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Guest Flyboy

The One & Only Madden 2004 Thread

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Guest Flyboy
We apologize for the inconvenience with Madden NFL 2004 XBOX not being able to import a draft class from NCAA Football 2004 XBOX. This is only an issue with the XBOX version.


As always, EA fully stands behind its products and we will be providing replacement Madden NFL 2004 XBOX product within the next 3 weeks (the time it takes to manufacture new discs). Please contact us at [email protected] to learn about the details."


The message board admins can post this up as well. I know that I have a seen a couple threads about this.




Nathan Fahrenthold

EA SPORTS Nation Community Producer

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I sat Palmer for Jon Kitna and I've won the last two games, including a 16 for 16, 2 TD performance. A Bengals 1st Round QB bombing, and I've already given up 3 special teams touchdowns.


The realism in this game is astounding.

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Guest Choken One

Really? I kept Kitna and we went to the AFC conf game in the first season...Losing to the Chiefs 3-27 though.


I love how they are realistic down to the fucking MENU!



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Really? I kept Kitna and we went to the AFC conf game in the first season...Losing to the Chiefs 3-27 though.


I love how they are realistic down to the fucking MENU!



No shit, that was amazing, I thought it was just going to be, hot dogs, popcorn, pop, but the 3 ways & coneys are awesome, I am actually surprised they put beer in there, since the racers can't have their beer sponsors in the Nascar Thunder games.

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Guest Choken One

It just says BEER...not Coors/bud...You can't advertise Beer companies...

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Guest Vitamin X



And I haven't even gotten into Owner mode yet, but they've made enough improvements and changes to justify having bought it.


I always thought it'd be interesting to be the Packers' Owner, considering that would actually be all the stockholders in the team...

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I'm trying to figure out which Franchise I wanna test out first. Can you guys give me a challenging franchise to try out?


Yet, I found out that I suck ASS at this new Madden. Like my passing D just KILLS.


Rush is still rush, but I suck on pass.

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I have tried playing the newer football games, but after Madden 96, my suck factor went WAY WAY WAY up.


I'll just wait for basketball season.

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Ok. I'm playing as the Houston Texans and I must say.


They suck. Seriously. I'm getting SHELLED because my o-line sucked, and then I beefed it up and I SUCKED MORE!


Geezus, this bites. Oh well, I'm trying to go under to relocate the team anyways, so this isn't all that bad... Really.

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...ok, I don't know how I did it. What I did to cause it. Or who I signed to get it done.


...but I've turned the Houston Texans into the new Tampa Bay Bucs.


Why do I say this? I just won 3 games (games pretty much done unless the Jets somehow make a comeback) by my defense dominating and my offense doing enough to win the game.

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Guest Choken One

I should Note...I took the BENGALS to the Superbowl in only the second season...Dillion is JESUS! He rushed for 2008 yards and missed 2 games to injury as well. However I am such a horrible businessman..I would have to sell the Bengals the next season dispite going 14-2 and losing the AFC title game to Pittsburgh.


Now I'm taking over...The Lions. God have mercy on my soul

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Guest Vitamin X

I think one of the reasons this game is so good now is due to the fact that I've been getting kind of bored of Madden..I mean, between 2001-2003, not much change has been added to the game...We've had the franchise mode expanded upon (which was cool) and of course create a team, and the graphics and roster personalization improved, but nothing of any real significance...


Until this game. I was one of those guys who invested a lot of time into Madden and had played it so much you knew exactly what Madden/Al Michaels (or in the older games Pat uhh the ex-Giants kicker. For some reason his last name escapes me right now) were going to say, and that you had a methodical way of destroying opponents and only had a rough game every now and then. I haven't played Madden in a long time now, and even having switched from PS2 to Xbox, I've been able to adjust to all the new games pretty well, especially NCAA Football 2004. So I figured Madden would be a cakewalk. And it was on Rookie mode (for those who don't know, I always start games out at the easiest to get the hang of it, then move up) as I killed my first opponent like 50-0 by HALFTIME. Then, I started the franchise and bumped up to All-Pro... That my friends was a whole other story.


