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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

New Percy Pringle commentary

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For the second time in my 40-years as an avid wrestling fan I did the unthinkable. I turned off a wrestling television program last night. The first time was less than a year ago when WWE had Hunter Helmsley humping a “corpse” in a casket. This time it was just as disgusting. Eric Bischoff sexually assaulting Linda McMahon in her home office. What in the hell is going on in Stamford, CT? Were they writing this trash during last week’s blackout or something?


The last time I checked, the marquee read “Wrestling”, not “McWrestling.” Yet, every time I turn on McRAW and McSMACKDOWN, what do I see? It’s Vincent Kennedy McMahon’s open display of lewdness with a nipped n’ tucked Playboy Playmate. Then there is his son and daughter, running around actually playing the parts of professional wrestlers. Now it’s the last straw, Linda McMahon in that sickening scene with Bischoff.


Notwithstanding the collusive nature of the industry, in the past Linda McMahon has always represented what was right in McMahonland. After this week’s McRAW, the handwriting is on the wall for all of us to read… “There is NOTHING right in McMahonland anymore!”


Vince McMahon and his one ring circus sideshow, is dying a slow agonizing death. Talented ring performers are sitting at home all over the country unable to pay their bills because of the McMonopoly of our business. Yet, staged or not, he dare laugh at a handicapped grappler flopping around the ring like a catfish out of water. It’s sickening. Sometimes I want to bury my head in the sand and pretend I never had a damn thing to do with any of this.


I feel that this McMadness has destroyed the foundation of our game. How can a building remain standing on crumpled groundwork? Sooner or later it must all come tumbling down. Maybe the poor ratings show that fans aren’t as stupid as Vinnie-Mc may think. It’s plausible that they are just running for cover to escape the falling pieces of the once golden titan tower.


Stamford…. we have a problem!



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Wow. I wasn't aware Pingle was so pissed about the company. Though I praise him for speaking his mind, this has got to hurt his chances for a WWE return. I know Hogan and Foley both badmothed the company too and were welcomed back, but Pringle is not a Foley or Hogan level star. I agree with his points though.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

If he wanted to stay with WWE, he would have signed a new contract last year. I'm guessing his not signing was because he hated the direction, especially the corpse raping.

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Guest The Old Me

He was praising most of the Kane segments to the best of my knowledge. I guess this put him over the edge.

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Guest Fook

I don't think he wants anything to do with the wrestling business anymore, so he has all that leeway to bash the company as he sees fit.

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Even if he wants to stay in the business, how do you defend that angle?


"Forcing yourself on the boss' wife is funny, bah gawd!"


That's not even a good idea for Passions, and they're supposed to do stupid storylines like that.

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