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Just give Shane the belt already

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Nobody gets it. Shane is the good McMahon because he's the most entertaining. Why would we want him off our TVs? Whenever he's on, he's fun and exciting as hell. Shane's the fucking man.

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But he's not a wrestler! How hard is it to understand!? This is a wrestling show that should revolve around wrestlers. And there are plenty of wrestlers that are more fun and exciting than Shane could dream of being. But him being on TV takes time away from them....

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Guest Adrian 3:16

Put that crackpipe down iggy. Shane is not the fucking man, he is a fucking pussy. He doesn't do shit any redneck kid trying moves in his backyard can't do. Wow, he can take bumps and try crazy shit. And RVD.... can't? Did I miss something?


Shane is boring as hell- only Linda is less entertaining. Vince is entertaining at times, his character is so evil and his acting so over the top he can be funny, and Stephanie used to look good at least. Shane has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, unless you look at syphoning as much screentime off the actual wrestlers and making the ones he fights look bad as positive traits.

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Name one wrestler on the Raw roster who didn't appear last night who wasn't selling an injury that's more over/entertaining than Shane.

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Guest Trivia247

when a McMahon takes tv out from other wrestlers on the roster...maybe people we MIGHT want to see on......that makes them a not so good McMahon...


When....the certain mcmahon beats or seems to be getting over Wrestlers whom were former World champions, and one being groomed for a Monster Heel Push but then gets thrown in a flaming pit......


That makes them a BADDDDD McMahon.

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Guest Trivia247
Name one wrestler on the Raw roster who didn't appear last night who wasn't selling an injury that's more over/entertaining than Shane.

Tommy Dreamer ... More entertaining that Shane


Stevie Richards.... More entertaining than Shane


Scott Steiner.... I know its nuts BUT he is more entertaining than Shane


Test abusing Stacy and passing her around the roster like a ho..........More entertaining than Shane

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Guest Adrian 3:16

I have a better question for you iggy: name one wrestler on the Raw roster who wasn't more deserving of being the one to finally defeat the near unstoppable Kane than Shane? I'd almost rather Nash finally took him down, at least that would've been believable.


And you say "at home selling an injury" like it was a neccessary conclusion. You do realize wrestling is scripted don't you? RVD didn't have to be the one sitting at home while Shane topples Kane, it was written that way because that's how they wanted it. It should've been Shane destroyed and RVD who wins in the end, not the other way around.

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Oh but Shane is superman. He was tombstoned on the steps and able to make a recoverey the next week....RVD'll probably be selling his injuries for weeks.

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Tommy Dreamer is at least an arguable point, but he can't get over without killing himself because he doesn't have the mic skills. Shane can kill himself AND act AND cut good promos making him better-suited for a high-profile feud.


As for Steven Richards, his strength is his moderately funny mic skills which again don't compare to Shane's. Without a bunch of weapons, he's nothing more than a lower mid-card player. He doesn't have anywhere near as good brawling or acting skills as Shane.\


Steiner? Give me a break. All he has that Shane doesn't is a bunch of jacked up steroid infested biceps. As far as skill goes, Shane is better than Steiner in every conceivable way. Without the Stacy storyline, Steiner would probably getting booed right now.


And Test? He might be cute in a thirty second backstage skit, but in a main event storyline, he's not even close.

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While I like seeing Shane bump his ass off, he basicly makes me sick to see him on TV now.


The "McMahon Effect" has totally overcome me, and I'm tired of it.

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Shane took a piledriver on the steps and sold it for two weeks, but RVD's not supposed to sell it for a day?


And sure it makes sense that Shane took him out. It's not like he just beat him into submission, he knocked him backwards a foot when he happened to be in front of a flaming dumpster.


Shane does a better job as a noble babyface than just about anyone on the roster. What I really hate is the people that say it's not believable for Shane to get the upper hand on anyone, but it's A-OK for a one-legged man to look competitive with people or even win on Smackdown.