I can usually handle All-Pro without much of a problem, and it's actually the most realistic of all the levels for me since I come out with realistic scores usually (like 21-10, 31-24, etc.) and not the college blowout standards I get when playing people or on easier levels (I have hit 150-0 on a couple occasions with 8 minute quarters). And the first game was a preseason game at Atlanta, and I was shocked 30-28. I still haven't grasped fully the whole "playmaker" mode, or the various other things in the game, and the training camp mode is really cool, as the mini-camp drills were something I loved to do (especially Chase and Tackle) and could now use the minicamp skills to improve my players!


The only thing that creeps me out about the game is you can actually look up how much time you've invested into the game with the EA Sports Bio, and that's gonna be a scary number. :ph34r:

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Well I started over with the Texans franchise and I actually did a fantasy draft to see who I could get. Lets just say I plan on trying to outscore a lot of people this year.


QB = Vick

RB = Shaun Alexander

FB = Rob Konrad

WR #1 = Donald Driver


I also managed to build a good offensive line that includes Olin Kreutz. Unfortunately, outside of QB (Trent Dilfer is my backup) there's not a lot of depth.


Defense seems to be another story. Keith Brookings is my main man in the middle, and I've got a decent set of starting DBs (mid to low 80's). I'm in desperate need of DLmen though. Highest one is 81 I believe (N. Kalu). Also my outside LBs are a bit lacking (high 70's). However, I drafted for youth (one starter over 30, 31 year old TE Ernie Conwell) and relatively on the cheap, so I was able to sign a lot of my better guys to longer term deal to spread out the cap hit (hopefully the cap will increase, otherwise I might be in a bit of trouble though), and I've still got about 10 mill under the cap. Life is pretty good here in virtual H-Town. After a loss to Denver (like I said, no depth) in my first preseaon game I'm up on Dallas 21-0 at the half and Vick is abusing the defense on rollouts. Here's hoping he doesn't get his career ended.


BTW: The addition of Playmaker offers a TON of options. I used to hate it when the defense would magically shift to stuff a lead play. Now I just flip it and get 8 yards. Or I turn someone's pattern into a quick out behind a deep post and there's no one there. EA, ya done good this year!

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I found a way to make the Texans into a good team.


Get some talent from free agency and trade away top draft picks. Yes, stupid idea (trading away top picks), but considering I'm now 8-5, and unless I lose the last 3 games in the season, I've got the AFC South title and have made the playoffs. The second place AFC South team is the Colts with a 5-8 record and my last game is against them.


So I'm very happy with my play. I mean, I haven't been winning a lot of games with ease. Last game against the Jags was 34-28, but I managed to stop them on my FREAKIN 1 yard to them getting the win. It hasn't been easy.


...next year I'll actually face mediocre teams and probably BOMB. As most teams I faced were sub .500.


Still though, I'm happy. I might even make money this year too.

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Guest Choken One

The money thing is a bitch...I win the SB with Pittsburgh and guess What? I'm forced to relocate to become the las Vegas Steelers...I changed the nickname to Comets...

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*laughs* Yes, the money thing CAN end up being a bitch in the end.


Personally, I'm TRYING to make sure I make money. If I make a couple of playoff home games, I think I'll be over no problem.

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Holy shit, did I HAVE a game against the Tampa Bay Bucs. Holy fuck, I thought I was going to lose for sure. I'm losing 7-3, and I'm going "well, at least let's make this close." Next thing I know, I managed to cause them to fumble the ball after my field goal. Then I get a touchdown. Then I managed to make sure their last drive in the first half goes nowwhere. Then when they get the first drive in the second half, they score and I'm like "dammit. I ain't taking no prisoners." Then I make Carr into like some Hellfire Demon as I possess him to get a touchdown by any means neccessary. He gets it so I'm 14-10. Then I manage to sack Johnson in the next drive and get the ball into their zone and going to 3rd conversion after every single down. It was insane. I think I was like 14-20 on 3rd conversions. It was just nuts.


