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Guest Choken One

Post Summerslam antics

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Guest Choken One

from the 411...


Thanks to 411 reader Jeff Morgan for sending in this report:


Just got back from SummerSlam Live in Phoenix - it was 97 when I was driving home, so appropriate for SS.


Anyway, after the cameras stopped rolling several refs helped Goldberg out. Nick Patrick brought out bolt cutters - gotta love him - but Charles Robinson had keys. Goldberg had a legit cut on his left calf - likely from stepping through the glass to get HHH and the camera showed it on the Titantron - looked nasty. Thoughts of the limo window and tendon injury came to mind. Guess we'll all know more later.


Goldberg was being helped to the back when, in further support of the influence of Hyatte, he stopped to "lay his hands" on a little kid. Here he was still selling the attack and barely walking, but he went over to high-five a kid. No immediate reports of the child being cured of any terminal diseases, but the news doesn't come on for another hour.


Things wrap up and Stone Cold's music hits. He comes to the ring and calls out Vince McMahon. Vince comes out with Big Show. They verbally spar a little and suddenly the whole locker starts coming to the ring. And I mean EVERYONE - from both shows. The ring could not even hold everyone. Agents (Malenko, Anderson, Briscoe, Patterson, etc.), superstars (from HHH and Undertaker to Maven and Stevie Richards), and all the divas (even Dawn Marie) were there. Turns out today is Vince's birthday. After some prodding and several "What?" chants, Vince admitted that he was 58. Stone Cold led everyone in singing Happy Birthday. He then tried to get Vince to sing, but Vince said only after a Taker-rooni. Of course, Taker declined claiming to need Booker to show him how - alas no Booker. HHH told Taker that he doesn't need Booker because he's seen Big Show practicing quite a bit. Big Show did his interpretation of a spinarooni and Taker took off literally running to the back. I kept waiting for him to come back with a present or something, but nothing - he never returned.


HHH and Austin kept trying to convince to sing and HHH was actually kind of funny. It sucks when the guy we're all trying to hate for his politicing acts somewhat normal and endearing... They got Pat Patterson into the ring to sing Sinatra's "My Way" to Vince. He did really well, not a bad voice (Insert obligatory Patterson joke here). Vince told us all that he would outlive all of us - slipping back into character for a while. Everyone was drinking beer (Miller Lite) and they all toasted Vince, his music hit and they all went to the back. Hugs from Shane and Stephanie and a big kiss from Linda. Vince stood in the ring while everyone left and got an ovation causing him to raise his beer to the crowd. HHH and Big Show walked with Vince to the back and stopped at the enterance and raised Vince's hands one last time to get another round of applause.


It was strange seeing everyone break character and be themselves for a few moments. I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of people that came into the ring, 75 percent of which were not even on the show. It was interesting to watch that group of people be unanamously supportive of each other. Better to see everyone like that for a birthday than the unfortunate other reasons that we've seen in the past.


It was also interesting to see Big Show so involved with the celebration and McMahon in general. He came to the ring with him, was joking with him, along with Austin, Taker, and HHH, and left the ring with him. Anyone could see the group dynamic and tell that there was a heirarchy to things, but I would have never guessed that Big Show was in the upper levels like that.


Anyway, this was long and probably meandering, so use what you'd like. Thought that you would like the info.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Yeah...The guy totally made all that up just cause he was bored...

Sorry for my skepticism, but look at the source.

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Guest Dmann2000

One night, the Takerooni will happen, and the blast waves it sends out will be felt by all...

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One night, the Takerooni will happen, and the blast waves it sends out will be felt by all...

There's a fart joke in there somewhere, but I just can't put my finger on it.

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Guest HHH123007

I was there, I saw it.....glad to have been a part of it.


It was great to see everyone OOC like that...

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I still have the pics from the Seattle RAW with HHH, Vince and Co doing the Roonie and ribbing Taker to do one but he didn't.



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Guest Trivia247

Geez isn't the Pillow fight enough silliness for one week?


Why didn't HHH do a HHH o Roonie?


oh wait...... he tore his poor wittle groin.


gee wonder if Steph is not thinking clearly without the majority of the HHH Influence is now injured.


Gee...maybe it wasn't a good idea to push for that necrophilia angle...

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

AM I the only person who thinks tearing a muscle in your groin hurts? Of course, I still believe in The Easter Bunny so my thoughts are not important.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah it hurts and if Benoit tore it like HHH...We would all start taping our groin muscles...

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Guest Anglesault
from the 411...


Thanks to 411 reader Jeff Morgan for sending in this report:


Just got back from SummerSlam Live in Phoenix - it was 97 when I was driving home, so appropriate for SS.


Anyway, after the cameras stopped rolling several refs helped Goldberg out. Nick Patrick brought out bolt cutters - gotta love him - but Charles Robinson had keys. Goldberg had a legit cut on his left calf - likely from stepping through the glass to get HHH and the camera showed it on the Titantron - looked nasty. Thoughts of the limo window and tendon injury came to mind. Guess we'll all know more later.

Can FGB officially be voted stupidest man in the company?

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Guest Anglesault

Vince isn't the moron who can't grasp the "Glass makes boo-boo!" concept. Golderg is.

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Guest Choken One



Come to think it's just another BRILLIANT political play by Hunter...


Make Goldberg punch the glass...

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