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Guest Trivia247

Wait a Minute iggy your putting Shane in MAIN EVENT Status???


in the name of god why?

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Guest Adrian 3:16
And sure it makes sense that Shane took him out. It's not like he just beat him into submission, he knocked him backwards a foot when he happened to be in front of a flaming dumpster.

I understand that. Now, why couldn't RVD be the one to do it?


What I really hate is the people that say it's not believable for Shane to get the upper hand on anyone, but it's A-OK for a one-legged man to look competitive with people or even win on Smackdown.


Slow down there, chief- I don't really want Zach anywhere on my TV either.


As for the other wrestlers:


Dreamer: How does not getting mic time= no mic skills? You really think all the guys who never get a chance on the mic somehow can't talk in real life?


Steiner: Steiner, in 1999-2000 uber-macho dick form, was a very entertaining character and a believable opponent for Kane. But we're stuck today with a neutered version who follows politics and actually cares for his girlfriend Stacy. Its all in the presentation.


Stevie Richards: A little guy who would realistically need a weapon to beat Kane? Where does that sound familiar...


Test: Ok, Test sucks, so I have nothing to say on this one...

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Guest Anglesault
Shane took a piledriver on the steps and sold it for two weeks, but RVD's not supposed to sell it for a day?

RVD is a wrestler and Shane isn't. Shane is not RVD's equal.


And sure it makes sense that Shane took him out. It's not like he just beat him into submission, he knocked him backwards a foot when he happened to be in front of a flaming dumpster.


He also knocked him off a stage and through a table. Shane is the only one in the company allowed to get the upper hand over Kane.


Hell, Shane has taken Kane out more than Kane has taken Shane out.

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Well seems how Zach is an actual wrestler it makes a little more sense since you know he belongs there. But still I'm not defending Zach getting over on wrestlers either.

But it is still UNACCEPTABLE for a non-wrestler like Shane to get over on a wrestler.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Shane is technically winning the series of attacks 2-1, but the first time Kane no sold it and laughed at the camera, so it's 1-1.


I'm NOT defending Shane, cause I'm a Kane mark and he should be killing Shane. But Shane at least pops the crowd in a good way not "why is Vince STILL here?!" ways.


Dreamer ain't getting pushed because he really isn't THAT good, and with all his injuries, WWE Won't take that much of a chance on him.


Did Steven Richards EVER make anyone WANT TO SEE HIM on TV during the RTC angle? I sure as hell didn't.


Scott Steiner 1999 is NOT Scott Steiner 2003. Steiner sucks now, and thats all that matters. I can compare him to his god like 1990 self, but he still sucks today.


And yes, Test DOES suck. KEEP HIM OFF RAW!

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Guest Anglesault
Shane is technically winning the series of attacks 2-1, but the first time Kane no sold it and laughed at the camera, so it's 1-1.

Shane holding one "victory" is bad enough.


But it should be noted that the only reason Kane was in the position to laugh and no sell was because he was beat up by Shane, had to be saved by Vince, and then Kane RAN AWAY from Shane before Shane caught up and pushed him off. Unacceptable.

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Guest Anglesault
Dreamer ain't getting pushed because he really isn't THAT good, and with all his injuries, WWE Won't take that much of a chance on him.

There's an HHH joke somwhere in there.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Ugh. I forgot Kane ran away from Shane. (Vomits my cheeseburger)

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Hell, Shane has taken Kane out more than Kane has taken Shane out.



This feud isn't about Shane, it's about Kane. When all is said and done, Kane is going to be the next in line for a world title shot - not Shane. The only reason Shane is gaining the upper hand now is to add some drama to the piece ... it's no fun if Kane kills him week in and week out and THEN kills him again at Unforgiven.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

For other refference see also: Van Dam, Rob; Summerslam 2003.


Kane killed him week after week...and pinned him in the center of the ring. More one sided than Taker/Flair @ WM X-8

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Hell, Shane has taken Kane out more than Kane has taken Shane out.



