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Guest Zack Malibu

The O.C.

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So anyone else think the dean is banging Taylor and Seth and Summer are gonna catch em and use it to get Ryan and Marissa back in the school?


Yeah I figured that would be the eventual result of this story arc. I love the OC but subtlety is certainly not one of its strong points.

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Wow, I missed two episodes in a row. I don't think I did that once all through Season 2, and I certainly didn't in Season 1 once I caught on to what a good show it was.


It wasn't completely intentional, I was off playing poker, but I didn't even remember it was on until someone made a joke about it at the table, and even then, I wasn't into it enough to leave the game.


Considering how much TV I've been watching lately, you'd think I'd make time for the OC. I guess that first episode just turned me off that much. I'm not giving up though. I will try to catch the show for sure next week, as if they can just catch a little bit of the spark they had before, it will be worth it.

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Guest *KNK*

Season Three has been fucking awesome thus far. Episode One had to wrap up last season's loose ends, Episodes 2 and 3 completely curb stomps most of season two's efforts.

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Guest *KNK*

The hot streak continued tonight as The OC is 4 for 4 this season on delivering great shows. Alot of developments occured tonight that are going to be rather interesting to follow.


It was great to finally expand Summer's house beyond her bedroom, I love Kirsten and Sandy being the adorable couple as opposed to the bitter angry couple.


However, I'm not a fan of them starting the season and having a hot streak, only to delay it for fucking Baseball.


Killing the momentum.

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This whole "The Dean being a prick to Seth/Summer" thing is really forced. Ohterwise, AWESOME season.


I'm currently on Episode 3. Summer's tirade on Taylor is great. But the Dean "making them" do school spirit crap, plus him being there at every corner, "ONE MORE TIME, THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!" is kinda cheesy.


Go away Charlotte.

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Guest El Satanico

I wasn't expecting to hear a Takashi Miike reference, so did anyone else "mark" for it?

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Cool episode ... with an awesome cover of Alphaville's Forever Young on the last scene. Anyone knows where i can find it ?

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It's going to be on The OC:Mix 5, which comes out next month.


So they've set everything in motion for post-hiatus. Marissa and the new skater kid, Seth and Summer knowing about the Dean and Taylor, Charlotte trying to set Kirsten up, Julie forced to live in poverty, etc.


Things have been good. I agree the "evil authority figure" isn't the best scenario, but it's made for some laughs, and I'm sure that the payoff will be gold.

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Very slow, dissapointing episode.


"Crybaby Runaway Ryan" is growing annoying.


The Julie/Charlotte thing is just not interesting me.


And the climax of the Dean/Taylor thing was SO rushed. Seriously, from 9:52 PM EST to 9:56 EST, they solved it ALL. Could've done so much more.


After 4 amazing episodes, this one was a big dud.


And next week isn't looking better, as every aspect of the preview dealt with "OMG! Mariss likes Johnny!"

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I tried to go back to watching the OC tonight, but I just couldn't take it. The characters have regressed so much that I just can't care about them at all. Ryan and Marissa have turned into a couple of whiny brats, and Seth is just retarded now.


Last season, they were kind of outgrowing the high school thing and getting ready to move on, and now (excepting Ryan), they're so into everything that it's like they're in middle school or something.


Honestly, the second season may have gotten boring at times, and there may have been a couple story arcs that were out there a little bit, but at least it seemed like the same show. This crap they put on now makes me embarrassed for the actors that are putting it out.

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I think the OC is so good that you want to see it go more than one season.


But when it does go more than one season you wish it never did.


What, are they ALL going to the same college?


Seriously, when your trailer for the next episode is all "Ooooh, Marissa likes a new guy (that fans could care less about)", there's problems.


And they solved potentially the year's biggest problem (and didn't even help Marissa) in like 4 minutes. Ridiculous.

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Sooo, are you saying that the characters need to develop more or that they are developing too much?


Basically, it seems like in the first two seasons, they developed the characters to the point that they were ready to be through with high school and move on to the real world.