Then I managed to nail another field goal making it 20-14 and I'm happy as can be. Cause I'm finally leading like lots. But they get a field goal and it's like a close game. I get stalled and punt away and they come right back to nail another field goal so it's 20-17. Now I'm just like all pissy and bash my way to the end zone, but get stalled on the 2 yard line. It's fourth and goal, and I'm thinking I should go, but they need to gain a touchdown if I go field goal, so I was like, what the hell. So I go field goal. 23-17.


So I give it back to them and they managed to bust my ass through passing the ball (which is my flaw, I'm not terribly good at the passing defense) and score the final touchdown making it 24-23 them. I'm like "SHIT~!" But there's still 2:28 left in the game. Maybe, just maybe enough to gain a field goal and win the game. So I'm busting my ass off trying to get down there. With about a minute left I'm pushing at the 15 yards to get a touch down, but I can't get further and so run the clock down to 9 seconds before I launch my kick off and hope to God that the Bucs don't block it.


And it went through! With 4 seconds left, I was leading 26-24 and unless they got the long bomb on the final play it was over~!


Well, I had a scare as Johnson launched a long ball and my CB isn't on the WR's ass. My heart literially fell like a rock as I'm like "oh shit, there's the game". And so the WR catches it, but my CB caught up to him and managed to haul the WR down~! I WIN~! I JUST BEAT THE SUPERBOWL CHAMPS! YES~!!!


Whew... I'm so ... just like WOW~! I mean, I've NEVER had a rush like this before playing a sports game in a LONG time~!


Also with the win, I've made the playoffs with the highest paid team in the NFL (I made trades and pickups to end up with a decent team).

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Guest Choken One

Ah...I'm doing a Franchise with Atlanta...I was losing money so I dumped Vick and picked up Drew Brees. Talk about a Bargain.


Went 12-4 and made the Superbowl and beat the Dolphins (whom Vick was traded to)..now I have like 50Mil+ Profit...

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Guest Choken One

Here's a question...of all things Madden...




I'm going with The Soundtrak.


When AAF has the best and most memorable song...you know you got problems...


and that GOD DAMN "Never Scared" song is ANNOYING and I can't stand Joe Budden either...

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Ah...I'm doing a Franchise with Atlanta...I was losing money so I dumped Vick and picked up Drew Brees. Talk about a Bargain.


Went 12-4 and made the Superbowl and beat the Dolphins (whom Vick was traded to)..now I have like 50Mil+ Profit...

I'm probably trading Barr after this season as well. I mean, 40mil? Uh, no. Sure, he's good, but he doesn't deserve that much.


Then again, I'm hoping to win a playoff game. Maybe even the AFC Finals. Cause with the highest paid team right now, I better do some damage.

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Guest Choken One
Ah...I'm doing a Franchise with Atlanta...I was losing money so I dumped Vick and picked up Drew Brees.  Talk about a Bargain.


Went 12-4 and made the Superbowl and beat the Dolphins (whom Vick was traded to)..now I have like 50Mil+ Profit...

I'm probably trading Barr after this season as well. I mean, 40mil? Uh, no. Sure, he's good, but he doesn't deserve that much.


Then again, I'm hoping to win a playoff game. Maybe even the AFC Finals. Cause with the highest paid team right now, I better do some damage.



I noticed something here



QB's don't mean much here...


I won with Vick and Brees and Now I traded Brees for Kitna and still won with Kitna.

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The soundtrack isnt too bad. Thrice is on there, and they're one of my favorite bands. Their new album owns, btw.


Im starting up with the Chargers now..since they have a nucleus already intact with Brees, Tomlinson, and Boston..but the defense is quite old.

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I noticed something here



QB's don't mean much here...


I won with Vick and Brees and Now I traded Brees for Kitna and still won with Kitna.

