Sandy banter that we knew so well!

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



Tonight, I guess we get what they've been building up for weeks.

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Guest Hass of Pain

I'm pretty much done with The OC after tonight. It just isn't the same show that I loved in the first season. Sandy kissing another woman? It's not only a stupid storyline, but it doesn't even fit his character. Him and Kirstin were the sane ones and the anchors of the show for season 1, now he's kissing some other woman and leaving his wife alone on Valentine's Day? And Marissa is kissing Alex? It's just dumb. This show has offically reached the point of no return in my opinion.

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Tonight's episode was AWFUL.


Sandy leaving Kirsten to kiss the chubby ex-love was horribly written. I couldn't tell if the shocked look on Kirsten's face was because she was upset at being left alone or because she realized what a dopey segment the writers put in this episode.


Lindsey is a horrible character who is just so vanilla and I could care less about.


Zach needs to get hit by a bus.


Ryan has lost every aspect of the decent "edge" he once had.


Seth totally turned into a flaming wuss. he was always a dork and such, but Summer was always the catalyst for his most breakout moments. Tonight, FIZZLE...


I could care less about any of these characters anymore.

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I'd already given up on Ryan and Seth before tonight, so that really didn't bother me too much.


If anything, I just felt happy that they're going somewhere. The Sandy storyline, while it may not seem to fit his character, has lasted more than three weeks and actually went somewhere. Likewise with Marissa and the lesbian angle.


What I really can't stand is the woefully boring on-again, off-again relationship between Ryan and Lindsey, and Seth's brooding bullshit.

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Well, I liked it. The Sandy bit was written great and it came off so good. Kirsten saying "If you want to go Im not going to stop you" you could tell she didnt want him to leave, and when he left her heart dropped. And her closing the door in his face.


For everyone complaining, who is Ryan supposed to hit? Caleb? Where would he stay? Wouldnt you be saying "Well, that was stupid now Ryan is out of the loop" or some shit. And Seth is doing what every love sick teenage boy does, limboing between telling the girl he loves her and trying to stay away. Weren't people complaining about Marissa "holding Ryan back" in the first season, now she has branched off on her own and still complaints? Im glad they added new characters. Theres only so much 4 people can do. What were the kids going to do? Switch partners? So Seth can be with Marissa and Ryan be with Summer? And how can you say Sandy isnt being himself? Its his first love, and obviously he was never done with her, and people behave like that believe it or not. I dont think this season is as fast paced as last season, but its still a good show. I dont get the hate. When WWE rushes through 5 storys in 2 months like The OC did last year, people say "We need time for the storys to marinate" and bullshit like that, so now that The OC lets you peep some storys that are slow, you want them fast.

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The show is having somewhat of a sophmore slide, but all in all it's still very good, and you can't keep the characters the same, because without evolution in their personalities the show would be the same old, same old. Why does Ryan need a heavy edge if he's happy with someone? Why should getting over Summer be easy for Seth? Why shouldn't the Cohens have marital problems? The thing with them is that they ARE the sane, well-grounded ones for everyone else, but can't escape problems of their own.


Marissa going this route adds to her fragile emotional state. Julie's motives now becoming clear after all this time was a nice surprise. Sandy being thrown into the position of being Rebecca's only shoulder to lean on is great drama, because now as much as he wants to keep Kirsten appeased, he can't ditch a friend/former love. Ryan standing up for the girl he likes to the one guy keeping them from being happy is typical Ryan.


Good show. I enjoyed it.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Summer is being poorly written this season.


She's barely around (Other than the last 2-3 episodes or so).


Like Zack said, the show is going through it's sophmore slide, but i'll stick with it.

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Guest El Satanico
The show is having somewhat of a sophmore slide, but all in all it's still very good, and you can't keep the characters the same, because without evolution in their personalities the show would be the same old, same old. Why does Ryan need a heavy edge if he's happy with someone? Why should getting over Summer be easy for Seth? Why shouldn't the Cohens have marital problems? The thing with them is that they ARE the sane, well-grounded ones for everyone else, but can't escape problems of their own.

I agree completely.



My biggest problem with season one was stories being handled too quickly. This season has improved on that alot.

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Man tonight so far has been hilarious. First Seth listening to Boyz II Men...that was crazy. Then when he went to get his advance from Alex and Marissa comes out in her bath robe and goes "Are we going back to bed?" and Seth finds out they have been messing around....crazy. And before that Kirsten and Julie smoking and drinking Scotch and Julie saying her lesbian experience was a phase...hmmm, hot. So far has been funny.


EDIT: "Thanks for selling me my boat back" "No prob but I made some changes to her" "Nice that you refered to it as a her....Wow, shes a slut"

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



That is my kind of episode. The OC the way it was...


All is right with the world again.

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Ok, this episode DEFINITELY, gets nothing less than an A+ from me. That was just great.


Even if only for the ending Seth/Spiderman scene. And it wasn't only for that. The whole episode was great. And I can say I'm happy this Rebecca business is finally over.


Every Seth scene, really made that episode enjoyable more then any other.

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This was probably the best episode this season. From the playing of "End of the Road" to the Spider-Man kiss, and the opening where the two needed to talk and were afraid of going out in the rain, I loved every minute of it.

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Yeah, definitely a good show. Sandy having temptations just makes his human; the way he rejected it establishes the kind of guy that he really is. And the fact of the matter is that Lindsey and Zach were both pretty dull, and they were dragging the show down. Phasing them out of the show is an excellent move in the long run.


I still say Alex has some potential, and they could carry out the lesbian relationship a little longer before Marissa and Ryan get back together, but the show's definitely going in the right direction. This episode was thoroughly enjoyable, and it's kind of tight that Seth can get pussy just like that while "Mr. Perfect" Zach waits seven months for a trip to Italy and he still gets shut down.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Damn that Seth Cohen!


I've been listening "End of the Road" a different times during the past hour.

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Best episode this season, no doubt. Ending alone made it, when they first showed Seth with the Spidey mask I was like something is so gonna happen with this. Then as soon as he fell off the roof and was hung upside down I was like "Oh yeah, that's it!"


Just a solid episode overall though, from Julie's experimental phase, to..pretty much everything Seth did, if the rest of the season continues to be anywhere near this quality it will be great :D

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God, I finally got the box set for the first season, and I just can't help but talk about it. This season was the best television ever produced in the genre, and even rivals the first season of the Sopranos for the best season of any show I've ever season. The second season catches glimmers every now and then, but it's just not the same at all.


I just watched the New Year's episode, and I was on the verge of crying like a little girl when Ryan made it up there right before midnight. I originally started watching the show when Oliver was pulling his creepy shit later on, so just seeing him on screen sends chills down my spine.


When I was watching the episode, I was pretty sure that Ryan was going to just be too late or something, and see Marissa kissing Oliver, so when he made it, it was just tremendous. I can't even watch any more shows tonight, because I want to go to sleep while Marissa and Ryan are still happy together.


It's funny, when I first started watching the OC, I was more into the Seth/Summer stuff, and I really couldn't stand Ryan's character at all, but watching over from the beginning, the whole Ryan/Marissa thing has me just captivated on the edge of my seat, and actually like really caring about their relationship. I totally feel like a girl about the whole thing, but I just had to let it out.

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Ryan's the fucking man.


The one redeeming thing about Season 2 was the fanbase bitching about how the characters weren't being what made them so great in Season 1...and then, at the end, when Ryan fucking loses it and goes to confront Tre, he does the "IM NOT BEING MYSELF, this whole year (season) I've been trying to be someone different" speech, then gets that look in his eye and is off to the big finale.

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