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Brock Zach segment

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Guest Choken One

Yeah, My non-existant brother threw me down stairs all the time and choked me and called himself a monster in the 3rd degree...

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Guest Retro Rob

I was cheering Brock on like most of you probably. For the most part I was laughing more than anything else.

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Guest Choken One

So what do they do next week?


Have Brock be Mr. Nice guy and visit Zachary at the hospital and shake hands with his mother and apolgizes and shit...and gets on His knees and starts sobbing and shit...Mrs. Gowan leaves the room and Brock grins and cuts a sick promo on Zach and Starts to Choke him out until Mrs. Gowan comes in and he goes "Just adjusting his collar" and smiles and leaves...

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Guest Boo_Bradley
So what do they do next week?


Have Brock be Mr. Nice guy and visit Zachary at the hospital and shake hands with his mother and apolgizes and shit...and gets on His knees and starts sobbing and shit...Mrs. Gowan leaves the room and Brock grins and cuts a sick promo on Zach and Starts to Choke him out until Mrs. Gowan comes in and he goes "Just adjusting his collar" and smiles and leaves...

Zach has a broken jaw and can't tell anyone what's happened, Brock tortures him for weeks... I love it.... like Misery with the immobile broken leggged man and his oppresser (Sp?)

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Guest Retro Rob
Isn't the next logical step to have Brock marry Zach's mom?

I believe you are correct. Then we would have Evil Step-Father Brock vs. Rebelling Brat Zach. Cole could go on and on about how Brock is a disgrace to parents around the world. It'll be a hit without a doubt.

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The following contains Mature Themes, Reader Discretion is advised...


*Brock with Mrs. Gowen at the hospital visiting Zach*


Zach: Mom, what are you doing with HIM!

Mrs Gowen: Well Zachy, Brock and I had a long talk about his actions over the past few weeks and he's learned the error of his ways. He's really a good man Zach.

Zach: NO! He's a MONSTER!

Mrs Gowen: Come now Zachary, that's no way to talk to my new boyfriend.

Zach: WHA?? NOOOO! You can't love that sonnofabitch!

Mrs Gowen: ZACHARY!! I should wash your mouth out with soap! The mouth on you young man...

Brock: Wait, lemme talk to him alone, man-to-man, heart-to-heart, he needs to see the new man I have become.


*Mrs Gowen leaves*


*Brock alone with Zach*


Brock: Well, that's a real fine woman right there Zachy-boy, real fine!

Zach: Don't you dare!

Brock: Dare what?

Zach: Don't you touch her!

Brock: Oh too late Zach, I already did, I touched her up and down and she touched me too, hahaha!

Zach: NO! NO! NO!

Brock: Wrong again! She was cryin YES YES YES after I gave her the dickin of a lifetime! HAHAHA, I dicked her up in ways your old man never could!

Zach: NO!

Brock: YES, and now I'm gonna be your new daddy, hows ya gonna like that Son! I'm gonna beat you like a red-headed stepchild you lil cripple! I'm gonna beat that other leg right off! HAHAHA!

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i didnt have a brother, but I used to get babysit with this kid a lot and I slammed his face into a door once when he was jumping at it. I would have pushed him down stairs if the chance ever came. He of course grew up and became a bad ass.

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Guest Ray

I loved the segment personally. I'm really enjoying this new Brock Lesnar.


The sadistic, psycho heel Brock is vastly superior to the stupid goofball face Brock. It's like night and day when comparing them.


The "you tapped out" chants are a part of it as well. The crowd chants it, and it drives Brock mad~!


It's great character development, I say.

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Guest Ray

The length of the segment adds to Brock's sadism....he wants to hurt Gowen...but he toys with Gowen's brain first...prolongating his misery.

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It went on WAY too long, and I say that for a few reasons.


One being, simply, it didn't need that much time. Much of it was simply Brock huffing and puffing, making him look more like a moron than anything else.


Another, is that it had Brock speaking for way too long. Nothing against him personally, but I can't hardly take him serious as a heel when he talks so much, it just isn't very convincing to me. He should be the man who talks very little, and speaks with his actions.


Tonight, he should have just said a few lines, taunted Zach, and then tossed him down the stairs while he yelled out like a man beast.

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Seriously, who the fuck goes to GameFaq's for wrestling??

I was there reading on the HCTP board looking for screen shots, and I saw that thread. I got a kick out of it, heh.

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I think its bad that Brocks gotta pick on the handicapped though to put himself over as the bad ass heel. Not that I don't mind seeing the OLM get the shit beat out of him, but if he did the same thing to someone with 2 legs, like maybe Spanky again, I think I might feel it more. As it was, I felt that it ran on too long and the ending was sort of lame although seeing the OLM flop down the stairs and get a wheelchair land on him was cool.

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Of course you did.


(We've all been there are one time or another in our lives, posting an a shitty board for no real reason other than to feel mentally superior to all those around you... *looks around* :) But if you stay too long you're just going to get dumber...)


The less time Brock spends on the mic, the better. I think the WWE found confidence in him from his last promo and decided to go futher and it was too much for Brock to handle. He was unintentionally off tonight and didn't help the monster bullying.

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Guest Ray

Bah! I still say the length makes Brock look more evil.


Gowen's fate was sealed. He knew he was going down the stairs. If you knew you were to be thrown down the stairs, would you not want to just get it over with?


Brock waiting extends Gowen's suffering...it makes Gowen think of the pain that awaits him...leading to mental pain as well as the upcoming physical pain.


Evil Brock so rules. :firedevil:

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But the tormenting has already been established previously (where Brock initially beat up Zach infront of his mother)and the simple act of bothering Zach is prolonging the pain (as well as the notion of Brock beating up Zach in Stephs office - BTW, where is Stephanie "Zach Gowen can save my soul" McMahon during all of this?? So the time spent here was just reinforcing what we already know: Brock is Bad. Which is why I would have liked to have seen Brock break down and cry for a second so another layer could be added.

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I just can't take Brock serious when he talks for an extended period of time, he's very very bad at it.


Once again, he should talk with his actions, that is where you'll get him over as a monster.

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