The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 With the end of summer soon upon us, I would like to provide a message-board alternative to the Jerry Lewis Telethon. However, instead of using poor stand-up acts to help find a cure for muscular dystrophy, we will use our superior minds for what makes a good product to help find a cure for shitty RAW. So I'm asking you, my fellow posters, to pledge your fantasy booking ideas to the Post-A-Thon in an effort to see how many good ideas we can come up with for the future months based off existing storylines. I'm depending on you guys to make a difference and raise awareness of the sad fact that VIAM. So from now until the end of Labor Day, let's string together as many various ideas from various wrestlers as we can, in a valiant effort to combat the inferior quality of WWE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
treble 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 On Raw, Chris Jericho comes out wearing a Winnipeg Jets sweater. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianChick 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Why? Is Raw in Winnepeg? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
treble 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 I wanted TCR to cream his pants. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 *The McMahons are driving in a car; all of 4 of them.* Vince: Who rules? Shane/Steph/Linda: McMahons Rule! Vince: Who rules? Shane/Steph/Linda: McMahons Rule! *together*: McMahons Rule! McMahons Rule! McMahons Rule! *shot of banana peel on the road* *runs over peel and Vince loses control of the car* *car goes off the road and falls off a cliff* *graphic is shown: THE END* *wrestlers celebrate in the ring* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vern Gagne 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Can I do a song and dance number? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianChick 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Oh! I've got an idea! Start feuds tonight! Continue the Goldberg/HHH match and Shane/Kane (if they must) build. And start a feud for the IC belt (it would help, I'm sure). Give Jericho and RVD a feud with someone or each other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Have Jericho lose a match to Rico where the stipulation is whomever loses must become the other persons butler. Oh Ho Ho, the Hilarity that will ensue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianChick 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Have Jericho lose a match to Rico where the stipulation is whomever loses must become the other persons butler. Oh Ho Ho, the Hilarity that will ensue. That can only happen if Jericho becomes gay himself. Imagine all the things that they could do with that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Have Jericho lose a match to Rico where the stipulation is whomever loses must become the other persons butler. Oh Ho Ho, the Hilarity that will ensue. But they'll never be able to explain why he has to be a butler! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Just John 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Minus the HHH/Goldberg promo, they should just cut their losses and pretend last week's Raw never happened. For Kane and Shane: Kane needs to bust Shane open, pour whiskey on the wound, set him on fire, and run over his ambulance with a semi-truck. Shane could then get out and pummel Kane, causing him to flee yet again. Shane chases him down and puts him in his version of the sharpshooter and Kane taps and begs for mercy at Shane's feet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarvinisaLunatic 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 I think Christopher Walken would agree that RAW needs more cowbell. Vince: Why didn't somebody tell me this 2 years ago? *He goes out and signs a bunch of wrestlers with cowboy gimmicks. To lead the stable of tough texans is an unretiring Stan Hansen* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Seriously: Rob Van Dam shows up on Smackdown in a blue SD! shirt, explaining that his career is in a dead end on Raw, and he wants upward mobility. John Cena comes out and says RVD can't step on his turf, so Stephanie says that if RVD wins, she'll try her best to work out a trade. RVD beats Cena and is congratulated by members of the SD locker room, welcoming him to the show. On the next Raw, Bischoff is not pleased. He says that RVD is stuck on Raw, and punishes him with matches against Mark Henry and Test. However, Austin comes out, and says that if RVD doesn't want to work for them, then they should respect his desire to gain upward mobility...after all, Stone Cold didn't become Stone Cold until he found a new place to work. Austin thanks RVD for everything and lets him go to Smackdown. Grabbing for straws, a desperate Bischoff tries to bring up the trade clause, when Austin unveils he has indeed made a trade, as Undertaker shows up on Raw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JumpinJackFlash Report post Posted August 31, 2003 How about have Vince Russo in charge of creative team? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarvinisaLunatic 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 Tote Board Update: $.02 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 *scene starts with Jackie telling Rico some dirty lil secret of hers and Rico does a "Hah Hah HAH" laugh.* *Jericho enters in a French Maid outfit* Jericho: The stipulation said butler jackass, not maid. This is ridiculous. What is this? I'm a former Undisputed Champion dammit, I deserve more respect. Rico: Oh, but you look so cute in that uniform. *Jackie notices something* Jackie: Why aren't you wearing any underwear? Jericho: I dunno, how the hell should I know, he's the guy who told me not to wear any, ask him. *Jackie looks at Rico* Rico: Oh, the fun is just getting started. Now bend over Chris. Chris: No way, No way, No, No... I am not doing that, I will not bend over. Rico: Oh come on. Chris: NO. Rico: Please? Chris: NO. Rico: I command you! Bend over! You're my maid! MY MAID! Jericho: I am not your maid! I am your butler! Your butler! YOUR BUTLER! *Jackie intentionally drops something* Jackie: Could you pick that up for me Chris? Chris: No problem. *Chris slowly bends over and checks out Jackie while doing so* Rico: Did you say Butler, or Butter? *Rico pulls out a stick of butter and moves towards Jericho* *Chris is still bent over* Chris: But... *close up of Jerichos face - a look of shock* *close up of Ricos face - a look of madness* Rico: EXACTLY! *close up of Jerichos face - crybaby face* *close up of Ricos face - happy* *HHH appears on screen* HHH: Oh, that's happened to me before. But only I wasn't the one bending over. RRR's Commentary: Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, Rudo, what the fuck was that? Well, I had a goal and that goal was to bury Jericho in the worst possible way and somehow relate that to HHH. And I think I succeeded. The rest of the storyline will be like Oz and Jericho is Ricos Prag. *cue Oz's music* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianChick 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 I hate you for even making me think of that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 So are you looking for serious fantasy booking or comedy stuff or both? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 So are you looking for serious fantasy booking or comedy stuff or both? It's all good. Hopefully both Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted August 31, 2003 All the WWE has to do is listen to the fans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 All the WWE has to do is listen to the fans. Yeah, but they bypass eloquent people for "stonecold is teh best he shold beat evryone with a stonecold stunner and thats the bttom line cuz Ryan said so!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2003 WWE will only listen to the fans that agree with their product just like they only listen to the writers who don't argue with them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites