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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

Casual fans of WWE

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Let's think about it logically.


1. Vince is a moron.

2. Vince books what he wants.

3. Vince likes crap.


Therefore, we can deduce that at least some morons like to watch crap. Not necessarily exclusively, but at least some.


1. The only way you can watch a show as crappy as Raw and think it is good would be if you were a moron.

2. Many marks are morons.

3. Hence, many marks think Raw is good.


Raw sucks, but there are always morons who watch it and like it. This also includes any person less intelligent than morons, and slightly more intelligent than "moron." "Idiots" are likely easier to please than even "morons." I know for a fact that up at the group home my mother works at, the mentally challenged who live there have no complaints about Raw.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

But what does that make people who watch RAW week-in week-out and know its bad? :rolleyes:

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I went to the 2nd half of a smackdown taping (free tickets, I wouldn't pay for WWE events anymore blah) with casual fans who used to watch some during the glory period in 98-00.


They were bored. "Who are all these no-names???" oh and they popped huge for Undertaker (but were also amused by Eddie and Cena's antics).

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Guest Coffey
I have a question - how many people do you know that watch WWE on a regular basis? Give me a number.

Well, I only know... *thinks*



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But what does that make people who watch RAW week-in week-out and know its bad?  :rolleyes:

Either foolish optimists or lovers of unintentional comedy.


If not for the Raw thread here, I'm rather certain I wouldn't bother with Raw.


Plus, I'm an MST3K fan; I've seen far worse.


I went to the 2nd half of a smackdown taping (free tickets, I wouldn't pay for WWE events anymore blah) with casual fans who used to watch some during the glory period in 98-00.


They were bored. "Who are all these no-names???" oh and they popped huge for Undertaker (but were also amused by Eddie and Cena's antics).


Smackdown is unquestionably the better show, but since WWE shits around and shits around and never actually produces many new stars--another problem.

Edited by AndrewTS

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Guest Coffey
it gives us something to talk about.

This is the point that I have reached. I've moved way beyond expecting Raw to be good. This past Raw was one of the worst shows that I can recall. It reminded me a lot of WCW in their dying days, only without the undercard that I wanted to watch.


I'm usually one of the most positive people here too. Or at least I think I am...

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it gives us something to talk about.

This is the point that I have reached. I've moved way beyond expecting Raw to be good.

It's like the marquee says: come here to discuss the latest Smackdown, or bitch about the latest Raw.


This past Raw was one of the worst shows that I can recall. It reminded me a lot of WCW in their dying days, only without the undercard that I wanted to watch.


Come on, we've seen far worse Raws than that. Katie Vick? Any of the 2002 shows where 1/3 of the show was HHH? Everything on the Vegas show except for the TLC, which itself was booked only to put over a guy only booked to job to HHH? Raw Is Gay Porn during the Steiner feud (and around the same time HBK valeted for Jeff Hardy)? The weekly rotating nWo members saga? Bradshaw main eventing right after the split?

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Let's face it, Raw has been terrible for over a solid year now. Smackdown has its down points but manages to put out decent shows on a regular basis.

That's true, but yet it still gets strong ratings. Not great ratings like it used to, but the fact that it is still on the air and doesn't look to be dropped by TNN anytime soon is very, very sad.

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Let's face it, Raw has been terrible for over a solid year now.  Smackdown has its down points but manages to put out decent shows on a regular basis.

That's true, but yet it still gets strong ratings. Not great ratings like it used to, but the fact that it is still on the air and doesn't look to be dropped by TNN anytime soon is very, very sad.

You want RAW to be dropped?

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Guest Ascalon

I know a few marks at work that still watch wrestling. They like HHH, Angel and such, but dont read up on internet news religiously.

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Raw is so much better now than it used to be. The only way you'd hate last night's show is if you're upset about the political situation or you're a pure workrate mark that doesn't enjoy sports entertainment at all. Every one of the promos and vignettes was entertaining and furthered a storyline.


