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Pinhead is gay, in that he wears leather, is into S & M, and was created by a gay man, but that doesn't make him a bad character. He's not. They just stuck him in a few bad movies.

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the Family in TCM vs. the family in Bleeders?


Dracula vs. Lestat from IwtV and QotD?


Carrie vs. Firestarter?


and are Freddy and Jason out of the list of ppl we could use for Vs. movies? Cause I'd always like to see Jason vs. Michael.

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Pinhead's powers are too strong for any of these guys.  All these other guys are horrible people, but PinHead has the power of hell behind him.  And he'll tear all their sould apaaaaaaaaart.

How this COULD possibly work.


First, Pinhead is the face and Myers is the heel.


The catalyst for the meeting can be Pinhead being summoned to Earth by a guy who ends up getting offed by Myers right before he gets pulled into Pinhead's dimension. Pinhead and dead guy's girlfriend make an alliance where she'll catch Myers and give him to Pinhead in exchange for him resurrecting her boyfriend.


For the pressence of a shit-disturber (and link to Hellraiser), hire Dean Winters (who was in the last Hellraiser flick) as a renegade Cebonite who is out to use Myers to kill Pinhead and generally be Myer's mouthpiece for when Pinhead starts talking about all of the evil things he's going to do to Myers.


As for the Halloween connection, have the female who's lover is killed by Michael can be the ditzy asian chick from Halloween 5 who's now all grown up....

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Guest Urine Sane

sorry, but thats a shitty idea. Michael doesn't usually kill randomly and you're basically using the same someone being puppet master thing like in FvsJ.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

The TCM family vs. The House of 1000 Corpses Family!


No that's good cinema!

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Guest Big_Jay101

Pinhead vs Myers is the most liekly tog et made out of crossovers other than the inevitable FvsJ II

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Guest netslob
Torgo vs. Prince of Space...not ok


...how about Torgo Vs. Ortega...The Battle of the Second-Bananas!!


Also, on a side note, has anyone seen the 4th Texas Chainsaw movie, with Renee Zellweger?


If so, can anyone tell me the point of having the guy with the millions of piercings lick Renee's face for half a minute whilst exposing his body art, and then leaving shortly after? 


i saw it and don't remember that scene, but i gotta say, Zelwegger was frickin' hot in this flick...she was the only reason i watched the whole thing...the only Chainsaw worth seeing is the original.

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