QB ratings don't matter. As long as his awareness, throw and acc are good, you could win with a 50 rated QB (don't think that'd happen, but you get what I mean.

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Guest Flyboy
Thank you for contacting us about Madden NFL 2004 for the Xbox. We are

aware of the problem relative to the importing a draft class from NCAA

Football 2004 for the Xbox and want to rectify this problem as soon as

possible. In order to do so, please send us page 43 & 44 from your

Madden NFL 2004 Xbox manual with your complete shipping address written

on this page. Send original, do not send a photo copy. After Labor

day, a new disc will be sent to the address on this page (it takes this

much time to manufacture replacement product). This new disc will

resolve the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you

for your time and understanding.


Send to:



Electronic Arts

209 Redwood Shores Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94065

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Note: I also have the 2001 Patriots complete if anybody wants them too. I'm using www.nflarchive.com for the names here. Edited in 1998 Atlanta Falcons.


Dallas Cowboys 1993 Team Edited


These are in order(Best-Worst by position)



Troy Aikman(#8)

Bernie Kosar(#18)

Jason Garrett(#17)



Emmitt Smith(#22)

Derrick Gainer(#39)



Daryl Johnston(#48)

Tommy Agee(#34)

Derrick Lassic(#25)



Michael Irvin(#88)

Alvin Harper(#80)

Kevin Williams(#82)

Tyrone Williams(#86)

WR #4 - Not Sure Who This Is



Jay Novacek(#84)

Scott Galbraith(#89)



Mark Tuinei(#71)

James Parrish(#62)



Nate Newton(#61)

Dale Hellestrae(#70)



Mark Stepnoski(#53)

John Gesek(#63)



Kevin Gogan(#66)

Frank Cornish(#68)



Erik Williams(#79)



Tony Tolbert(#92)

Leon Lett(#78)



Charles Haley(#94)



Russell Maryland(#67)

Tony Casillas(#75)

Jim Jeffcoat(#77)

Jimmie Jones(#97)

Chad Hennings(#95)



Darrin Smith(#59)

Robert Jones(#55)



Ken Norton Jr.(#51)

Godfrey Myles(#98)



Dixon Edwards(#58)



Larry Brown(#24)

Kevin Smith(#26)

Brock Marion(#31)

Kenneth Gant(#29)



Thomas Everett(#27)

James Washington(#37)



Darren Woodson(#28)

Chris Hall(#38)

Elvis Patterson(#43)

Joe Fishback(#46)



Lin Elliot(#2)



John Jett(#19)


1998 Atlanta Falcons


Chris Chandler(12)

Steve DeBerg(17)

Tony Graziani(7)



Jamal Anderson(32)

Harold Green(28)

Ken Oxendine(11)



Bob Christian(44)

Gary Downs(45)



Terance Mathis(81)

Tony Martin(80)

Todd Kinchen(89)

Tim Dwight(83)

Jammi German(87)



O.J. Santiago(88)

Brian Kozlowski(85)



Bob Whitfield(70)

Jose Portilla(76)



Gene Williams(69)

Bob Hallen(64)



Robbie Tobeck(61)

Adam Schreiber(67)



Calvin Collins(68)



Ephraim Salaam(74)



Chuck Smith(90)

Antonio Edwards(96)



Lester Archambeau(92)

Shawn Swayda(93)



Shane Dronett(75)

Travis Hall(98)

Esera Tuaolo(95)

John Burrough(91)



Henri Crockett(94)

Keith Brooking(56)

Ruffin Hamilton(54)



Jessie Tuggle(58)

Ben Talley(59)



Cornelius Bennett(97)

Craig Sauer(52)



Ray Buchanan(34)

Ronnie Bradford(23)

Michael Booker(20)

Darren Anderson(26)

Juran Bolden(43)



Eugene Robinson(41)

Devin Bush(25)



William White(35)

Omar Brown(29)



Morten Andersen(5)



Dan Stryzinski(4)

Edited by DawnBTVS

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