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To: Anyone who thought last weeks RAW was great...

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...Christian and Jericho were NOT pawns?


After last weeks RAW, I had a rant in one of the threads here about how pissed I was over the non-wrestlers dominating the show. Now, coming from me of all people, that really shows how shit the show was in every way. I'm usually the positive guy here after all. At least, that's what people tell me.


I said time and time again, that Christian and Jericho meant nothing at all to last weeks show. They were simply, as I say, "playing the pawn" in the overall program of totally different people. Christian was simply there in order to have Lawler someone to fight in order to have Coach distract him, which led to tonights match. As for Jericho, his match with Shane was just to have him on TV for a few minutes, and to blow time before the Shane/Kane fire event took place, and that's it.


Still, I was told by more than one of you here that more than likely, Christian and Jericho would STILL play a big hand in both of those feuds. To that, I say HA! This brings me to this one basic comment.


Last weeks RAW, after tonight, is that much worse to me. After tonight, it's that much more evident that last weeks RAW was that much more shitty. They used Christian and Jericho simply as pawns in two feuds, which they will not have anything else to do with at all.


I hate to do this, but, I told you so.


As for RAW tonight, I thought it was pretty good overall.


Still, after a RAW like last week, you can ONLY improve for the most part.




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Guest The Real Nosferatu

The few positives was getting Coach/Lawler crap out of the way first, and only having Vince on for a minute.


Everything else was decent enough.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

You are right about tonight DH! It sucked. There was no direction at all. I tried to give those shitty fucking writers the benefit of the doubt but they just fucked it up, again!


I will say that I did enjoy SCSA. But it was for the usual reasons.

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Guest JRE

I'm sorry....but I loved the Jumper Cable/Shane's balls segment. I had that good 'ol excited feeling....there was drama on that, even if it was for all the wrong reasons (the hope that the WWE didn't make the segment too embarassing)....I was drawn into it baby. And I thought it was creative....and something I may just have to try....

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I was on the floor laughing at the Shane/Kane/RVD thing. So I'm glad they did that. Actually, I found Raw to be pretty alright tonight. The first match sucked, but Al Snow turning was pretty funny. It's Heat vs. Raw baby! Now we just need Stevie gettting up in Eric's or Steve's face...


The JEricho/Christian match was good. I don't generally like heel vs. heel matches because the crowd is usually dead for them, but it was a good match nevertheless. I like the whole 'who can cheat better' thing they had going on and I'm glad they made teh IC champion look semi-competent. Nice change, even if its at Jericho's expense, but thems the breaks. I think I can handle that if it makes Christian, the IC champ, good.


I thought the women's match was good, and the last spot was pretty damn sweet. Funny how Lawler finds Molly hot now, not even a year after calling her a fat ass. Splendid.


The Maven things backstage was actually good. I thought he was going to turn heel with that buildup, but alas, not yet. Maybe later.


The sixman was pretty good. Although I could of sworn that Ric would do the job. Heh, it seems he always does, lol.


RVD/Kane next week? I was kind of hoping that they would just forget the Shane/Kane match and just make it a RVD/Kane rematch, but I guess not. Look for Rob to just get murdered next week. Question: why would RVD care about waiting two extra hours when he would have to wait a week anyways? Oh well.

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RVD/Kane next week? I was kind of hoping that they would just forget the Shane/Kane match and just make it a RVD/Kane rematch, but I guess not. Look for Rob to just get murdered next week. Question: why would RVD care about waiting two extra hours when he would have to wait a week anyways? Oh well.

I'm looking forward to that match. I just hope it doesn't blow ass.


What I'm hoping for, is that they have decided to insert RVD into the posistion of Shane, and have the feud now be RVD/Kane with Shane just being RVDs manager, as it SHOULD've been all along.


What I fear, is that next week on RAW, it will just be RVD's turn to "play the pawn", just as it was Christian and Jericho's turn last week.

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Oh yeah, DH, RVD is so a pawn. The biggest problem I have with that (either than him being used to build to Shane McMahon) is that RVD won't even have a PPV match.



Allow me to hold onto the hope that RVD gets Shane's posistion!


You are right though, and we all know it RVD will play the oh so popular WWE game...



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Noticed how JR stated that the RVD vs Kane cage match next week will be the 1st match? I bet it still comes on around 8:45 because you know Shane, Vince, Austin, Bishoff have to set up some new stipulations for the match or PPV.


Remember folks Bucs vs Eagles for MNF.

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Guest wrestlingbs

I couldn't stop laughing during Kane's segment. The weirdest part is they actually think this is dramatic.


Does anybody else think Shane is going to come back with teret's syndrome just like Goldust? I didn't think so either.

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I couldn't stop laughing during Kane's segment. The weirdest part is they actually think this is dramatic.


Does anybody else think Shane is going to come back with teret's syndrome just like Goldust? I didn't think so either.

I thought that the Kane/Shane stuff on RAW was just crap. First off, I thought it was stupid as hell to have Kane come back already after being tossed into the fire. I mean, should they not have sold that just a LITTLE bit?


Then again, like I said in another thread, this is the same federation that had HHH come back right after being "crushed" in a car.


Secondly, the entire Shane/Kane deal was so stupid. I felt like I was watching a horrible comedy or something (in a way, I was). I loved how he had Shane tied up, and I was hoping they were going somewhere with it, but they really blew it with what they provided us.

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