If you want to see bad Raws, go back to January. The main event wasn't Jericho vs. Shane where anything could happen and Kane ended up getting burned alive. It was HHH vs. Steiner in a posedown... or a contract signing... or a weightlifting contest... or anything else that had absolutely no entertainment value whatsoever.


I was on the verge of quitting Raw for good then, but I enjoyed every segment last night (except for maybe the women's match.)

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Raw is so much better now than it used to be. The only way you'd hate last night's show is if you're upset about the political situation or you're a pure workrate mark that doesn't enjoy sports entertainment at all. Every one of the promos and vignettes was entertaining and furthered a storyline.

How about I would have hated Raw if I enjoy workrate and QUALITY sports entertainment?


Is Raw better than it was in January? Marginally at best

Was Raw at one of its all time shittiest levels in January? Absolutely


They should not be proud of the fact they are only pumping out a 99 pound bag of shit as opposed to the 100 pound bag of shit they were pumping out.


And what storylines were furthered:


Goldberg/HHH - Fine I'll give that


Kane/Shane - Who the fuck cares? The angle should be Kane killed Shane and Shane goes away.


Coach/JR + Lawler - BAH GAWD Announcers wrestling = ratings


Austin/Bischoff - Going nowhere and leading to nothing


Orton/Michaels - Orton used the superkick then stared at Michaels. Hoo Baby that build is a license to print money.

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Oh and how could I forget Ms. Charisma Linda McMahon being inserted into the Austin/Bischoff feud. If Linda McMahon can't get you excited about wrestling, then you just must hate the show because of the politics of the business.

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Any casual fans that I talk to tend to agree with the following.


1. Like Smackdown better than RAW. Partly due to Kurt Angle, Eddy Guerrero & Rey Misterio. However, the main reason they like it better is because according to them, it is less predictable.


2. They watch RAW for two reasons...Kane & Trish Stratus. As seen in the ratings, Kane should be pushed to the top immediately and is a big draw at the moment.


3. HHH always wins. There is little interest in his matches because they are too predictable. There has been one HHH in the last year that has gotten the marks talking, HHH/Kane where he lost his mask, and it had nothing to do with HHH.


4. Goldberg is the biggest waste of space to ever enter the ring. Keep in mind that I'm Canadian. And it has nothing to do with Bret Hart (we hated him before he ever got near Bret). Most of us have forgiven Vince by now, we just like to continue to yell at him. It has almost become a parody of itself.


5. Vince (And the other non-wrestlers.) doesn't drive them away, but he doesn't exactly make them interested either. He's just sort of there.


6. They are drawn in by a few select wrestlers, matches and feuds. Most of the undercard has no influence on whether they buy a show or not.


7. However, a lousy undercard does piss them off when watching it and they will either turn it off (if on TV) or ignore it (PPV). A good match will keep them tuned in, even if it wasn't what they are watching the show for.


8. RVD used to be cool, but they now lost pretty much all interest in him because he never wins and his matches are too repetitive. He's basically the Invasion version of Rikishi 2000.


9. Women wrestlers (Trish, Jazz, etc.) are among the best thing going, but women non-wrestlers (Steph, Torrie, etc) are a waste of time.


10. Racist angles go over a line that shouldn't be crossed. I personally don't have much of a problem if they are done correctly (ie. the face MUST win in the long run).


11. Undertaker needs to go back to being the Dead Man, ASAP.


These are pretty much the main things that come up.

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Guest mike mayhem

OK, I'm 70% casual & 30% smart ( I know weird?)


so I'm pretty much a casual fan,

PPV's I didnt like: Royal Rumble, Backlash - I thought they sucked.


However I did like No Way Out cos of Rock vs Hogan II

WrestleMania XIX cos its wrestlemania

I liked Judgement Day...but not the strecher match.

I still havent seen Bad Blood,Vengance or Summerslam, to give my views :(


I do however feel WWE is struggling to come up with good storylines, But I'll still watch it cos it has my fave wrestlers......


I watch WWE for the matches mostly as the best story is told in the ring B-)


But, to tell you the truth WWE is doing shite for storylines at the moment! :throwup:


PS: am I a casual or more of a smart...cos I dont bloody know,lol?

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