Guest Hybrid420 Report post Posted August 23, 2003 * "The Brainbuster" plays as J.T. Playa makes his entrance followed by his entourage of local aspiring actresses promised their "big breaks". he's sporting his ultra cool sunglasses and his afro is higher than ever. He sort of looks like Mr T and the Godfather had a baby. he makes his way into the ring and poses for the crowd, followed by more flashes than Girls Gone Wild: Mardi Gras Edition.* *His posing is interrupted as Filter's( in my stats, I put "fuel", my bad)"Cancer" starts playing. Hybrid arrives on the stage, looking slightly annoyed- he means business. He gets on the apron, cracks his neck in a circular motion, and stares down at one of JT's girls. He starts saying something to her until JT interrupts. JT grabs Hybrid by the shoulder and hiptosses him into the ring- the match has begun. Hybrid gets to his feet and JT irish whips him into the rope, following that up by a sideslam pin for the quick win 1...2.......... Just a two count, Hybrid kicks out quickly JT picks Hybrid up and throws him into the corner turnbuckle. He points at the crowd and runs full speed at Hybrid but Hybrid moves out of the way and JT hits the cold steel turnbuckle pole with his right arm. He gets up slowly after the hit and Hybrid gives him a German suplex.Hybrid takes a second to rest and stomps on JT's right arm a few times. He then picks JT up slowly but JT gives him a jawbreaker while getting up. Hybrid takes a few steps back, holding his chin and gives Hybrid a super kick, taking him down. He then goes for the pin 1...2.... and Hybrid Kicks out! JT picks Hybrid up and attempts to irish whip him into the turn buckle but Hybrid reverses and sends JT into the turnbuckle backfirst. JT starts walking forward and Hybrid runs toward him but JT throws him up, making him leapfrog over him and land on the second turnbuckle. JT then gives Hybrid a forearm to the spine and delivers a second turnbuckle neckbreaker, a-la Dvon Dudley. JT's girls cheer him on as he picks up Hybrid and goes for the Playa-canrana but Hybrid holds him and drops him back onto his feet. he then gives him a kickin the midsection and gives JT a powerbomb. Hybrid then picks JT up and puts his hands around JT's neck as if he was setting up a diamond cutter and follows it up by a sliced bread #2 into a backbreaker. The crowd cheers and the cheers grow as he clmbs up to the opposite turnbuckle. He waits a second and dives off to execute his Hybrid Theory Frog splash but JT rolls out of the way, leaving both men down as the ref counts. Hybrid gets up first at the count of 7 and picks JT up onto his kness but JT gives him a shoulder tackle to the midsection and puts Hybrid's head between his legs. He then executes a double arm backbreaker, taking Hybrid down and making roll to the center of the ring in pain. He gets up and JT gives him the Playa's combo- left jab, swift kick, and a neckbreaker. With his back about a foot away from the turnbuckle, JT picks up Hybrid, taunts the crowd and sets Hybrid up for the Playa's Edge (razor's edge) but Hybrid kicks off of the turnbuckle and flips backward back onto his feet. When on his feet, he gives JT an arm wrench and kicks him arm with stiff kicks. JT tries to fight back with a kick of his own but Hybrid ducks under the kick, ending up behind JT and picks JT up in a reverse death valley position and executes a modified version of his perfection Through Silence, turning it into a falling armbreaker (traditionally a Downward Spiral) on JT's injured arm and gets the pin. 1...2...3 Hybrid wins it The ref picks Hybrid's arm up to raise in celebration but Hybrid shakes it off and leaves the ring. The girls enter the ring and check up on JT as officicals examine his arm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. S£im Citrus 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2003 You know this match isn't due until tomorrow, right? Word to the wise: not a diss, or anything, but if that's what you plan to turn in... you aren't going to win... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ace309 0 Report post Posted August 23, 2003 Comments PM'd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrestlingDeacon 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2003 I don't know why couldn't pm me, my inbox was only 71% full and everything seems fine. I am accepting this as your official match, no edits or changes will be accepted, this is what I'm marking you upon. I will send comments soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. S£im Citrus 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2003 Damn! Harsh much, Frost? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites