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Wrestlemania 16 main event

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For those of you who are interested, how would you have booked the Wrestlemania 16 main event? Who would you have walk out with the WWF Title? You already saw me book this in the Pillman thread. How would you book it?

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Guest Choken One

I actually think...In hindsight...they pulled it off right by shocking the world with HHH winning.


at The time...I'd put rock over HHH...


which would show how bad a business acumen I have

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Guest nWoScorpion

There's not much you CAN do about the Main Event booking, since Austi, UT were injured, and your only hopes were HHH, Rock and Foley. And throw in Big Show to round it off.


Personally, I'd give Kane a main event push by beating HHH, cause KAne rules

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Would have put Rock over, only to have him lose the title in the Iron man match two months later. Also would have cut Big Show out and maybe it just a three-way.

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Guest Choken One

The Big Show...One of the biggest paid contracts in WWE history was Matchless..(Yeah I know he went matchless in 2002...work with me)...Was left with nothing.


He was an pretty damn big heel at the time anyways...


besides it pretty much WAS a three way as TBS lasted what? 6 minutes and the match was 30 minutes...

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Guest Ray

Meh......I'd have just done Rock vs. Triple H, with Triple H retaining CLEAN.


I am one who believes the WM main event should always be a singles match between the two biggest or best.

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Guest Ray
then explain




Re-post (emphasis added):


"I am one who believes the WM main event should always be a singles match between the two biggest or best. "




Nash/Michaels should have been the ME.

Austin/Hart should have been the ME.


That's what I would have done.

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Foley shouldn't have been there. It wasn't his fault, but he was made to look like an ass because he hyped up the retirement stuff and then got the Wrestlemania call afterwards. It just made him look bad.


Forget the McMahon in every corner. I don't HATE the McMahon like most, but they weren't needed.


Leave Show in, because the whole build up was between Rock/Show. Helmsley and Rock only started the feud after NWO, Rock and Show had been feuding since the Rumble.


HHH goes over Rock, because Triple H was the right choice. Rock was popular, but Triple H needed a big boost to put him over further, and winning at Mania is just the push he needed. Vince could have turned heel on Raw rather than Mania, because that took away from Triple H.

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