This feud isn't about Shane, it's about Kane. When all is said and done, Kane is going to be the next in line for a world title shot - not Shane. The only reason Shane is gaining the upper hand now is to add some drama to the piece ... it's no fun if Kane kills him week in and week out and THEN kills him again at Unforgiven.

Yes, you'll end up with Brock and Kurt again from this years Mania, Lesnar got the upper hand ALL the way through.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Actually Kurt did pin him a few weeks before WM on SD, so he did get ONE thing on him.


Kane simply killed RVD (thank god) and exposed RVD's offense as unthreatening.

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Guest Anglesault

Hell, Shane has taken Kane out more than Kane has taken Shane out.



This feud isn't about Shane, it's about Kane.

The unstoppable, unbeatable bah gawd evil piece of humanity that no one can take out...


Except the owner's son, who can do it at will.


That doesn't strike you as absurd?


The only reason Shane is gaining the upper hand now is to add some drama to the piece ... it's no fun if Kane kills him week in and week out and THEN kills him again at Unforgiven.

But what about RVD?


Kane is supposed to be an unstoppable monster that steamrolls everyone that looks at him funny.


Having a see-saw feud with the webmaster of WWF.com is somewhere south of that.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Yes! If we put the RAW title on Shane at Survivor Series and Vince heads back to Smackdown to fulfill his destiny by simultaneously pinning Kurt Angle and making him tap, we could see that unification match at WrestleMania XX we've all been dying to see. Just imagine the buy rate.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Smell the 0.10 Buyrate!!! I think that is impossible to do though. 0.1? come on..NOTHING WWE or WCW could have been that bad...

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Hell, Shane has taken Kane out more than Kane has taken Shane out.



This feud isn't about Shane, it's about Kane.

The unstoppable, unbeatable bah gawd evil piece of humanity that no one can take out...


Except the owner's son, who can do it at will.


That doesn't strike you as absurd?


The only reason Shane is gaining the upper hand now is to add some drama to the piece ... it's no fun if Kane kills him week in and week out and THEN kills him again at Unforgiven.

But what about RVD?


Kane is supposed to be an unstoppable monster that steamrolls everyone that looks at him funny.


Having a see-saw feud with the webmaster of WWF.com is somewhere south of that.

At will? Shane had his ass handed to him last night before he got lucky. Jesus Christ, it's not like Shane thought he was Goldberg and pinned Chris Jericho clean. There was no match - Shane just caught Kane off balance.


The payoff to this should be Shane being decimated beyond belief at Unforgiven. If that doesn't happen then I'll join with you in thinking this rivalry is / was a horrible idea. Until then, I think it has potential.

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Guest Anglesault

Hell, Shane has taken Kane out more than Kane has taken Shane out.



This feud isn't about Shane, it's about Kane.

The unstoppable, unbeatable bah gawd evil piece of humanity that no one can take out...


Except the owner's son, who can do it at will.


That doesn't strike you as absurd?


The only reason Shane is gaining the upper hand now is to add some drama to the piece ... it's no fun if Kane kills him week in and week out and THEN kills him again at Unforgiven.

But what about RVD?


Kane is supposed to be an unstoppable monster that steamrolls everyone that looks at him funny.


Having a see-saw feud with the webmaster of WWF.com is somewhere south of that.

At will? Shane had his ass handed to him last night before he got lucky. Jesus Christ, it's not like Shane thought he was Goldberg and pinned Chris Jericho clean. There was no match - Shane just caught Kane off balance.


Shane must have mind control powers that destroys Kane's equilibrium, because he's done it twice and is the only one to be able to do it. He's also the only guy to send Kane running for the hills.


Until then, I think it has potential.


Potential to do what? Make Shane look good? Derail Kane? Prove that Shane is better than the wrestlers? What?

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Potential to do what? Make Shane look good? Derail Kane? Prove that Shane is better than the wrestlers? What?

Potential to solidify Kane as the logical #1 contender.

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