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Sod's F**king Law

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OK Why haven't I been around on chat and stuff recently? I have no working PC at the moment. I bought a brand spanking new £100 motherboard, with Dual Channel DDR, 400MHz FSB setting for uber fast chips, SATA so I can buy a new uber fast hard drive and RAID so i can have more than 2 HDs on my system. And what happens...


It doesn't work. But not just a normal doesn't work, this is a REALLY special doesn't work with a side serving of not working sauce. It bombs out the second windows loads. It gives fun critical errors and THIS is when I went in to check how the shop was getting on fixing the fucking thing. It's in over the weekend and HOPEFULLY I can go get it out Sunday, but not after having to buy a new up to date CASE to feed it's insatiable appetite for power and cooling fans, or even worse a new CPU. This is all VERY BAD. This is injury. Here comes insult...


In all the transit my 60Gb hard drive DIED. Really died. Total destruction of the FAT table so you know there's stuff on it, but you can't access ANY of it. Now My little hard drive still works, but tht was my system drive and had nothing but programs and the odd few documents on. My 60Gb had EVERYTHING on it. Any SWF artwork I haven't uploaded is gone, including templates for stuff. 7Gb of wrestling is gone. 3Gb of Invader Zim is gone. 6Gb of music is gone. 3Gb of emulator stuff is gone. Saved games (including my Champ Man games which have DAYS of work on them) gone.


I feel really bad about asking Dace to cover my blazing hell trail in the game AGAIN and hopefully I might be back up and running by tomorrow night, but if there's serious (or overly costly) problems I'm either going to be dead till next week (when I can get back on my parents PC like I am now), or pawning computer games.


Hope to be OK soon, but if not you all know why.

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I got nailed with the Welchia worm SECONDS after starting my PC up again. It got through a security hole in XP before I'd downloaded Zone Alarm - and that was the first thing i did after booting up.

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