Then when the new season came, they figured it would be easier to keep them in high school, so they basically started over with their characters, and erased all the growth from the last two seasons.


I'm saying that they ruined the characters, and made the show a parody of itself. Simple enough?


Sledgehammer hit it right on the head, where while the first season was tremendous, it pretty much is best as a stand-alone work, because after the initial story arc, the writers really had no idea where to go with it at all. They at least gave it a decent try in the second season, but this new stuff is just unwatchable.

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I was so angry when Ryan decided to stay than go on a boat! But I still watch the show. I still think Season 1 was the best. It was fresh, people older than 12 were into it, and then the second season began and to me it felt like they lowered their demographic to the tweens.

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I think the OC is so good that you want to see it go more than one season.


But when it does go more than one season you wish it never did.


What, are they ALL going to the same college?


Seriously, when your trailer for the next episode is all "Ooooh, Marissa likes a new guy (that fans could care less about)", there's problems.


And they solved potentially the year's biggest problem (and didn't even help Marissa) in like 4 minutes.  Ridiculous.


Im glad they fixed the Ryan thing now instead of dragging it on. Like I said last year, when they end it, people say it should have been longer. When they try to flesh it out, people say its too boring and needs to be ended ASAP.


I think everyone forgot what Marissa got kicked out for. Ryan got kicked out for hitting the dean. Marissa got kicked out for shooting Trey. Kay?


I like the Charlotte/Julie thing. Julie is gonna go into bitch beast mode when she finds out what shes up to. Or Charlotte is gonna take Julie and she's gonna go crazy or something. I hope its the first one.


Marissa is such a slut bitch. Just like in real life, you can take someones girl, but that just means its gonna be easy for someone to take her from you.

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The thing about the show is that they do TOO many storyarcs in short time span. They should have spread out a lot of the storyarcs over the season, not just in 3-4 weeks.


Ryan and Marissa need to end though, he needs a new chick for a long time. I'd say switch it up and have Ryan be with Summer while Seth is Marissa.

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"I'd say switch it up and have Ryan be with Summer while Seth is Marissa."


Horrible idea, IMO. Let's be Dawson's Creek!


Ryan and Summer have never really interacted, nor have Seth and Marissa, save for the first couple episodes.

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Guest *KNK*
"I'd say switch it up and have Ryan be with Summer while Seth is Marissa."


Horrible idea, IMO.  Let's be Dawson's Creek!


Ryan and Summer have never really interacted, nor have Seth and Marissa, save for the first couple episodes.


That's a true statement, I can't even think of them being on screen alone together (ryan and summer). 90210 had the Kelly/Brandon/Dylan swap, and the Kelly/Brenda/Dylan swap. DC had the Joey/Pacey/Dawson angle. However in DC, Jen and Pacey were never a couple, so that would be different.


Doing the double switch wouldn't change much at all.


Season 1 stood out so far that it's alone. 2 and so far, 3 aren't comparable. Season 3 has been better then Season 2 was at this point, but I agree the show is way to geared towards High School now, when for the last 2 seasons, it was a afterthought.

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I think this season is boring as hell, i begin to really lose faith in this serie. Season One was incredible but now ... I guess i still like the characters but the storylines has become lame as a blue sheep from space. I think i prefer One Tree Hill

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Hey, haven't been around to post much...


During the first season, I could not miss an episode, and if I did I would have an alternate way of seeing it. These days if I do miss an episode, it doesn't bother me as much. Hell, lately i've been having a hard time getting through an entire episode. It's just been very boring to me.


I still pop in the season 1 DVD on the regular, yet I haven't even attempted to purchase season 2 yet.


Honestly, i've become a big One Tree Hill fan in recent months, and if I had to say it, as of right now... One Tree Hill > The OC.

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You like Taylor's evolution more than Luke's transition from asshole jock to jock wtih a heart of gold?

Ummm, yeah because that was kind of lame.


Besides, Taylor hasn't evolved at all, we are just getting to know her more.


Awesome person.

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